Should they have shipped every black back to Africa?

Should they have shipped every black back to Africa?


It was the original plan.

No. They should have let Benjamin Wade become president, since his plan was to forcefully eradicate the southern identity and use the military to force the South to mordernize at all costs.

God, i wish

The Confederate states should have won


From which point of view?

In neither moral nor pragmatic way it would be beneficial. If it's "muh whytness %" then yes.


>not pragmatic
Are you fucking serious? Blacks drag us down in literally every statistical category from average IQ to murder rate to prison population to obesity and the list goes on.

I hope every person involved in the slavetrade gets fucked in the ass by a demon for a hundred years straight because they absolutely ruined us in the long run

They tried that. It didn't work.

>Blacks drag us down in literally every statistical category from average IQ to murder rate to prison population to obesity and the list goes on.
>I hope every person involved in the slavetrade gets fucked in the ass by a demon for a hundred years straight because they absolutely ruined us in the long run

>Are you fucking serious? Blacks drag us down in literally every statistical category from average IQ to murder rate to prison population to obesity and the list goes on.

he's not wrong though

Is that all you've got?

>he's not wrong though

>Is that all you've got?

It's time to stop posting pavement ape.

They should still deport them all to Liberia

What do you care about pointless statistics? Most their crime is Black on Black. While in important statistics like Nobel prizes, top Universities and innovation US is leagues ahead anyone else.

>It's time to stop posting pavement ape.

Easy for you to say because you don't have to live around those subhumans. Come and live in a large city in a non-gentrified/wealthy area and you'll leave with my attitude too.

>I hope every person involved in the slavetrade gets fucked in the ass by a demon for a hundred years straight because they absolutely ruined us in the long run

The slavetrade caused enormous, irreparable damage to the new world.

No, they should have been never colonized by anyone so we wouldn't have this atrocity today.

they were never going to ship every african back. that's just lip service they paid to the Sup Forumstards of the age.

Should have never taken any in the first place.

What about sending all whites back to the Europe?

The Arabs enslaved countless more than Europeans ever did but they castrated them.
Food for thought

you are my greatest ally

>56% is white
There are not whites in America

He will shit in your bed.

That sounds nice, even their """"whites"""" have some percent of african blood in them so that'll make it an Amerindian land again.

We would have lost a lot of good rap music, but it would have been for the best.

I've heard that but I'm not sure if I believe it. Arabs today all look like they have a fair bit of African admixture in them.
