Why do Reich Wing bigots oppose the right of two consenting adults in love to be legally united?

Why do Reich Wing bigots oppose the right of two consenting adults in love to be legally united?

Bible says no bumming

Dubs disagree

Just shut the fuck up, retards

Gays are a public health risk and leave no mark on the future. No one gives a shit about them apart from ugly 18 year old girls and Jews. Fuck. Shoving there shit in everybody's face, acting oppressed even though they've been the trendy group for retards for at least 20 fucking years. Kill yourself.

>Gays are a public health risk

lesbians have the lowest STD rate

the male penis is the best conduit for STDs

so, you're saying that male babies should be given sex changes to turn them into "lesbians" in order to make them superior people

kewl storie broo

>and leave no mark on the future.

like landfills?

fact is that gay people can and do reproduce — when they choose to

the difference is that unplanned pregnancy, like you had with your cousin Sally-Mae isn't a thing for them

>Bible says no bumming

Only the recent mistranslations.

Christianity actually has no specific prohibition on homosexuality. It does have issues with temple prostitution since Jews had to compete with religions that converted a lot of them with the sex

Um, cause it's a disgusting abomination...?

>so, you're saying that male babies should be given sex changes to turn them into "lesbians" in order to make them superior people
>like landfills?

They retarded brain of a fag, everyone. So you know that the penis (along with the anal lining) are by far the best conduits for STDs, and you chalk that up to a victory for gay people. Hahaha, holy shit. And I'm sure your AIDS babies are planned well in advance.

>No one gives a shit about them apart from ugly 18 year old girls and Jews
The President and the USSC disagree with you, Rethuglican.

We don,t give a fuck about what you do behind closed doors...

But your showing your degenerates ways in public is just stupid and harmful for the society...


Again with the heavy shilling.
Thankfully most of the original people here can process information objectively and already know too much to fall back into the kike SJW mental cuck trap.

>Reich wing

if there was a Reich wing you would be hung from a lamp post, faggot.

I'm totally okay with Civil Unions but with these caveats:

1. All municipal marriages are now civil unions, even hetero ones. Nobody has a civil marriage. Marriage only for the religious people.
2. No more of this "You can sue the church and priest if they won't officiate your civil union." That was the only reason why it was opposed in my home state, because this was in the bill, and the legislature overrode the governor's veto anyway.
3. Leave it to the states to implement it.

mmmuh pseudoscience

>legally united
>civil union was around for a long time before gay marriage was legalized

also spbp

Not an argument.


But it's ok to teach kids that some ancient book says a bearded sky man will blast you down to eternal torment for using your penis in an unapproved way.

Why do biophobic leftists continue to deny that homophilia is a mental disorder?

The Third Reich was a Progressive political movement btw.

because its dirty

I no atheist or gay.
All have the same basic feelings about these specialities. This is provable, but it works somehow complicated. Maybe make some threads about it and try it. I think it will work. I don't necessarily mean you What you say: this is totally tasteless and can't. It is true.

This all could seem somewhat spoopy. But why not? As if as this is now is so ok.

>you must be christian if you disagree with my disgusting, anal tearing, GRIDS spreading behavior!

>Reich wing
Ehh. That's kind of clever

Because we don't want our gays domesticated.

I'm gay, but that's some degeneracy right there. No wonders why people hate faggots; it's because of shit like this.

Not all gay people, just a victory for gay women.

This thing needs civilizing

Im gay, and I agree with most right-wingers on the issue. Fucking degenerates, making their sexuality the sole focus of their lives, pushing their behaviours onto children and demanding constant attention. Not to mention spreading disease, cause most gays cant be arsed to be careful. Im honestly ashamed to be gay sometimes, not because its bad in and of itself, but because I share my sexuality with libtards and pedophiles.

I don't object to them getting married. But two men cannot be married to each other.

Fuckin satanic trips fuck yeah

Let's keep it simple

Reich-Wing people's main goal is the posterity and prosperity of their people. At this point in time it just means white people (it was previously only aryan people but you get the point).

Does acceptance of homosexuality raise or improve the chance of prosperity and future of their people?
Does non-acceptance of homosexuality lower or defeat the chance of prosperity and future of their people?