Besides Argentina, what is the best Latin American country to live in?

Besides Argentina, what is the best Latin American country to live in?

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cala-te pelotudo de mierda eso dejó de ser divertido hace tiempo

Uruguay, chile, high hdi brazilian states bigger than european countries.

Perú will try their best!

Since when Argentina became "latin american"?

Costa rica and Chile, the rest are shit desu.

Also argentina is kinda shitty too, pretty sure Chile is better.

Since always you stupid ching chong.



This is my favorite meme

Isn't there a scandal about your president or something?

Yes. Not a big deal.


Can you redpill me on Peru's education, employment, and economic prosperity?


USA, of course, just try Miami or California

Thats basically inflation rate with a fancy name. Doesn't really affect quality of life, macroeconomy is kinda fucked up but going back to normal thanks to Macri

Costa Rica or Uruguay are very nice.

Chile or Argentina are not bad options.

Some parts of Colombia are very comfy.

Peru, Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Bolivia have a lot of stunning stuff and all of them have, at the very least, nice enough areas.

Exactly, especially chile

Don't reply to him, it's the butthurt Colombian who posts shit about us on every thread where Argentina mentioned.

>Some parts of Colombia are very comfy.
If you are a drug cartel boss


i grew up in north mexico and it's much safer and cleaner than sudaca shitholes

also tehas if u count it as latin

Uruguay and Chile.

Chile and Uruguay

lmao the butthurt is real

Urule and Chiguay


Espero no encontrarme gente como vos cuando vaya :(

Las Malvinas

If you take a loser look I didn't mention Argentina at any point. You're the one making assumptions and then we have the Chilean who chose to trash talk us, of all countries the Panamanian friend mentioned. Obsessed much, perhaps?

Anyways, I might not be the Colombian you're talking about as I don't have a beef with Argentina, have a good trip, man :)

There is literally ((always)) one or two Congolombians throwing shit at Argentina on every chance they have.

>Implying argentina is good


>north mexico

What's bad about it?

lol kill yoursel f

unless you're a retard junkie you're safe

having the neighbours latinos