How did Portugal and Spain become so irrelevant when they were once as important as Britain and France?

How did Portugal and Spain become so irrelevant when they were once as important as Britain and France?

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la abomination....




Civil wars and Franco and Salazar regimes ending

The money made from colonialism in the first wave was simply spent on useless indulgences for the ruling class. This actually caused inflation and entrenched the country's backwater status.

Uk used colonialism to benefit their industry because we started later and had the industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution happened like two-hundred years after your first colony.

This is a @nglo lie.
You fucking trash

Salazar regime not ending soon enough.

Shut up Macaco. We're still recovering from what the regime has done to our labour.

This is correct. The ruling elite spent it all on luxuries and didn't give 2 shits about the rest of the population

We dida nota noa da wai

>We're still recovering from what the regime has done to our labour.
Of course, because actually having industry as opposed to making everything in China is bad for labor.

Yes, export the same products as China with higher prices because of higher wages. Our industry was mostly low-tech products such as clothes and shoes. There's no way we can compete with China and Bangladesh on those, dumbass.


>labor has to do with competition
so you are neoliberal stooge who cares about muh competition over the quality of life for workers?

No, let's make unprofitable industries incapable of selling products. That'll be good for the economy

Yeah now Portugal and Spain are super relevant being a EU puppet state

>That's right goyim! If you produce goods in your own country the economy will crash! Buy our Chinese crap!

nothing lasts forever, goblino, United Mutts of Murica will fall as well

Thanks to Britain and France

ruled by litterally retarded kangs at their height

>We're still recovering from what the regime has done to our labour.
What did the regime done to our labour?



>Spending their gold and ruining the gold economy making their conquered wealth irrelevant
>Napoleon ruling Spain, making their colonies why theyre even rules by a European power than rules half the Americas but cant even beat France
>The Bourbons

Im not sure I havent looking into Portuguese history but maybe something to do with slavery being abolished

>the quality of leaposters

off yourself

Just like Britain and France : their relevancy now exists through their ex-colonies by proxy. To this regard you can state that france is the real loser, Britain the clear winner, adn Spain and Portugal are #3 and #4.

>a frog replies to me


primavera marcelista was going to happen (even though he said otherwise), we could have had a functional democracy (at least like it is now) if we had waited another decade, thus avoiding the PREC reign of terror and Mario Soares sheninnigans
we would also keep the colonies, although I'm unsure if that would be a good thing

Our workers get to buy cheaper products, their workers get better jobs. The next step is education and skills training to have a better job market here. And it's been happening now. Our exports are growing.

Back then we still had to import shit because autarky is a meme, but it was more expensive for the people because they had to deal with higher prices. And, internally, we never did have much industry because the regime stressed the primary sector.

internal strife tore Spain apart over the centuries

Isolation and a lack of industrialisation when having resource-rich colonies became critical. Britain's industrial growth was paid for by India, France's by its huge population with excellent infrastructure. Spain and Portugal were always at a demographic disadvantage towards France. If French demography had not slowed down abnormally in the 19th century, there would be like 130 million people in France now.

But I guess this is Sup Forums and you expect an answer related to whiteness and Alberto Barbosa.

We have all heard racial integration defended and advocated on the grounds that we have deprived our country of the benefit of the talents and abilities of the Negroes - that the Negroes have a positive contribution to make and we have failed to take advantage of it. Because of our irrational prejudice against the Negroes, we have excluded them from full participation in American society and, we are told, this is America's loss.

The Lesson of History

In view of the fact that we are now being forced to integrate with the Negroes and grant them equal participation, it might be instructive to look at other countries which have integrated with Negroes in the past to see what the Negroes gave them. What is the historical evidence?

There is a wealth of material here for study in such places as Haiti, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Brazil, etc., but the nearest parallel to the United States today is Portugal in the 16th century.

It may come as a surprise to hear of the Negroes' role in the history of Portugal, for in spite of all the emphasis on "Black studies" in our schools, no one seems to talk about the Blacks' contribution to Portugal - neither the Portuguese, the Blacks, nor our modern historians who are rewriting our history books to make the Negroes look good. It takes considerable digging in books written before our modern era of forced integration to uncover the story of Portugal.

Poets and Explorers

By the middle of the 16th century, Portugal had risen to a position analogous to that of the United States today. Portugal was the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world, with a large empire and colonies in Asia, Africa and America. The Portuguese people were, like the Elizabethans in England, poets and explorers, a race of highly civilized, imaginative, intelligent, and daring people. They showed great potential and had already made important contributions to the Renaissance. But, unlike England and other European countries, Portugal had a large and rapidly growing Negro population and, at the same time, its white population was declining.

Portugal began the Negro slave trade after encountering Negroes in its explorations and forays into Africa. Portugal brought the first Black slaves to Lisbon in 1441, and they continued to be imported in such numbers that by 1550, the population of Portugal was 10 percent Negro (the U.S. is 13-14 percent Negro today).

tl;dr of history of portugal
>early days of reconquista a galician noble conquers the land betwen minho and porto and builds a town in his namesake Guimarães (he was Vimara)
>200 years later that chunk of land (plus a daughter of the king) is gifted to a french (burgundian) prince by the king of asturias/leon
>they have a kid, kid is brainwashed by local elites into becoming a king himself
>kid becomes adult and king, also scams the pope and whatnot
>conquers infidel land like the other crusader states in the peninsula
>Dom Dinis (Dom -> Dominus -i.e lord), the first literate king transforms the crusader state into a proper kingdom, builds an economy and shit
>reconquista is finished (castille keeps some pet muslims for tribute, but that's their problem) but the king dies without heir
>castille tries to take the crown, but fails. A bastard son of Pedro the just (or the cruel, depending whom you ask) takes the throne and starts the best dynasty
>his children are crazy smart and become experts in many diferent areas helping eachother (kinda)
>discovery age! (also RIP constantinople, your greek and italian intelectuals were much apreciated, though)
>build small fortified posts for trading the good stuff with africans and asians
>life's good, except we're bankrupt
>Godking takes the throne and not only solves bankrupcy but makes and empire out of those tiny forts
>he lived for a couple decades, his sucessor was crappy, the subsequent ones were even worse
>somehow we find ourselves under an austrian man pretending to be king of spain
>hands the country to the clergy and empties the coffers, also drags us into wars and sinks our navy trying to defy maelstorms and brits
>said king gets the strongest nation in europe absolutely rekt and secedionists break it apart, portugal is now free again
>traitor king crowns our patron saint queen of portugal to save face (also the crown jewels had been sold by a pretender some 60 years before)

Defilement of the Blood

There was no taboo or injunction against sexual relations with the Negroes, and the Negroes blood soon became assimilated into the general population through miscegenation, so that today there are no Negroes, as such, in Portugal. The present-day population of Portugal is described by the New York Times Encyclopedic Almanac, 1971, as follows: "Ethnic Composition: The people are a mixture of various ethnic strains, including Celtic, Arab, Berber, Phoenician, Carthaginian, Lusitanian, and other racial influences. The present population is one of the most homogeneous in Europe, with no national minorities." (Note that the Negro strain is not listed by the New York Times).

What you can see in Portugal today is the product of uniform, non-selective mixing of the 10 percent Negroes and 90 percent Whites into one homogeneous whole. In effect, it is a new race - a race that has stagnated in apathy and produced virtually nothing in the last 400 years.

The Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed., 1911, in its article on Portugal states, "The Portuguese intermarried freely with their slaves, and this infusion of alien blood profoundly modified the character and physique of the nation. It may be said without exaggeration that the Portuguese of the 'age of discoveries' and the Portuguese of the 17th and later centuries were two different races."

People Without a Future

The contribution of this new race to civilization in terms of literature, art, music, philosophy, science, etc. has been practically nothing. Portugal today is the most backwards country in Europe. The illiteracy rate is 38 percent (in the U.S., 2.2 percent, Japan, 1.0 percent). The infant mortality rate in Portugal is 59.2 per 1000 births (in Sweden, 12.9 percent, U.S., 20.7 percent, France, 20.4 percent). The workers wages are the lowest in Western Europe, the equivalent of a little more than $2.00 a day.

Portugal is a forgotten land - bypassed by the tourists and shunned by the scholars. It is a sad country, known mainly for its plaintive, mournful fado music - nostalgic music that looks to the past and sees no future.

Portugal and America

In spite of the close similarity between the situation of Portugal in the 1550's and the United States today, we cannot predict that the outcome of our racial integration with Negroes will be exactly the same. The historical significance, however, is that any country, society, or group which has integrated to any appreciable extent with the Negroes has suffered drastically in its ability to maintain a civilized standard of living and its ability to compete with others. There is no evidence that any other country ever gained anything from integration with Negroes.

It should be pointed out that the Negro-White ratio, 1:9, in Portugal in the 1550's does not represent the final percentage of Negro genes, for the Negro element was rapidly increasing while the White element was declining. The male Whites were leaving Portugal in large numbers - sailing, settling in the colonies, and marrying native women (the government encouraged this). Most of the Negro slaves brought to Portugal were adult males. The population was thus unbalanced - an excess of White women and Negro males, and a shortage of White men. Chronicles of the era relate that Portuguese women kept Negro slaves as "pets". They also married them.

The situation in the U.S. today is not too different. The radical-chic Whites have their Black pets.

Our percentage of the Negro element today does not represent the final amalgam. The Negro birth rate is almost twice as high as that of the Whites. There is no White population explosion in America, or anywhere in the world. It is all colored. The colored woman has the children; the White women are on the pill or have abortions.

What the final amalgam in America will be we can not say, but if the present trends continue, the Negro element will be much more than 14 percent.

Why Did Portugal Integrate?

The British, French, Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese all engaged in the Negro slave trade, but only Portugal brought them to their own country. The question arises - why did Portugal so willingly accept racial integration with Negroes while other European countries kept the Negroes out and maintained their racial integrity? What was the climate of opinion, the current ideology, teaching, or propaganda that led the Portuguese to depart from the behavior of the other countries? What was the difference about Portugal?

You will not find the answer to these questions in our modern history books and recently published encyclopedias, for the whole subject of the decline has become taboo. You will have to dig into older sources and discover your own answers.

You might also ask yourself why America is accepting racial integration while most of the rest of the world is "racist." Why are we different?

The Role of the Jew

One significant difference in Portugal before its fall in the 16th century was that it had become a haven for Jews. For several centuries, the Jews had more wealth, influence, and more power in Portugal than in any other European country. In 1497, at Spain's request, the Jews were asked to leave Portugal or be converted. Most of them became normal Christians and remained.

However, by 1550 many of the Jews were voluntarily leaving. They saw the writing on the wall. The Encyclopedia Britannica (edition of 1885) notes that "even observers like the Dutchman Cleynarts saw that, in spite of all its wealth and seeming prosperity, the kingdom of Portugal was rotten at the core and could not last."

America has also served as a haven for the Jews. The Jews in America today have risen to a greater position of power, wealth, and influence than they have ever had in any other country. They dominate the newspapers, book publishing, television and radio, movies, universities - all of the educational media, as well as the commercial life of the country.

The Jews have always proselytized for racial integration - in Portugal, America, or in whatever country they have been, for without such a climate of tolerance of alien races, they themselves, would not be accepted. It has, therefore, been in the Jews' interest to suppress evidence which would lead people to reject alien races.

Thanks for the read Portubro

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Hi there, I am 24 years old and I am financial adviser, lecturing on economics, management and business ethics. I am a member of the largest group of traditional Guasca culture studies and Rioplatense history, where we are also writing the largest collection of books on Rio Grande do Sul and the Guasca culture. Separately I am also one of the founders of a Pagan-Christian sect with the intention of recovering the Charruá-Guaraní animist tradition and formally adapting it to Christianity, which already exists in Rio Grande do Sul in the form of Telurismo, but not yet formalized.

And you, what you have developed until this moment in your life?

Thank (You) for this post.

>some restoration is done, but decadence strikes back
>get drunk on tea and soft pastries
>fail to industrialise
>get lisbon destroied by God almighty
>rebuild it from scratch with state-of-the-art techniques
>fail to industrialise (what the fuck interior means?)
>run to brazil and there stay forever
>french take over and then go away after realizing how terrible everything is
>civil war over lack of monarch
>civil war over bad monarch
>civil war due to republic
>civil war? no just consecutive elections for presidency, one guy was president for a day (good for him)
>military takes over
>bureaucrat takes over
>bureaucrat becomes untouchable through the powers of bureaucracy
>sick war profiteering
>war in the colonies, education in the colonies, fuck in the colonies
>commies take over, give colonies to other commies (which leads to long civil wars there)
>worker takeovers, persecutions, the usual
>freemassonry ousts the commies in a rather heated fight behind the scenes
>we got into EU, despite that being an obvious mistake at the time (no economy), it happens that the prime minister (so called father of democracy, a total bastard) wanted more loans
>americans kill our first non-commie, non-socialist prime minister (he was a mason though)
>we become more and more a protectorate of EU central powers
>2008 crisis ->2011 actual crisis -> 2013 german protectorate
and so we are

you're welcome
tried to keep it to a minimum, but there's so much shit to say


Our decay started long before the civil war and the loss of Cuba was the final nail on the coffin. We had been irrelevant for a fairly long time before that
Lmao shut up

I love reading about the reconquista/Age of Discovery. Ill have to do more research on Portugal for sure but this was a good intro

two names:
Francisco de Almeida
Afonso de Alburquerque

they were the two first viceroys of India. Some of the shit they did is barely belieavable, the latter planed to hold mecca hostage and change the course of nile river just to fuck with muslims (neither did happen for obvious reasons - those two ruled for about half a decade each)

they didnt invest in bitcoin

Can't speak for Spain altho it's prob similar to us but short story is that we got rich from our empire but didn't invest it in our own country, We just took everything we needed from the other places. Also we really liked to partake in wars all the god damn fucking time and those are expensive.
Then we found ourselves with no empire, said "Caralho..." and went back to drinking wine on our little piece of land.

>Invest money in wars with Britain
>French betrayal
>Civil Wars


>>french take over and then go away after realizing how terrible everything is

This is pathetic son, absurd, portuguese people fought from north to south to expell the french, go learn about histroy, dozens of battles, and we did it, we and the brits were probably the only ones in europa that did it.

Portugal is very leader dependent, under a great leader Portugal becomes great, under a shitty democracy Portugal becomes shitty ( this is not the case in other european countries ).
Portuguese people are incredibly brave and are risk takers, but they are not entrepeneurial.
Like some user above said, some of the shit certain people did like Afonso de Albuquerque are the stuff of legends. I believe it was a product of the time, the way the world was then played to Portugal's strenghts, now not so much and we have become stagnant. Its happening the same to Anglos, they had their time just as we had ours. But it no longer plays to Anglo's strenghts and their decline is already happening. Soon we will enter the age of Asians.

>Soon we will enter the age of Asians.

Nah, asians lack criation. What will happen in our countris in europe is nationalism rising again and european cooperation as a bloc.

You are right, asians lack creativity, its the only reason the West has been on top for the past centuries. But nowadays technology is universal, what the West invents, rapidly does the Asian reinvent and improve, like Japan, they dont invent shit, but they improve it to a level we are not capable. We invent internal combustion and cars and they make their own with high expertise, we invent robotics and eletronics and they create the biggest electronics industries. And the Chinese are simply inhumane and too numerous, a perfect recipe for an unstoppable conquest driven empire, they dont do it since they dont need to, they already are on top, their economy relies on selling shit to the West, so they dont want to ruin it, but if we had an isolationist approach who knows what they would do.

the people in the north fought, mostly peasants, and repelled the early french scouts. In fact they were so successful they sent a letter to the queen in exile informing they would take care of any frenchy invasion. Our actual army was a real wreack, though (we lost in numerical superiority against french and spanish armies during the early phase)

unfortunely after the french calmed things down in spain they went in force against us. In Porto (after the bridge massacre and subsequent siege) the nobles payed a large sum of money to the french soldiers in exchange for them not looting our catedral (and indeed it was only partially looted). In lisboa the rebelions were fierce, but queeled. The french had to retreat, though, as they didn't have supplies and the whole region was already looted, in the meantime the brits arrived and built the lines to protect lisboa from a decesive strike from the french (as to finaly control the peninsula) and from there it was kicking french ass and torching spain (which was already pretty scorched from their rebelions against the french).

nonetheless, we lost our govern (the regency was a puppet to clergy and english interests) and our dignity during this ordeal. We also lost some clay to the brits as payment for their "gracious help" (nevermind we got into trouble because we stood by their side in the first place)

You are talking about popular revolts, those occured all over the country, the most famous it is maybe the revolta de olhão (algarve)ão

About military, we won in the end, with brit help, no doubt, and the spanish that first attacked us, then joined arms with us to alfo fight the french

I was under the impression it had been in chaves, my bad

regardless, our army was a disaster to say the least, were it not for the general Wesley (and mister Berseford in the council of course) and all was lost. But in truth the country was completely ruined: D Jose persecuted the nobles and blew the riches of brazil in rebuilding lisboa, not a single real was put into upgrading into industrialization any of our industries (and we used to have feitorias - small-sized manufatories everywhere from north to south). D Maria Pia was senile and reverted all the reforms her father did (and dismissed marquês de pombal), she was a puppet to the jesuits (which had been expelled a few years before, by the marquês).
The whole royal family and most of the court was in such state of decadence and opulence that we were doomed to crash and burn anyway. it's probably one of the most shameful moments of our history

Portugal/Spain are just ahead for 300 years.

We became irrelevant 150 years ago, and so England/France only have 150 more to go to catch up.

To be honest, higher classes caring only to themselves happened (and happen) everywhere. Spain lost wars? Sure, it sucks when you lose but everybody can't be a winner.

Brazil has never lost a war, iirc.

Portugal has never been really relevant.
Spain, unfortunately for them, was way ahead of its time and spent all the money on useless religion wars and didn't create a work culture as Spain was very much exhausted by the time the industrial revolution set in...

Spain became irrelevant by 1650

1. Mercantilism, as said
2. Peninsular War

I would accept that coming from a frenchie or an italian

but it's a fucking swede, whose country was relevant for about 30years before fading back into complete irrelevance.
Even we managed to keep up for longer (about 60 years)

>inb4 we wuz vikangs, it's common knowledge most never came back to their inhospitable homes when they became lords in richer lands like normandie or sicily

>Portuguese people are incredibly brave and are risk takers, but they are not entrepeneurial.

If I were Portugal, I'd build up PMCs and become the world premiere of warriors fighting proxy battles for other powers. Portuguese courage is literally insane.

no way

I don't even think it's about leadership at it's core, it's about pressure.

Portuguese people live in a constant state of trying to one-up each other (chico-espertismo). We're very resourceful and think outside the box, but only when the situation is tight enough that we leave all our inner rivalries and envies and actually align ourselves to a common goal do we thrive.

Comfortable times fuck us over. We can only preform under impossible odds, otherwise we just get complacent and soft.

Obviously only under such times does a leader show up, and only then does everyone stop challenging him and actually attempts their best.


>nice empires you got there
t. simon bolivar

Socialism unironically

It took a literal cataclysm to put Portugal down for good.

I was talking about Spain my peninsularbro, not Brazil. I didn't want to trigger you nor anyone to be honest.

>underdog refuses to die
>underdog gets swag
>undergod add extra bling
>underdog has to pawn stuff
>underdog is now an old mutt roaming the street
I tried to put it in such language you can understand without misunderstandings my friend



"Relevancy" is a word murrifats usually connect with having lots of nuclear carriers + bombing sandniggers/get shot by sandniggers + protecting the financial interests of the 1% at their own expense because USAUSAUSA.

So I wouldn't worry much. I'd rather be us than them, or the also super relevants China and Rooskiland.

2009 financial crisis and following astronomical unemployment rates

before that meltdown Spain used to be a pretty cool country people respected
now it's a joke of a country that isn't even richer than Czechia

>2 brazilians and a guy from madeira

>taking memes non-ironicaly

Their economy was based on stealing stuff from Latin America, once they didn't had anywhere to take resources from they went into irrelevance again.
I wonder if investing in the technology/industry was something obvious that the moors ignored, or if brits were genius for doing it first.

lazy and incompetent pieces of shit

>implying France or Britain is any relevant now

We wasted the crucial XIX century and first half of XX century in succession, colonial and civil wars insted of building industry.

>Their economy was based on stealing stuff from Latin America

Delusional br chimps, they never disappoint on buthurt and low iq. For some reason we both pt and spain are fine tier while you are the third world definition

Franco build tons of industry that flew away thanks to the EU, whether you like it or not

Exactly the same on Portugal