What are you doing to support Chilean communism?

What are you doing to support Chilean communism?

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I wouldn't throw this beauty from a helicopter

my black chilean partner is money laundering what do I do

ywn overthrow global capitalism with this qt at your side

There is something called honor.


Meanwhile European Communists look like this


Fuck this hoe but I'd only support it because Chileans are bullies on here and I want to see them suffer

Please, just don’t


Go! Chilean Communism

I can share some experience with them, if you know what I mean.

She's cute. Too bad she's retarded

Dude Communism rules! It may have had some problems but overall its great! Workers of the world, Unite! Yeah!

Read this

Jealous of Venezuela


Unironically carry a PCC pin on my bag. It's a good party.

this bitch got expelled from Mexico for talking shit

>It may have had some problems
Only one problem exactly. It's a utopia. But for those girls, I can even read lectures about unicorns and elves.

How can I help?

>there are countries out there where it's legal to have communistc party
Prepare for her to promise unrealsitic things to lazy people and students so she can get elected. oh boy you're in for at lest 50 years of some fun times!
t. Ex commie cunt



the soviet union wasn't communist

take it back

of course it wasn't :), like every student know real communism has never been tried!

Bloody heathen danes


not even bolsheviks themselves said it was

oh yeah, holy shit totally sooo jealous

Well, Soviet leaders only promised communism. They never claimed what they achieved it.

t. retard who don't understand how communism works
i'm no communist myself

The CCCP was a nation under which socialism was being built

I guess no country is democratic either?

It doesn't mean they weren't communists.

Fake news

You can't build socialism in one country. That's delusional. It was degenerated workers' state.

Still, they accomplished many great feats.

They were communists because they wanted(or so they said) to build communism, not because they lived in communist society.


can we have a Communist-Fascist friendship thread?

You mean bourgeois dictatorship?

yuck, hecking thot
chile deserves better

>poland bans opinions they dont like
what a shithole lmao

>t. retard who don't understand how communism works
oh i know how it works,
problem is, it never does once it's implemented

It makes me just absolutely hysterical that commies legit think that the minuscule doctrinal differences between maoism or marxism or leninism is the reason why every country that goes gommie inevitably is forced to mass-murder to stay in power and inevitable collapse within decades. Imagine being so unironically dumb that there's demonstrably ten different collapses that happen in the exact same way- due to its fundamental, intrinsic formula- and still think that there's some magical, unfeasible perfect version of the exact same thing with minor tweaks

>poland bans opinions they dont like

>oh i know how it works
Being born in 1988 is not a pass to shut down anyone who disagrees with you, Janauz.
>the minuscule doctrinal differences between maoism or marxism or leninism
Stopped reading.

It was a nation in transition to socialism. They knew that, and that's why they did so much for the socialist movement around world.
Of course, el goblino wasn't having any of that.



We've provided an open forum for her in our universities and there's material and institutional support :)

>white male

>Being born in 1988 is not a pass to shut down anyone who disagrees with you, Janauz.
which college and what liberal art class?

notice how these two completely miss the point and instead go on to their meme arguments they got from the_donald and cringe feminist sjw OWNED WATCH! videos on youtube.
makes me wanna become a communist just to piss them off

remove Danelaw

thats not "the commie look", its "the rebbit look"

pls do



>tfw she already married and had a child with a fellow Communist head honcho

You're resorting to insults despite not yet making a single argument. Now I'd like for you to explain to me why you think the so called "Communist Poland" was a stateless, classless, moneyless society where the workers owned the means of production. Go ahead, Janauz, I'm waiting.

No she wasn't retard

Communism will fix mexico

>Being so buttblasted that you have to make wild assumptions to discredit character
Aw, do the facts hurt your feefees?

Did the Holodomor happen?

To overthrow global communism you'd have to close the border and deport all global citizens from your country. Literally none of these modern day cucks would be willing to do such a thing because they themselves are walking globalist drones.

The DDR was the only example of communism implented somewhat right.

>Aw, do the facts hurt your feefees?
Considering this is almost word-for-word a motto from /r/the_donald, I'd say the dane was pretty accurate in his assumptions.

Stop deflecting. Make an argument. A single argument.

Buy them some detergent


I have already made an argument. Don't try to project your lack of one onto me.

Arguments against communism:
>le baysic economonics
>muh 8000 bazzilions killed by le karltural marx
>no food xddddd
Am I forgetting one?

My family tells me how it was, how shit it was waiting for bread since 5 AM only to be told that they brought 100 loaves while 200 people waited in line for hours
how you couldn't even visit family in onther city unless you got permision from internal secuirty department
how wages were shit and everybody's dream was to move out to the west.
but you're a lefty who never had to experience such things, and im glad i didn't get to either.
You can say a lot about Poland being shithole but even our leftist aren't retarded enough to want socialism back.

You do get it that our ofcicialismo is part of the socialist international, unlike South Americans we were always lefties

same shit

WTF I hate Mexico now

Nothing in this post addressed my point. Explain to me how Poland was a stateless, classless, moneyless society where the workers owned the means of production.

Just wait a few months till we go full socialists after the elections, thank you Trump

Apparently using Google is too hard a concept for you

>My family tells me how it was, how shit it was waiting for bread since 5 AM only to be told that they brought 100 loaves while 200 people waited in line for hours
>how you couldn't even visit family in onther city unless you got permision from internal secuirty department
None of this could've been applied to socialist Czechoslovakia. Polish economy was bankrupt and you've had martial law.

Real Communism hasn't been achieved but it has been tried to by going through the earlier stage of Socialism, which has always got to crumble or had to get refomed. Can you agree on that?

>falling for the AMLO will turn us into Venezuela meme
stop browsing facebook pedro

we were owned by the soviets, every international decisian we made had to be approved by soviets
everybody was poor
nigger i just told you that, people din't have money for anything, my family has a photo album with photos of how shit, grey life was during soclaism

>implying not only in 80's because of IMF loans
There weren't these queues in CS and HU.

It has been 30 years and Poland is still shit. Communism really is what colonialism and "dem white devils" is to Africa. Perhaps Slavs just are incapable of living in civilization regardless of system?
>inb4 we wuz kangs

>This time we'll surely achieve the Utopia.

I'm still waiting for you to explain how Poland was a stateless, classless, moneyless society where the workers owned the means of production.
No, "socialism" is an ambiguous word and not well defined. It has been used for many different meanings. It's been used interchangeably with communism, it's been used to describe Marxism-Leninism, it's been used to describe social democracy and so on. It doesn't have a well defined meaning.
>everybody was poor
That's not what "classless" means.
>nigger i just told you that, people din't have money for anything
And that's not what "moneyless" means, either. If the U.S. abolished all the states and became a unitary state, that wouldn't make us "stateless".

how does it feel to know that we will be the first country to ever try real communism?


>westerners want socalism despite having literally eastern Europe as an example why it's a bad idea
Imagine that in in 50 years Iron curtain will be erected again but this time west part will be shit lmao
See you in your venezuela tier countries!

Do I have to type out the wikipedia page for you, moron? Read it.

Who said anything about turning us into Venezuela? A higher minimum wage and more money going into INFONAVIT and social programs wouldn't hurt tho, rather our politicians be stealing money from programs that do actually bring some benefit to the people

Do you think wikipedia is responsible for writing Capital or the Communist Manifesto? No, wikipedia is not in charge of what words mean. You still haven't made an argument.
Just because you were proven wrong doesn't mean you have to be angry.

Eastern Europe is super capitalist today and its still super shitty

>I refuse to read anything that debunks my argument

But Socialism was clealy defined by Marx in the form of "Scientific" Socialism,which is an earlier stage of Communist characterized by the worker's owning of Capitalist means of production and their control, just because mass media talks about other things doesn't change the original idea.

>Just because you were proven wrong doesn't mean you have to be angry.
where? all you keep doing is posting autistc shit about workers owning means of production or something what the fuck does this even mean?
every factory was owned by the government if that's what you mean
and the amounts of made products were determined by government not needs so shortages were every day thing
>Eastern Europe is super capitalist today and its still super shitty
you have to be blind to not see that communism didn't affect us
i don't know what memes you're taking about but living here is not shit anymore.

I work in retail and I have never met a Pole that dont steal shit. Poles come over here and steal everything that isnt bilted down. If Poland is better, then how come The Polish Problem here has escalated? Do well-adjusted people who live in wealthy countries steal this much?

Just because you saw the word communism doesn't mean you're correct. I'm still waiting for your argument.

You are confused. "Dictatorship of the proletariat" does not mean "dictatorship BY the proletariat". What Marx was describing was more akin to the Paris Commune than Soviet Russia, which directly had a class system under the veil of a "vanguard". That is Marxism-Leninism.
>where? all you keep doing is posting autistc shit about workers owning means of production or something what the fuck does this even mean?
It is not my fault that you are incapable of understanding the definition of a word before using it extensively.
>every factory was owned by the government if that's what you mean
No, it's not. The "vanguard" is not "the workers".

What difference does it make to workers if their factory is owned by the state and ran by bureaucrats?

The point is that socialism must have self-management and economic democracy.

wow so you're using bydło that emigrated from their own countries as an example of how ife is in Poland?
truly logic of the leftist never fails to amuse me
They're bydło, they the niggers and muslims of the Poland.

>No, it's not. The "vanguard" is not "the workers".
then, no, people didn't own means of production. State did.