Why are there so many SJW's on Sup Forums?

why are there so many SJW's on Sup Forums?

because there is nowhere left to run

there are many non whites, lgbtq+'s and general lefties here

Because there's only one race. The human race.
The rest are nonwhites.

People being ironic and leftypol thinking they're in good company. Over the years I've pretended to be gay, a trap, a nazi, a Catholic, a Jew, a Muslim, a white nationalist, a feminist, a communist etc.

It's the opposite....

>why are there so many SJW's on Sup Forums?
"SJW" is a highly problematic term sweetie

>why are there so many SJW's on Sup Forums?

I don't like your tone here. Quit it or face the consequences

I don't know, in my case I just like to make retarded extreme right wingers angry because of how easy it is but I do share a few of their views

>I don't know, in my case I just like to make retarded extreme right wingers angry because of how easy it is but I do share a few of their views



with extreme right wingers?

to a degree yes, I dislike migrants, islam, political correctness agressive and such but not to an extreme I guess

There's some guys with nazi tendencies


It just doesn't take much to get labeled one.

>not being a retarded alt-righter makes you an ess-jay-double yew

>me hav pal skin
>me no want to take my own race side
>if you tak own races side you alt right!

ar rook same

Because there aren’t, you’re just a subhuman redditnigger that needs to go back, IMMEDIATELY.

Leftypol hates SJW’s you stupid shit. Pick a different boogeyman.

>go bak redit

Are you from there?

>takin own races side while constantly getting cucked by own races side

What have immigrants ever done to you?

>Leftypol hates SJW’s you stupid shit. Pick a different boogeyman.

Sup Forumsacks spook very easily so at the moment they are the most fun to target. It'll pass like most trends on Sup Forums

>What have immigrants ever done to you?

>my sid use logic and fact
>oth sid use emotion
>they meda puppet
>me indopindent thinker

>Sup Forums - international
>Racists come here and get shocked and begin calling others nonwhite or nigger
Really makes you wonder why they bring it on themselves

Why is this faggot so angry? I wonder which of what must be thousands of images he has that he’ll quote me with.

Because of racists



im racist



>only /leftypol/ is allowed to raid Sup Forums


Why are you so mad?


>Why are you so mad?

I asked you a question. You’re clearly frothing at the mouth for some reason.

If your not one of us then leave

>I asked you a question. You’re clearly frothing at the mouth for some reason.

>>I asked you a question. You’re clearly frothing at the mouth for some reason.

how autist do you have to be to have dozen of this pics saved just to try to annoy a certain group of people on the internet

>>>I asked you a question. You’re clearly frothing at the mouth for some reason.

Do me do me

Do you feel accomplished? Does spamming images on Sup Forums make you feel better?

>how autist do you have to be to have dozen of this pics saved just to try to annoy a certain group of people on the internet

Ask the people who have hundreds of images of kekistanis and fat trump supporters. That's way more common on this board.

i'm asking them too

Europeans are communist, the Mao zedong types