This was shared by my once straight turned gay, turned straight, turned bi, turned gay...

This was shared by my once straight turned gay, turned straight, turned bi, turned gay, now transgendered friend on Facebook. Was almost upset until i saw the comments section. Maybe there is still hope for the world. Also, general feminist logic thread.
>picture of the origional post.

>1st differing opinion.

Respond: So you're saying that there is a genetic predisposition toward certain beliefs or ethics coded into the various races and people of different sexual orientations?

That sounds like you're saying race/orientation is a genetic reality, do you believe multiculturalism is inherently flawed?

People's reaction.

curse those white males

Second and third differing opinion. Notice the name and picture of man on top.

Their response to a man of color.

censor the names you mongrel



If they didn't want their opinions known, they wouldn't put them on social media. The only name I didn't show was my friend who shared the origional post.

Some big ass words there
Reminds me of why I hated philosophy class
Too many big words and over complicated explanations for simple things


Is this real? This is America in the current year 2016? I always though that all that SJW bullshit was only posted on reddit and you don't really see it in real life

Nah, it all comes from US universities. It's funny because Murricans keep calling Europe an SJW cesspool but they're far worse when it comes to the really insane shit.

>race, ethnicity and gender don't matter
>why are they ignoring race, ethnicity and gender?

Progressives have gone full-circle.

That run on sentence is palpable

>I can dismiss the validity of the writings of individuals based on the color of their skin.

No introspection will be performed by this individual.

(((White))) and Male authors more like.

Nice bait, faglord.

Nothing in that rebuttal was even remotely difficult to understand. Literal literary hand-holding.

These people are so stupid they can't even keep a consistent ideology
Are races real or not, fuck?
Are we supposed to be equal or not?

Because America already has a large minority population, which through sjw ideology has made the white man the villans. Just wait a generation when your minority population has tripled.

>transgendered friend

There's your fucking problem right there, faggotron.

Their ideology is unwavering.

>whitey bad

They want all of our shit, and would kill us to get it. Such racial supremacists should be removed.

Based Jacob

I have been wondering all this "you have to take into consideration our special/racial needs". I feel like they want to lower overall standards of education. But because these liberal ideas are not compatible or really advancing schooling, I wonder, if there will be some kind of segregation of schools for all these special needs.

I thought all the philosophy literature was written by KANGS

nothing overcomplicated in his anser

and im not even philisophy major... like frl


Reminds me of the simpsons episode with segregated classes between boys and girls, where boys learn math and girls dance the numbers 'n shit.

that post is just one giant ad hominem

I've known him since kindergarten, back when it was still cool to be a dude. It wasn't until after high school when he failed being an entrepreneur, he decided he was trans and became an sjw/lgbt/wtfbbq activist.

Everyone's opinion matters except those of white males!

You literally cannot win with them.

So one person replies to that post saying it is bullshit and he gets called "FUCKING WHITE MALE" by a slew of people and you still think that there is hope?

>Rocko's Modeeern Life
Rocko's Modern Life
>Rocko's Modeeeern Life
Rocko's Modern Life


Hope is people calling them out on it. Means not everyone is feminized.

I thought race didn't exist. So why do people like this keep talking about it, as if it's a real thing?

Also, why the fuck is it still PC to call non-whites "people of color"?

>Nah, it all comes from US universities.
>Europeans pretending they understand America
Never saw any of this SJW bullshit when I was in college, no hordes of feminists rioting, no horrifying transgendered people demanding to use the women's restroom, no gays demanding special rights. Most leftist thing I saw was I once saw two guys holding hands. That is opposed to the three times some Christfag stood in the middle of the university yelling about how everyone was sinners and the one time a Christfag did the same thing in the math hall interrupting my Calculus III course.