I really want this character to be in more stuff. I really hope he gets the Harley Quinn treatment

I really want this character to be in more stuff. I really hope he gets the Harley Quinn treatment.

If you like him why do you want him to turn into a shitty Flanderized shell of his former self?

no i mean...well...it's not....i did not mean....

you can't have Razer without Aya

If it was going to happen, it would have happened already. At the time I think he would have been redundant in Red Lanterns as he would have been pretty much the same character as Rankorr.

If they ever try to do a New Guardians again he should be the Red Lantern representative

>He and Aya get to be official DCU charactera

>Written by either Venditti or Dog Fucker Humphries

Yeeeeah think I'd rather they not show up until the GL line get better writers.

So does the Red Lantern book hold up at all? Was kind of interested in giving it a go

You hope he becomes an insane lesbian villain?

it get's good after issue 10 or so

so anons do you own the Blueray

But you can have Aya without Razer

Im shocked they haven't yet after how successful or good that show was, especially when they added Blackualad and some teen titan nobodies

>Harley Quinn treatment
Ruined beyond recognition?

he tried so hard and got so far but in the end it didn't really matter

>Im shocked they haven't yet after how successful or good that show was

Good joke, m8

>especially when they added Blackualad and some teen titan nobodies

Johns co-created him and added him to the comics before the show came out.

Okay fine not the Harley Quinn treatment

How about the Livewire treatment?

He gets to be a jobber who gets beat by Batgirl and Jimmy Olsen?

i hope you mean explosive popularity and not leaving his romantic intrest.

>beaten by Jimmy Olsen
You are setting the bar too high.

was gl: tas any good?

I hated this show and loved it at the same time. I mean it's a great show but I wanted dex'starr so bad.

I own the DVD

Who knew Jimmy Olsen was English for Saitama?

>I really hope he gets the Harley Quinn treatment.

Maybe that might not be a great idea, I'd hate to see him get butchered.

Wrong pic

Would Razer have an "My wife is dead" shirt, while Aya has "Your wife's face" tattoed on her forehead?