This scene in broken flowers really got to me

This scene in broken flowers really got to me

How do you stop underage girls from trying to seduce me?

I don't deserve that kind of torture. It's annoying.

At what age do they grow out of that horny, slut phase?

I dunno but I loved that scene.


I looked this movie up and watched that scene...horry sheet

its an intentionally designed aspect of western society.

>girls develop primary and secondary sexual characteristics years before boys
>surround these horny girls with children who won't develop any sexual characteristics or interest for years

Its basically a recipe for older men to swoop in and get some easy tween pussy.

It's probably been like that since the dawn of man imo and in almost every society.

nope. A great many societies recognized the developmental discrepancy and addressed it in various ways.

Chick has a horrible body

I wouldn't worry about it OP, You're not the kind of guy they go for.

then why do they try to seduce me? i think it's because i look young or dress young or some shit. it's annoying


it's more awkward than hot

this scene was sorely out of place

It's really not.

>Sup Forums

walking around talking on the phone with all your shit hanging out for this oldfag balding perv to drink you in

thats fucking awkward for him

Teasing and flirting is okay, touching isn't.

Just save enough mental imagery for a nice salade home.

>salade home.
cum again?

She got behind me in line at the post office. All I could think of was her terrible body. Really tempted to say "Weren't you in a movie with Bill Murray" but resisted.

she was in a movie with bill
youre at home posting on a sullust cosplay livechat

yes, grown men getting with young women has only occurred in recent years


what kind of fucking answer is that?