Why should I vote for Trump or any Republican when they cut taxes for the rich?

Why should I vote for Trump or any Republican when they cut taxes for the rich?

>in b4 he will cut your taxes too
Yes but that comes with the price of reducing tax revenue across the board. It makes more sense for me to pay $5k in taxes if it means a rich guy will pay $50k. Under trumps plan the cumulative effect of the rich paying less taxes hurts me a lot more than the $5k I'd pay otherwise.
>in b4 the wealth will trickle down
Protip: it won't.
>in b4 taxation is theft
It's not. It's the price you have to pay for being the beneficiary of a strong stable society. A billionaire benefits much more from society that a person making $30k a year therefore his taxes should reflect that.

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Because the war on money, just like everything else, doesn't work.

You shouldn't

It's not Republicans who do that, it's a cross-party mob that does, and Hillary is their favorite. Vote Trump and attack your enemies.

Because the retarded government needs less money, not more. Our society is more than stable without spending on countless points of bullshit like Solyndra grants.

>implying the rich pay taxes

they don't and they never will. Ever. A tax on the "rich" is really a tax on the middle class, since they're always the ones footing the bill. If you're middle class then it means a tax break for you.

Just cut down the federal tax rate to 10% or something and let the states manage the rest of their spending.

>Trickle-down economics don't work
>Despite the fact that the standard of living was raised from the time it was implemented

Also, I'm glad Tax Revenue goes down. The government takes too much of everyone's money anyway. They need to balance their budget, by introducing massive cuts, and coming up with solutions to start putting dents in the debt. We can talk about using the debt as a weapon. But at this point, it's going up too fast out of our control.

Yes he's cutting taxes for the rich BUT he is also getting rid of loopholes. Billionaires and millionaires use their accountants and loopholes to pay almost nothing in taxes. Bill Gates most likely pays less than 1% of his taxes. If we get rid of loopholes for the ultra rich we will be making much more in revenue. And it will take the burden off of the $25,000-$1,000,000 group who pay most of the taxes because they can't use loopholes. Why do you think most of the ultra rich are democrats.

Trump will get rid of the waste, fraud, and abuse in government thereby lowering the cost of government to function. It's not hard to understand.

Right now so much of the tax money is wasted and goes to stupid unproductive and useless government programs/agencies.

How are you okay with paying less taxes, but you're not okay with other people paying less taxes?
How selfish can you be?
The rich give you a job, why are you going to punish them for that?
I seriously don't understand what your stance on taxes is, but let me put it this way: why are you going to continue giving money to an organization that had taken your money and turned it into a 19 trillion dollar debt?

because one of the things Trump says he'll do is make it so the rich guy can't hide his taxes in offshore accounts like he does now to avoid paying any taxes at all.

The rich will never pay what the left considers fair, heck they write the tax code, so I reckon why not just keep it low so it would cost them more than it's worth to circumvent it, every time gov gets its hands on money it's misused, I am not anti tax, but at the same time tax is necassary for some things, but aside from the Military and running law enforecment you really shouldn't depend on the govt for anything. If stuff like health care and housing wasn't subsidized where the govt pays a fixed price, it would most likely solve a lot of the issues with soaring housing costs and medical care. But no because of gov interference people will charge what they know they can get away with because the govt will just fit the bill creating artificial bubbles on prices.

Why should you vote for Hillary or any career politician when they supported the War in Iraq?

is that REALLY what you're going with?
I mean for god's sake, the /cfg/ has basically proved she's a megacriminal.

I'd rather have the $5K in my pocket and because the lower review will hurt poor people the most I consider it a win by making people who are on food stamps's life worse

I love Misty! :D

ok, done for the evening posting, so first things first. You shouldn't even vote OP unless you are a delegate. Otherwise, what the fuck is the point. On an unrelated note, can you post moar of the girl in your top post?

That alone should be a litmus test for the presidency
"Did you vote for the War in Iraq? If yes, please kill yourself so we never have such tremendous policy failures ever again."
There shouldn't have to BE anything else. If you supported what is, singularly, BEFORE LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE SINCE THE BAY OF PIGS, the BIGGEST FOREIGN POLICY FAILURE EVER, you should not be allowed to be the President of the United States.

how does the government taking less money from you hurt you more than the government taking more money from you.

Also is that misty?

No, the litmus test for the presidency should be
>did you facilitate the middle eastern sex slave trade
>did you facilitate the middle eastern heroin trade
>did you facilitate massive money laundering
>did you launch a propaganda and disinfo campaign in the middle east to purposely destabilize it
>are you guilty of high treason against the flag of the united states of america
No one cares about a bunch of retarded sandniggers and their oil.

>Hurr tax da rich

We don't need more fucking taxes we need to reduce govt spending.

The vast majority of the Federal and state budgets go towards propping up bloated social programs that have done absolutely no fucking good since they were implemented.

Social security, Medicare, EBT, and welfare are bleeding us fucking dry and are utterly unsustainable. They are oppositional to capitalism too.
>Why should EVERYONE get a pension? They should have worked for a decent company or created a family to give a fuck about them like every other time in human history.
>Why should the Govt be responsible for every poor, retired, and disabled persons health? Poor people should get fucking jobs, retired people should have pensioners benefits or savings, and disabled people should rely on charity or their families or private insurance
>Why should the govt be responsible for the poors food? The poor can get fucking jobs.
>Why should the govt pay the poor for being poor? They can get fucking jobs.

Also the people relying on these programs wouldn't be poor if the programs didn't exist. The tax dollars businesses would save would let them create jobs for the poor. Also people wouldn't be dumb fucks and be single moms or drug addicts living off the govt teat if they couldn't get free money.


Are you rich? Hillary said she's going to raise taxes on the middle class. Most of America is more concerned about this since, you know, it's actually relevant to their lives.

>will somebody please think of the billionaires oh god why oh why won't anybody think of the billionaires and the taxes they have to pay
top cuck

billionaires aren't the problem, it's jewish billionaires and those in metaphorical and or physical bed with them.
But that's all of them right now, so they all have to go.

have you noticed everything he says he will do seems to benefit himself and his fellow billionaire colleagues???

The Koch bros and Warren Buffet are both anti-Trump and both incredibly wealthy. So, two very well recognized, very wealthy, "investor/businessmen" are totally anti-Trump. Hell, Buffet outright supports Hillary. What's that tell you?

>Decrease number of H1-B programs so that businesses have to pay more and hire American workers
Gosh, all those billionaires who make so much money from having to pay their workers more, right guys?

look at dem sexy Misty feets

why was this delete

>Hurr how dare you not hate the rich!

Explain how taking even more money from the rich and throwing it at dumb poor people will help society?
Can you prove social programs have been a net gain to society up to this point?
Can you prove poverty and joblessness were worse before the "war on poverty" started redistributing wealth in the 60s?

Because the rich do stuff like control the media, manipulate the economy, promote degeneracy and other harmful things in society?
And they should be crushed for doing so?

>A billionaire benefits much more from society that a person making $30k a year


You may disagre with how the programs are implemented. But almost every one of those programs came about as a reaction to a problem.

Now do they still need to exist is entirely up to debate.

Because your CNN talking points don't hold any water

It is far better for the whole economy for corporate taxes to be low %10-15% to stimulate development by rein vestment.

trying to dribble money out from higher taxes through the welfare state screws people over in mnay way.

It shrinks the sconomy limiting opportunity and squelches incentive and individual accomplishment by removing the ability for new buseinesses to make enough to be wirth the effort.

HC is a communist and should be rejected..

If you want to live in a communist state move to Venezuela, Cuba or China.

Hurrdurrrr I think everyone should pay more taxes and minimum wage should be 1000$ a hour.

god i just want to fuck that footpussy real good

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>1 post by this ID
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>1 post by this ID
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>1 post by this ID
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liberals always make it out like they are fucking robin hood or some other edgy bull shit.....

IDGAF who gets taxed but its extremely aggravating to be taxed without representation...and when they rig shit like they have been caught in lately thats what it is....fuck paying for perverts gender re-assignment surgery, fuck paying for abortions as birth control, fuck paying for lazy negroes, fuck paying for stupid wars, fuck paying a border patrol that can't keep people out, fuck paying for the ATF who infringe the shit out of our rights, fuck the national endowment for the arts, fuck the federal department of eduction, fuck the IRS and DHS pushing opposing parties around......this ride is about to get bumpy theres so much perversion in all of it

for the glory of Kek and lulz

I hope you're voting for Jill, then, because Hillary will do the same.

>Because the rich do stuff like control the media, manipulate the economy, promote degeneracy and other harmful things in society?

The rich people doing that want nothing more than a class of welfare slaves endlessly voting for who gives them the best benefits until America goes bankrupt. They are also in bed with the govt any tax hikes the govt tries won't even effect them.