Americans say "hey, how are ya...

>Americans say "hey, how are ya?" to strangers they've never seen before and pretend that they care about how they are when they don't
Why do Americ&s do this?

Hi, how are you?

>pretend that they care about how they are when they don't

Why would you care about how someone that you've never seen before and probably never will see again feels?


lots of languages do that

because they're a fellow human being?

Americans will never say it to little asian dweebs like you, i wouldn't worry about it

We're just being friendly :)
How was your day, Singapore-user?

it's called being nice you dense motherfucker

Why pretend to be nice to complete strangers that you don't care about? So you look to in the eyes of others? Isn't that just being a hypocrite and inflating your self worth?

Because the West isn't autistic?

so the only people you can be nice to is people you know? why be nice to random strangers when it might brighten their day. If you truly didn't care what their response is you wouldn't ask at all. Most conversations go like :
>Hi, how was your day?
>Good, yours?
>Good as-well.
It's small talk. Unless your autistic then don't bother. Usually people can tell if you don't want to continue the convo or not.
>So you look to in the eyes of others?
>Isn't that just being a hypocrite and inflating your self worth?
Not from our perspective.

it's called being polite you soulless chink

Americans, at least me, use this for small talk.

Hey how are ya? (I don't really care about you or what you're going to say desu, just doing it for the sake of formalities, why am I even talking to a stranger I see on a street anyway)


This doesn't really happen much. I've only ever seen it in small towns, and it's because everyone there knows each other.

wow it's almost as if human cultures and traditions aren't rational and human beings aren't fully rational beings either

Are you under the impression we just go up to random people and say this?

Some of us do, but generally they're considered weird.

Generally if we say that to a stranger its a preface to a request of some sort (i.e., coffee shop, directions, etc.) or if we want to start an actual conversation to kill time or try to get laid or whatever.

Your country's Nazi laws sure did a number on you guys.

It's mostly just with people you have to talk to anyway like cashiers, or people you find yourself near or make eye contact with or something, like if you sit next to someone on a bus, because some brief formalities to acknowledge each other is less awkward than just pretending the other person doesn't exist

Over in chinkland do you guys just keep your eyes locked straight ahead at all times and avoid eye contact with everyone and share as few words as possible with service people

>reeeeeeeeeee nobody talk to me!!!!!

Because we're not sociopaths? Bizarre question.

They are crazy man. Don't try to reason with it.

It's called being a prick. They get a huge ego boost from acting like they're nice. Yes I said it "acting."

Pricks. The whole lot of them to the foreigns

don't think asians would get this

The majority of Americans wear their heart on their sleeve. If we don't want to talk to you we wont, if we are friendly and want to make small talk we'd open with "hello, how are you?" Nobody is really forced to talk to someone.

Superficial smiling and being overbearingly nice is not just small talk
The fat people who go to church too much ITT need to realize this isn't America in the 1900s there's no reason to have this culture anymore, unforuntately

not "asian", just applicable to those slanted chink subspecies.
Other asian are pretty much like american. ;) so please don't be discourage.

You guys need to get out more

So you are saying they feel superior
and condescending?

>Guy goes to the store and goes to the cash register
>"Hi, how's it going?"
>"Good, thanks, you? Will this be all for you today?"
>"Yeah that's it, can I swipe my card now?
>"Yeah, go ahead. There you go, all set, have a nice day!"
>"Thanks, same to you"

>Guy goes to the store and goes to the cash register
>"Hi, anything else I can do for you?"
>"Alright, will this be cash or card?"
>... *pulls out credit card and inserts it*
>"Alright, you're all set, have a nice day"

Are you gonna tell me guy A is a prick and guy B isn't? The entirety of human social interaction is built around a certain level of fakeness, and even if two parties in these kinds of conversations don't give a shit about each other, it's more pleasant for both if they just briefly pretend they do (unless one of them is actually autistic)

Yes. Nothing like a smug fuck to be nice to randoms. They all feel superior and smug while they're doing it.
They have no humility. Frauds! Frauds the lot of them.

Get a grip dude. You live in fluffy fairyland, me and many other people don't have the energy to act superficially everytime we need to talk to people
Fucks sake

When I go shopping I didn't come for conversation tubby! I want my purchases rang up!
I don't have time for empty words. Unless she is a fine girl.

We actually do care.
I know it's hard to understand, but empathy is a cultural trait in our soulless corporate dystopia.

Wow sounds like you've been through shit
So you're saying they're smug douches?

>everyone who smiles is fake and actually fucked up just like my edgy mangos
I don't know what part of the country you live in but I've never once had to fake being happy. It'd be too much effort to do so.

you mean pretending to be empathetic so it looks good for networking right?

i think i've solved it


Why would you network with a cashier at McDonald's? It's sheer politeness and empathy.

I don't like any manga or get influence for my actions from some media or something, most people feel how I feel naturally
You just conditioned yourself to this artificial bubbly outward social being that cannot fathom talking about things that aren't sunny and happy and oh so beautiful with a stranger. Ignorance is bliss, I hope you southerners will understand that one day

Don't bother my over sea's user. They don't have the concept of genuineness. It's dog eat dog here. Everyone is trying to stop on the others neck.
I'm a nice person and I care genuinely. But people like us are the "outcasts" and weirdos.

you're right, i should have said east asians. thank you my brother under allah

Different user here,
but small talk is healthy

I live in Cali. I think you believe that everyone has a smile stuck on their head every second of their lives. That'd be creepy. Some days are bad, some are good, and some are plain. I don't know why you would think I'm loving in a bubble . Unless your baiting me then gg

As I said EMPTY WORDS. You could save me time by saying nothing. Because that's what small-talk is. Conversation without substance or meaning.
I would rather not talk to a random at all. Then by saying a big steaming pile of NOTHING.

Living in a bubble*

ITT autists that dont know how to talk to people

tell them its salad only