Loco Bandito feature-length when?

Should Mike Matei start a kickstarter to make a feature length movie based on his Loco Bandito comics? Should it be animated or live action? Or is this a terrible idea?


I've been out of the loop for about a week now. What's happened that I missed?

Mike wrote a comic about a dumbass spic named the "Loco Bandito."

Do you virgins have anything better to do than to shit on a funny and cool guy?
millions of people wqtch cinemassacre and love him.
and he really does have a big dicm and has probably fucked more women than any of you virgins ever will combined.

Mike is mentally about 12 years old but inhabits the body of an almost 40 year old man. He also posts dick pics online and refuses to pay old ladies for Star Trek costumes used in AVGN videos.

>tfw Bootsy was involved with the Loco Bandito

I don't get it, he's fucking an exhaust pipe not a pack of niggers.
What's the joke?


>those bags under his eyes

No wonder he used concealer in his latest video.

Well he is an alcoholic.

classic mike.. his only defense is to shitpost memes that never catch on about james, ryan and bootsy

The bus is full of niggers and Charle's dick goes through the pipe and into them.

Damn, that's a big dick.

glad someone pointed this out. he's wearing so much fucking make up in the latest video. it's so creepy

that Crumb and Pekar guy literally made a career out of drawing outrageous things like this who cares

>that Crumb and Pekar guy literally made a career out of drawing outrageous things like this who cares
comparing mikes loco bandito comics to the genius of r. crumb and harvey pekar. amazing. just fucking amazing. this has to be the loco bandito himself. HI MIKE! have another drink......

I thought something was off with his face.

Mike looks like a woman made up to look like a man in a broadway musical or something. Something is off. Uncanny valley here

is he wearing lipstick? whats going on here? this is the visual equivalence of an alcoholic just dousing himself with cologne to cover up the smell of booze



Looks better with the makeup

>A hoo hoo hoo! Helllloooo there dahlings, I'm reaaaady to take you on another maaaaagical adveeentuuuh with the Loco Bandito and Inspector Gadget! A hoo hoo hoo!





He should pitch the series to Adult Swim.

Straight up sociopath.

Death to MIKE

They never found that poor girl