Can anyone believe it's been over 11 years since this show first aired

can anyone believe it's been over 11 years since this show first aired.......

damn. crazy how much has happened since then. seems like yesterday.

>11 years
>10th anniversary over

They didn't do shit, did they?

IIRC Nick put the entire series on their website for a few days and Mike and Bryan did something but that's it. Makes sense since the target demographic grew up and doesn't watch the network anymore.

We have this thread every fucking day OP

Also you don't deserve those Trips.

Nick is a company consistently infamous for throwing away shittons of money on IP's more popular than SpongeBob but they fail to see that

SpongeBob is the Roman Reigns or John Cena of the Nick Card

Hey, lets not remind people that their lives are basically the same as when they were 16.

Are you ever going to stop dumping this shit

Was this the first show to have that much wasted potential, or was there one before that?

I really wish Legend of Korra succeeded

Its failure is gonna encourage no one to actually wanna buy that fucking shit comic they're half assing

You don't deserve those dubs

We have these shitty Avatar threads fucking every day

You're thinking of Legend of Korra. Last Airbender is as close to perfect as you're ever gonna get

>I really wish Legend of Korra succeeded

they ruined it with a "tough girl who tries to be a tough girl" main character, villains more likable than the main characters, a nonsensical plot. and worst of all they put in lesibanism to try and make their show memorable.

>thinking nobody is going to buy the comic with two physically attractive anime girls making out
Korrasamis are fucking desperate for the comics and a lot of people are going to buy them just because they feel like they should.

Damn feels like i was just in 5th grade getting a hardon to katara and obessing over a girl who looked like her

shes a lesbian now

No, Avatar the Last Airbender was rife with wasted potential. I was expecting Jojo-esque battles and all I got was "I throw rock at you" "Haha I counter with fire on rock." Where is the strategy and tactics? Also too much romance ugh. Korra took the worst parts of Last Airbender and amplified them to unwatchable levels.

They're faggots faggots need to be thrown over Donald Trumps wall.

>Wasting the perfect opportunity to turn Asami heel

She could be the most thought provoking character in the Avatar Mythos if not ever created by Nick

Varrick too

Regardless of how you feel the comic is going to sell well.

This guy, with the Asami comics, is he Scrapper? Or is he some new autist?

>Liking Water Bending Trash

Please get some standards.

> I was expecting Jojo-esque battles

Get the fuck off this board faggot
Sup Forums

>the target demographic grew up and doesn't watch the network anymore
That only makes sense if you assume that no new people were born after them.

I am Asami Mark. Do not associate me with that faggot Azula poster

Nothing Nick has sells don't raise your hopes to unrealistic expectations

And besides the only people Nick actually wants to bank on now are the faggots who watch SpongeBob and only Spongebob

I think it'd be hilarious if the comics bombed but you and I would be delusional if we honestly thought nobody was going to buy them and they weren't going to get rave reviews because it has two girls kissing. It's not going to break records but it's not going to end up in the bargain bin after a month.

That rumor about a wedding between Korra and Asami better have been bullshit or i'll straight up fucking put a gun to my forehead in front of the Nick office

I haven't heard that rumor but I doubt it's true unless Korra and Asami decide to get married the second they get back Republic City. There's been zero leaks about the comic itself and I doubt Mike has a planned ending in mind.

Plus there's the likelihood that Nick might still want to play it safe with the ship so marriage might not be an option.

Why couldn't they just slow book Asami into being evil? It literally wouldn't have been hard her story is written in a way where she is booked to be a heel character

Current Booked Asami now is Zack Ryder

How about you go fuck yourself? I'm not Scrapper but Azula is way more developed than that piece of mary sue shit Asami.

I can't believe it's been 11 years and people are still so enthralled by the flashy kung fu to realize the writing is shit.

I wish they'd make an Avatar series set a couple hundred years before The Last Airbender, wasn't really fond of the setting in Korra so never got into it. I guess there will probably never be anything as fun as the originals for me, though.


Scrapper please fucking KYS we all know it's you you fucking tripfaggot

What went so horribly wrong?

...and the porn is still going strong.

Underestimating the consequences of putting the story into 20th Century setting.

>i'll straight up fucking put a gun to my forehead in front of the Nick office
so Sup Forums how's this:
"Dear Nickelodeon

I am a 12 yr old POC lesbian. For 4 years I was beaten with a rubber hose and the only thing that kept me going was Korrasami. Now I am dying of Stage 4 Cancer and all I want to see is Korra and Asami get married. Thank you for these wonderful years. I have to go now, The doctors have to take marrow samples from my bones.

Shanika FOREIGNNAME (haven't thought of a good one yet)"
is it too much? not enough? what's a really sad form of cancer for a girl?

The whole lightning bender power plant seemed off to me.
>In ATLA lightning bending is an ancient form of fire bending that requires tons of skill and training
>In LoK you got dozens of them throwing lightning bolts at a generator to produce energy for the entire city
And beyond that, how did Amon imagine people would generate electricity after taking lightning benders powers away?

Also, it feels like theres no way thats more power than just like, using firebenders to power steam turbines.

Like, lightning is powerful, but inconsistent, which means they were powering the city off of massive capacitors or lithium batteries or something which is just massively inefficient.

Steam power is more easy to to use immediately due to its more consistent nature and can be more easily stored because its mechanical so you can just use any excess power to fill compressed air or water batteries.

And i still haven't watched any of it

Honestly the first ATLA is very fun. You don't gotta binge it, but watching it progressively is a lot of fun. I didn't grow up with it either, it is objectively good

Watch it.

Its worth it for the porn alone.

>I really wish Legend of Korra succeeded


Hopefully Voltron will be able to pick up the pieces where Korra fell.

woah.......11 years.......I'm so old.......omg.......

>encourage no one to actually wanna buy that fucking shit comic
Good, it should never be made. And if it is it should fail miserably.

the legend of korra was 64 years ago

Yes, I can. 11 years feels about right.

Do you see me have the same trip as him? I ain't Scrapper but I agree with about her being a good person deep down.

I haven't seen Scrapper post in a while come to think of it. Maybe he finally killed himself.

You didn't hear? He got permanently banned from Sup Forums.


I wouldn't get too excited though, if he had any brains, he would try to find some way to come back, Maybe not as Scrapper but as something else.

>if he had any brains

Somehow, I don't think we have reason to worry.

We'll see, I have a hunch he might come back so just keep an eye out for the Azula threads.