What is your honest opinion of Canada, memes aside

What is your honest opinion of Canada, memes aside.

American puppet state.

same as you lol

we love you though


americans love us?


So America wanted Trudeau?

Most don't even know we exist, however they helped us remove Serbia.

I think you're going downhill and it's partly because of our hippies draft dodging in the 60's. Sorry about that, but it's still kind of on you, if a tiny amount of us can overpower your culture like that.

Canada is Australia, but in only worse style, right?


How did Australia resist the Canadian invasion?

Who the fuck are you?


What started out as typical American, Canadian banter has spiraled out of control to self fulfilling prophesy.

Canadians are shitposters..... But only because Sup Forums memed them that way.



>communist monarchy
>religion: Islam

It fucking sucks here. I'm going to move out West to get away from all these fucking liberal nutjobs.

>I'm going to move out West to get away from all these fucking liberal nutjobs.
No liberals in the west, come to Vancouver, its a bastion of conservatism and temperance.

Empty shell of it's former self. A nation hijacked by anti-Canadian politicians and bankers. Infected by ideas of communism, multiculturalism, and cultural marxism. A people wandering the universe with no direction or identity, just a lonely grey state on this nightmare we call Earth.

> Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba don't exist
The world doesn't revolve around those joint smoking fags.

lots of joint smoking going on in all of those places.


I like Niagara falls. Club'n seals.