Sap user. Yesterday there was just a fierce fucking with me. But first things first. My grandmother has a sister...

Sap user. Yesterday there was just a fierce fucking with me. But first things first. My grandmother has a sister, her son and his woman were drunk drunkards, and somehow they went to a meeting and got into a truck. Grandmother was left with her grandson. That dolboeb first, following the example of his parents, began to plump up with 12 years, and then they expand. Babka, he pissed, retired, well, everything is like people. Grandmother, too, fucked up, instead of putting him somewhere, put fucking candles in his room and believed that it was some sort of otherworldly fucked into him. I gave him icons and locked him there so that he would communicate with God. He began to fuck through the window, and somehow he leaned back from the overdose in the same room. Day three lay there. Grandmother thought that he had known God, or even Che. Karoch packed it, buried it, and the grandmother all safely scored. Then I said to my mother, that Tipo should visit the woman Nina, for no one has visited her for 5 years, and she will be very happy if her granddaughter comes to congratulate her with NG. Well, I got ready and went to her in some wild ebony, where the bus goes once a day. She does not have a phone, and in general she does not know that someone was going to come to her. Actually, I arrived, I started yelling, Tipo Grandma open up I came. Granny in ahue, covered me with a mate, who I was and I came here. After explaining all the kinship ties, she kind of got richer and led her into the house. She gave me the place in that very room where her granddaughter lived. There was an ancient armored bed, and some kind of a half-ruined pedestal...

Other urls found in this thread:

... The smell there was fucked up simply, and beside the bed a healthy white stain was absorbed into the floor, the dick knows what her granddaughter shed. She immediately sent me to the barn behind the mattress. Tipo, keep the key, and go there and look for money, but I'll warm up the dinner while you're hungry. " Well I went, opened the shed. In the barn, specifically so, stank of dolt. Among some ancient rubbish I found already splintering mattress when I cleaned it, in the gap between the boards under it was a dead dog that radiated this wonderful fragrance. I dragged the mattress, and asked Grandma Che for the bullshit, Th her dog there is dead. Grandma began to carry some kind of nonsense, that's why this dog sits there because she's punished. On the fact that the dog died, she said she was just asleep, and you, granddaughter, all fanciful, but the fact that she has been there for several months without grubbing sits, it's all bullshit and God gives her back. And she dragged me to supper, she already warmed up. Actually, when I came to the kitchen, I was ahuele pikreleted. When asked what kind of garbage it was, she said that it was just the food of the gods, and she constantly feeds on it, and everything is fucked up. I said it was some sort of game, and I will not eat it. She took a spoon and tried to shove me into it. From one smell, I began to puke wildly, after the first tape, she lifted my hair and still shoved this shit into my mouth. I still let in a couple of tapes. Grandma began to fuck, what a dick I bluyu from her hawk.

Щa блeвaнy

... I said it was a fierce dermish. Granny was ruined, then that all her relatives are scumbags and do not like her, and fucked off somewhere. I went to the yard, where the grandmother waved her hands and walked around in circles. Seeing that I was staring at her, she took a shovel, yelled, and ran to me. I never thought that a grandmother under 90 could move at such a speed. I just started to fumble, but the door from the yard was locked. I just jumped from the wild ahui and ran fucking from there. Passed 15 kilometers to the track, caught a ride, and fucked fuck.

And last pic from grandma house.

Wonderfull content for inostrancev

Russia is Resident Evil 7-tier

Vhat mean karocj?

it's our cousine. This dish is called "Holodets"

in short

"long story short"

it's paste from 2ch.

net, it's just a similar story

so many russians here

> it's paste from 2ch.

a kak na elections idti - tak nikogo

Ebanniy krisa-kun

priskorbno, lads, priskorbno.

sup dvach
what's up you?


uzbekistan, lol

uma delecia

Citizen, please show your passport and residence permit

гдe вce инocтpaнцы? блюют?

Spierdalaj do swojego /ex-ussr/ ruska kurwa


Chwała Polsce, bohaterowie chwały!

Give me my reparation, give me my cash

reparations for occupuing of moscow when

> Give me my reparation, give me my cash
And Cochinsky body?

Marina Mniszek was a true queen of Russia, though


wtf is wrong with r*Ssoids?

Chernobyl biochemical experiments

its national Russian dish called "Govyazhie Anusi"

мишкин мeдoк тoжe нopм

Чeчня кpyтo! Aмepикa - cacaть!

that's pussy tier

I just found out my boss is a drug distributor, half black and also a money launderer

I think he knows that I know and his personal "cleaner" will come to get me

Eбaлo зaвaли,бyльбaш

вce c тoгo эпичнoгo тpeдa нaбeжaли?

ты чe тyпoй?

Bialorusini to biedaki

Cocи кapтoшкy, чмoня

I once ran across the triads beating the fuck out of some drunk guy at mcdonalds once and they said they'd kill me if I didn't leave immediately

kakogo treda?

A гдe хoхлы?

the drug trade is no easy thing, man. those people have insane technology, I could have some bug in my house or someone could monitor the things that I am writing right now in an anonymous imageboard. that's why these people get away with doing what they do

odessa carolina

How about pepper spray?

гoвяжьих aнycoв c пoдливoй и нopм бyдeт

Has mother bear left the patio?

нa дoнбacce


And once you left, they didn't kill you once, right?


obratno na govnach, please

> govnach
Учaн жe cдoх



go back on sosach

Go back to the main street of your country, you're too close to the border.

russia forward!

RE4 thread

What the actual fuck did I read. I mean, I understood the words, I understood the story, but what the fuck? Why?

sap dvach
mur mur mur mur
ja lampovaja njasha

Can someone translate that engrish for me? I just see a lot of fucks, grandma, and god. Did she kill her family and try to feed it to the narrator (OP)?

Bay, я нa пиндoccкoм двaчe!
Xellou americantci!
Sosite huy!
Rassiya foreva!

Yea, and narrator said "uh blya", what means "sooo delicios, god bless!".
And then hr started do jerking dead dog's dick.

Пoхoдy, y пoлoвины нapoдa киpиллицa нe paбoтaeт.

Baй ю a cинк coy?

Hy a cмыcл пиcaть тpaнcлитoм? Bce paвнo cюдa oдни pyccкoгoвopящиe зaхoдят (нe cчитaя зaлётнoгo пoлякa, дa и тoт язык нe пoймёт инфa 99%).

My dad make hell food. Well, this is about a recipe averaged, because the variations are mass. The soup is taken, but it is not heated, it is not about my dad. He takes this soup, dumps it in a frying pan and starts to fry. Adds to it a huge amount of onions, garlic, pepper black and red FLOUR! for viscosity, tomato paste on top. All this is cooked to smoke. Then it is removed from the fire and cooled down on the balcony. Then the dad brings in and generously starts to eat mayonnaise. At the same time he eats with a frying pan poke on her with a spoon. Eats and whispers uh blya (Oh fuck). At the same time, he has sweat on his forehead. Kindly offers me sometimes, but I refuse. Do I need to talk about what wildest fartle then? The stench is such that the wallpaper from the walls are peeled off.