/elleposting general/

In this thread we... uhm... discuss the career of Elle Fanning (actress)

This is a blue board and that neck is too lewd. Please try and be considerate of us fellow brapaholics

Are you looking forward to The Beguiled?

Do you think she will direct, one day?

thats my cake, bitch!

>that neck is too lewd
true, im literally forced to stop whatever i'm doing and masturbate. this has lead to many car wrecks and also jail time for indecent exposure

I do. I think she will have a career similar to Jodie Foster's.

Time to shoot Trump.

Will she ever get the Oscar?

surely she will get the karkland

Will she ever do a full frontal nude scene?

cgi nudity only

Do you think she will get skin cancer?

No, because she's been using sunblock all her life


good point.


Does she have the greatest neck in the history of cinema??



That's Han Solo