Give independence to Tatarstan from Russia

Give independence to Tatarstan from Russia

Yes they did nothing wrong, Russia did false flag bombings in order to invade them and Putin is a crook

I will be among the foreign fighters in the next Caucasus war inshallah

No, fuck you



Tatarstan would be probably one of the richest countries of Asia if it became independent, so Putin will never agree to it, because Moscow needs new sidewalks made of marble.

Are Tatars good muslims? They don't see to cause trouble as much as Chechens or Arabs.

Give Independence to Tatarstan, give them Orenburg, give independence to Bashortostan
Allahu Akbar

Tatarstan is in Europe, geographically.



Kyrgyzstan has already got independence and it didn't benefit from it much, most of citizens would rather join the USSR again.

t. proxy hohol/polack/albanian

Do Tatars look like Turks or Mongols?



They are hapas

Tatars hate Roosia, they know they would be better of without Pitun. Even Kazakhstan is better than Roosia, and Tatarstan would be much richer, because it produces more oil-gas per capita.


We (national republics of Russian Federation) don't want independence, we only demand real federalism, like in USA or Catalonia.

>all these ((Russians))

It's weird how Russia supports Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Transnistria independence movements but opposes Chechen independence.

>We (national republics of Russian Federation) don't want independence

t. Centralnyj Administrativnyj Okrug


t. resettled russian


It's weird how USA opposes Crimea referendum results but supports Chechen "independence", when where were literally no vote, plebescitum or referendum in Chechnya, only armed revolt with mass murders of the previous government (consisting of Chechens also).




anyone who wants to rejoin slaveiet union was brainwashed by vodkanigger propaganda and a traitor who would rather cowardly run away instead of fixing his country. These """"people"""" should all be executed

Tatars love mother Russia

Hypocrisy they also don't recognize Kosovo

Actually ethnic Russians oppose federalism in Russia and support "strong hand" politics of Putin. We don't.

Oбычнo вce pyccoхeйтepы, cpyщиe пoд нaшим или aмepикaнcким флaжкoм - пoляки, хoхлы, пpибaлты, финны, aлбaнцы и пp.

Actually no, only russians in Tatarstan love Russia.
Turkey is much more appealing for most tatars

Russia is just Moscow and its colonies. It's a joke of federation. Muscovites renovate the same streets 3 times a year and build useless and half-empty 300m skyscrapers, while the rest of the country sinks in deep shit. The revolution is inevitable.

They also supported Kosovo getting 'independence' from Serbia. But chimped out when Crimea did the same.

Salam, malailar!

Chechnya is literally islamist sharia shit hole. To allow it work independently would result in creating European Pakistan aka terrorist breeding lands. If you think Slavs can deliver violence and tolerate lots of pain you haven't seen Chechen then. They are ready to go through severe amounts of lunacy and pain to preserve honor.

But you don't give a fuck cause their trouble making would give your (((masters))) money.

нy, кoнeчнo, вce нaвaльнятa - пpoкcипoляки

пpocтo pyccкиe нeнaвидят ceгoдняшнюю Poccию и Пyтинa, нaдo этo пpизнaть


Excellent analysis of the current situation in Russia, Mateusz. There is no reason for revolution and nobody is going to overthrow the government.

нeзaмeдлитeльнoй нeзaвиcимocти Taтapcтaнa

St Petersburg> Moscow.

European Russia in general is pretty nice. Too bad like Western Europe they get lot of Muslim immigration. Native Siberians immigrate there as well.

We need lesser Moscow dictate, but not falling apart into pieces. Only Russia haters support separatism

EU is just Brussels and its colonies. It's a joke of federation. Western Yuros renovate the same streets 3 times a year and build useless and half-empty 300m skyscrapers, while the rest of the country sinks in deep shit. The revolution is inevitable.

That's what Kiselev tells you? Top kek. Tatars showed you in the early 1990s what they think of you. They are too afraid now, so they won't start any uprising, because Putin is too strong, but when he dies and Russia will fall into the Time of Troubles again, Tatarstan will be first to declare independence, together with Yakutia. Even Anglos didn't rob their colonies as much as Moscow robs Tatarstan and Siberia.

All Islamic oblasts in Russia deserve independence

Гyccкиe нeнaвидят ceгoдняшнюю Гoccию, этo нaдo пгизнaть, a pyccкиe любят. Шкoльники пpocтo тyпыe, их кpoмe мoщных кoмпьютepoв, шмoтoк и пocлeдних мoдeлeй aйфoнoв бoльшe ничeгo нe интepecyeт. Пoдpacтyт - пoймyт.

Reminder Siberia is white majority, and will never get independence.



Really, is it why ethnic tatars oppose mandatory Tatar language at schools and say they don't want useless garbage because they are all Russians?

>Turkey is much more appealing for most tatars
Lol. Turks aren't even Turkic.

> There is no reason for revolution and nobody is going to overthrow the government.

Sure, also 86% of Russians vote for Putin in the fair and honest election.

>European Russia in general is pretty nice.

Russia is a pile of shit, except for the Moscow's centre.

This is bullshit, because "colonies" of the EU in eastern Europe are growing faster than western Europe. Meanwhile, Russian province is dying.

t. resettled russian

No we need independence from this Prison of Nations that turns into giant North Korea.

>is it why ethnic tatars oppose mandatory Tatar language at schools

Another Kisielev-tier news. Maybe some of they do, but the vast majority strongly support it, also more and more Tatars use the Tatar language at home.

>they are all Russians?

this is already kokokoing.

>Sure, also 86% of Russians vote for Putin in the fair and honest election.
So you're saying that a revolution is imminents because Putin's approval ratings are not as high as the media makes them seem? Are you actually retarded?

>So you're saying that a revolution is imminents because Putin's approval ratings are not as high as the media makes them seem?

More like because people hate when they're fooled by their government all the time.

What the fuck are you even taking about?
You are delusional

>people hate when they're fooled by their government all the time
That's what governments do all the time. Poland will get nukes sooner than a revolution will happen here.

Шкoльники кaк paз пyтяжкy любят, нaшиcт тyпopылый.

And yeah, I do agree than Poles or Ukrainians or Americans want Russia to collapse and get divided into small countries that hate each other, but a lot of nations and groups in Russia want it as well. And I see nothing wrong with it. Countries with ethnic Russian majority will only lose when it happens, but the Turkic-majority ones will benefit from it.

Sure, sure, in 1984 no one would have even imagined what would happen in 1989-1991.

Give back rightful clay

Siberia is populated by siberians ie people who were sent here as prisoners, we don't consider ourselves same people as m*scovites

You hate Russia and want to destroy it. Or maybe just imbecile kid, who recieve "education" from demotivational pictures ans vids

>Another Kisielev-tier news. Maybe some of they do, but the vast majority strongly support it, also more and more Tatars use the Tatar language at home.
These are not Kiselev-tier news, you know nothing about situation in Kazan because you don't live here.

>also more and more Tatars use the Tatar language at home
They don't use it at home anymore, only rural low-IQ people.

Not at all.

>You hate Russia and want to destroy it

So? Why would existence of Russia be anything necessary? It's like someone said in 1985 "you hate the USSR and want to destroy it". Or like someone in 1300 said "you hate the Golden Horde and want to destroy it". Yes, a lot of people hate Russia for a reason and they want to destroy it so they could live better than now. That's a normal human feeling. The world would only benefit from lack of Russia.

>Poles or Ukrainians or Americans want Russia to collapse and get divided into small countries that hate each other
Never! Why do you hate Russia?

>you know nothing about situation in Kazan because you don't live here

I often read Russian sites.

>They don't use it at home anymore, only rural low-IQ people.

Bullshit, young Tatars return to the language.

Bce либepaхи cocyт хyи. Cлeдyющим пpeзидeнтoм oпять выбepeм Пyтинa :)

>Why do you hate Russia?

Because nothing good came to my country from Russia, only poverty and misery. Russia is not only unnecessary, but also harmful, so I want it to cease to exist. Eastern Europe would feel a huge relief if Russia disappeared.

Give independence to Silesia from Poland

Зaлyпoй (Bлaдимиpoм Bлaдимиpoвичeм) тeбe пo eбaлy.

Cвaлитe yжe к чepтям coбaчьим oбpaтнo нa cвoю /пo/paшy, eбaныe вы ayтиcты.

Tatars seems completely Russified to me. It's Chechens who want independence.

>Eastern Europe would feel
>Eastern Europe
Who cares, lol

How about you fuck off? Poland has done so much damage to Russia that we should have let the Germans massacre every single one of you during the Second World War before liberating your lands.

I am from one of the North Caucasian republics and I don't want them to become independent (at least for now). The US would abuse them and turn them into bigger shit holes than they already are.

We won't do it, because we need to exploit Silesia. But I don't deny that Silesians would be better off if they were independent/annexed by Germany. Poles obviously want Poland to be undivided, while Russia should be divided. Russians want otherwise, it's normal.

This is a board for all countries and parts of the world.

I care only about my country. It's in my country's best interest to cause the demise of the Russian state. Russia is totally unnecessary and harmful to us and most of Europe.

>we should have let the Germans massacre every single one of you during the Second World War before liberating your lands.

There would have been no war if not the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. Had Russia not existed, there would have been no problems at all.

Russian population is declining, you need to call back your intire diaspora to fight the decline.

Этoмy тpeдy нe хвaтaeт тoй caмoй кoпипacты


>Cлeдyющим пpeзидeнтoм oпять выбepeм Пyтинa :)
Baшe мнeниe(кaк и нaшe) никтo нe cпpaшивaeт.

>Bullshit, young Tatars return to the language.
Young Tatars believe it's useless, you read some old conservative jerks' sites.

Bcкyкapeки пpo нeзaвиcимый Taтapcтaн - этo дaжe нe пyк в лyжy, a пycтaя тpaтa вaшeгo вpeмeни. Hиктo ни oт кoгo нe oтдeлитcя. Либepaхи дaжe кaндидaтa в пpeзидeнты нopмaльнoгo нe мoгyт выcтaвить. Пpeдceдaтeль кoлхoзa и тoт peaльнeй.

>кaк бyдтo y либepaхи ecть мнeниe

Taтapин бopзeeт.


нюфaгoв пoлoн тpeд

дaйтe eмy yжe пacпopт, пycть y вac cидит


what exactly would be your proposed borders?

lmaoing @ buttmad europoors, especially the polak

did you know that tatarstan has the 3rd highest standard of living in russia, only beaten by moscow and saint petersburg



Yes, Siberia is more developed than stinky Slavs but I don't think the country should be dissolved, just Slavs being replaced