Why did I hate this character so fucking much?

Why did I hate this character so fucking much?

Am I being irrational?

at this point i feel twin peaks has been hijacked by vince gilligan and darin morgan during the silly x files period.
last 2 eps are not weird enough.

we dun been lynched, for sure.

She made me feel sick and I wanted to skip the scene, then she made me feel sick again when she saw Based Richard. I don't like seeing fat women.

You're envious because you don't encounter things with your name on them.

Reminds one too much of co-workers

She was nice. Pls stop bullying


>he thinks it's irrational to hate disgusting fat people

user you're normal

She's about to get hit by a truck with her name on it.


>the whole scene


>the contrast between an overfattened woman downing two pieces of cherry pie and thinking the world is her oyster
>and her seeing a kid get fucking destroyed randomly

Why are Twin Peaks episodes 55 min long? I think it's quite obvious each one of the episodes has only 25 min of necessary content and it was artificially inflated to twice the duration. That's why every scene drags forever and get ultra boring. For exampl in episode 06, no need to watch Dougie drawing nonsense on his files for 10 minutes, no need to see that moron talking to his drug dealer for 10 minutes. No need of a scene with a mordbidly obese woman eating pies

More so the contrast of someone who just seems happy with life, slightly annoying but seems to be a kind person being in the wrong place at the right time - she is seriously about to get destroyed by that angry young junkie.

this. every episode the plot advances like an inch and then theres just tons of useless filler. at least there was some desent action with the assassin this week


>necessary content

Oh, you're one of THOSE fags.

>Why did I hate this character so fucking much?

Because you have a functioning sense of morality.

i wish they'd released this all at once. i want some resolution NOW. its so fusturating

Does Lynch realizes how frustrating the Dougie scenes can be? It's like torture, did we wait 25 years for this?? The series started well with the premiere, then it became nonsense

You ever seen a Lynch production before?

Nothing wrong with hating annoying obese women.

this is exactly what I was thinking, there were so many scenes and side plots in the original twin peaks that lead to absolutely no where, not that im complaining, its just his style

I agree it does feel dragged out slightly, but the drug dealer scene personally for me was the closest I felt to the odd sensation of watching the original twin peaks, a few times in the scene I felt like it was veering over into Sam Hyde territory but it was still good.

Didn't she have like 3 minutes screentime at most in one episode?