Drumpf BTFO beyond repair!

Drumpf BTFO beyond repair!

how will Sprumpf ever recover?

this is it
he's getting impeached

why are liberals so racist against people with different skin colors?


It's over. Trump survived a lot, but this is the final nail in the coffin.

holy shit drumpf BTFO!

Liberal Americans are losing their fucking minds. I love it.

>There's no airtime for this orange [person]

And yet, here they are talking about him like some child who won't admit they have a crush on the person they consistently talk negative about.

>he won't have any air time.
>rather than just refusing to write easy normie jokes about le orange man.

Except they will undoubtedly use that gag countless times, like they do with most of their jokes.

>the girl so OH-VER-AH-NUN-CEE-ATES words for no reason

Season 1 was kinda funny.

Not very tolerant of them to be honest

>muh cunningly designed Sup Forums false-flag thread


Barron loves broad city


No, fuck you.





WTF is Broad Street?


Does Sup Forums copy all of their memes?

I genuinely want Trump to start taking out these feminist fuckheads. It's one thing to oppose him, but when he wins a vote and is the fucking PRESIDENT OF YOUR COUNTRY, it's so childish and pathetic to act like he's no authority to you. They're like knobhead teenagers mouthing off because they know if they get slapped they can wreck them in court.

>hurr I put weed in my vagina lmao
>hurr I talk openly about my sexuality SO PROGRESSIVE lmao
>hurr I fuck everybody and I am overall extremely irresponsible lmao

thats the kind of humor in this show. It is fucking disgusting and unfunny. I didnt really expect them to have any sophisticated satire on trump

what about 2008-2016 when it was grown men saying Obama wasn't their president and burning effigies of him in the streets? Same opinion?

>we need shows that are SAFE SPACES for emotional sensible people.
Nice, no one wants to trigger people while watching tv.

>It's one thing to oppose him, but when he wins a vote and is the fucking PRESIDENT OF YOUR COUNTRY, it's so childish and pathetic to act like he's no authority to you

Pretty much, yeah. Otherwise what's the fucking point of a democracy where the public vote their choice then throw their toys out of the pram when they don't get what they want?

I don't think Drumpf will ever recover from this

#IMPEACH #notmypresident


wtf? i want to watch broad city on comedy centrist so i can complain now.

Gotta work for them cents


>there's no airtime for this person
>spend airtime bleeping out his name

this is legit autism

They're just giving him more attention with this stunt. Nobody would have batted an eye if the said his name.

Leftists keep pushing this narrative that supporting Trump makes you edgy... but he's literally the president of the country. People who support Trump are supporting or at least conceding to authority. Trump is currently the status quo, so the idea that he or his supporters can be controversial is flat out wrong. It's the people "rebelling" who are the edgy fuckheads.

The Revolution Has Started.

I like your style.

wew lad it's not like this will make him seem even more powerful and imposing

As a Bernie bro I'm not very happy with the outcome but it was this shit or fucking Clinton.

Is Hillary president now?

As a bernie bro, youre an idiot. One candidates policies were a 90% match with bernies and it wasn't donny

>mention drumpf and nazis cry about media bias.
>block drumpf and it looks like the nazis are controlling the media.

>commercial break
>trump comes on screen
>hello i am donald trump, just here to remind you that i am your president
>paid for by your taxes

Aw fuck i guess that means hillary wins and trump wont get any airtime


Would be amazing

what nazis?

Or they could just not even mention him




>anywhere near Bernies policies
She was Bush 2.0

reality check: that's a picture of a frog

welp this is the one that does it
there's no way Trump will make it out of this one

Clinton, the DNC and the dumb, dumb, dumb (as we're seeing in this thread) liberal elite played dirty against Sanders and that's something I can't forgive.

Instead of spouting nonsense, you can actually look up countless articles comparing their voting records and Presidential platforms. It was within 90% in terms of both. And most of the differences were stuff like, "Hillary wants a slow, gradual buildup towards 12 dollars an hour, Bernie wants an immediate 15 dollars an hour."

Then you didn't actually care about Bernie's policies, and should stop false-flagging.


>wants to import 3rd world shitskins to drive own wages in America for her corporate buddies
>constantly changing positions to whatever is popular at that exact moment
>only got nominated due to DNC corruption
Yeah, I was super excited to vote for her.

But policies that are completely against what bernie ran on are something you can forgive?

fuck these bitches
When this gets cancelled , I'm sure there will be some other reason for it than this

>When this gets cancelled
Not likely, this is one of 3 shows Comedy Central has going.

>What about President [BLEEP]?
>We dare not to say his name as he comes through the night like a cold breeze from the window and triggers you.

Oh I agree she is an unlikable, untrustworthy person. I'm just saying that in terms of policy, her and Bernie were very similar.

And you wound up with a President changing positions and coddling corporate America anyway, you might has well have got some liberal policies passed too.

This type of thread is actually Sup Forums related for once, wow.

why don't they just address subject matter that doesn't have to do with the president of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all

Why would it get cancelled?

You do remember liberals got 3 million more votes than your guy right? You don't outnumber anyone.

People love Broad City.


ORANGE LMAO, holy shit it's over the Primpin' Pumpkin Drumpfkin

even liberals are bored of the constant trump obsession


Dare I say, he will never recover from this?

that's why Colbert and SNL have record-breaking numbers, right?

>You do remember liberals got 3 million more votes than your guy right? You don't outnumber anyone.

hahaha "no"

>dude x means y ok??

Colbert's ratings are shit again, surprise surprise


Drumps is The Catalyst. Didn't hear what Zizek said?


oh and they were never record breaking, no one watches late night shows anymore

Ilana is literally the fucking worst

>ha ha what if there was a character and the whole point of her was to combine all the most annoying traits of an entire generation ha ha I bet that will be entertaining and not just incredibly annoying

Abbi is cute though I want to marry her



so it's a made up tv show, like, they are in complete creative control of their own universe... why don't they just go full denial and make hillary president there?

>you might has well have got some liberal policies passed too.
States are free to implement these "liberal policies" as they please. I don't give a fuck what Texas does and I don't give a fuck what California does. Let them do what they want instead of having to hamfist a federal approach that never works and just creates ungodly large bureaucracies.

Yeah, you're right. There's certainly no correlation between shows shitting on Trump and racking in new viewers. Clearly coincidental.

His 60% unapproval rating can't have anything to do with this.

To be fair, Trump is a shit tier president.

I don't remember Friends ever even mentioning the name of a President, except maybe a historical president

There was no need to because it was just a comedy about some neat Friends living in New York drinking coffee

How will Trump ever recover???

...that's retarded. The federal government has an incredible amount of power and influence over the states. Especially after Bush/Obama.

Simply going, "Eh, I don't care, do what you want!" Isn't an option.

hahaha "i dont believe the popular vote but i believe the electoral vote"

Good, I'm sick of hearing about that piece of shit. I hope all media follows suit. Might actually watch Broad City now. Probably won't, but I appreciate the gesture

Yes, Friends is the only comedic format in which a television show should exist. Wonderful idea.

Illegal immigrants can vote, illegal immigrants can't become state electors

>arsonist guilty of burning a hotel cites a few other little fires people set in backyards in his defense

>Gorillaz new album bleeped all mentions of Trump
>Now this show is doing it as well

I guess you could say that Trump is "He who must not be named." OMG TRUMP IS VOLDEMORT! JK ROWLING WAS WARNING US THE WHOLE TIME BUT WE DIDN'T LISTEN!

By the way does anyone have the meme of the nerd?

>...that's retarded. The federal government has an incredible amount of power and influence over the states. Especially after Bush/Obama.
Well, I guess I should've clarified that I meant "ideally." Trump at least seems more inclined to reduce federal power than Clinton would've been. It's basically Steve Bannon's manifesto.

why are they naming him anyways? what do their shows and music have to do with politics?

Ah, the old "3m people voted illegaly meme", is it a coincidence that it just so happens the number you fags come up with is almost exactly how much he lost the popular vote by.

Didn't even know that show made it out of its first season.

prince trump got banished from egypt for being a jew and they outlawed speaking his name.

>Illegal immigrants can vote
