How do people treat virgins in you're country?

How do people treat virgins in you're country?

uuuuuuh like any other person I guess?

ugly mental

really? then 90% of japanese males must be insane, ugly, childish, subhuman losers ten

If you're good looking
>aww, user you're so handsome, why did you not get a girlfriend?
>did you want to get the right one?
>that's so sweet!
If you're ugly
>eww creep
>hahahaha seems about right with that look

i haven't told to anyone that i'm virgin, so i'm fine

do you not emit virgin aura? or are finnish girls not as perceptive to virgin aura

He is respected as a wizard.

>virgin aura

>this is what a retard believes and lives for.

how come girls can always tell i'm a virgin if i don't emit virgin aura?

It's more about your own insecurities and lack of experience.
You have the aura of a loser.

it's true what you wrote
there is no human in japan

Can confirm it doesn't go away after losing your virginity.

Female virgins are respected for not giving into pressure and being strong powerful womyn in charge of their own bodies. Ironically, in the west we are expected to respect sluts for the same reason.

Men are mostly treated normally by polite people, but privately those same people will see it as a red flag, they will think there is something creepy or weird about you.

publicly shamed on billboards, women castrate them and use their balls as contraceptives

If you're brown
>aww, user you're so handsome, I want to be your girlfriend
If you're white
>eww creep, do you think you are entitled to a girlfriend ?


There usually is something creepy or weird about them though

It's not truth.
Most Japanese men are gay.

Is that how it works in Romania?

Difference being that you lost your virginity in your childhood when a creepy old dude sucked your bloody dick.

i wouldnt mock em but i wouldnt trust a guy who never kissed a girl at least.

It's actually the opposite here, gyppos are treated like second class citizens, that's why they all go to Sweden and you take them in and consider them citizens, lmfao

They come here because people hand over money and due to eu laws we must "talk" to romania to take them back but yeah they won't, so basically endless cycle of nothing.


They go there because you're a bunch of spineless, brainwashed fucks with no national pride or unity. It's funny how in the land of gyppos, here, you get disowned by your family if you bring home a gypsy gf/bf, but in Sweden marrying brown people is encouraged.

Depends on where you are in Germany and especially who you talk to. Here in western Germany, people are generally indifferent, although a few think you're a loser, promiscuous women and hipster fuckboys are especially prone to do so, but you shouldn't care about the opinions of these "people".
If you have 5/10 looks and up, all you need if anyone asks is a somewhat sound reason for why you're a virgin.

getting laid is easy though

people don't like gypsies anymore, because now they know that it's not just a stereotype that they are horrible """""human""""" beings

times are changing, slowly, even though the unaffected rich kid extreme leftists are as loud as ever

I know bro! it's sooo easy to have sex. you just have to be yourself. I just walk up to a girl and talk for a bit and by the end of the night I'm balls deep inside her... I don't understand these creepy virgins here sometimes, just be yourself bros and you'll get pussy in no time. it's indeed too easy sometimes... feels like girls are always interested in sex, every girl I talk seems to be interested in me

t. Chad Moneybaggins

It actually is. The key here is to approach women of your own stature/social caste/clique/subculture. So if you're a fat weeb, go find a fat dweebina.

Where do I find people like me?

Who are you?

Who is asking?

The worst way possible: With disgust and pity.

Here it's only disgust

How can they tell if you're a virgin?

Social autism

Insecurity and lack of knowledge in a subject. If someone brings up sex as a topic you start feeling uncomfortable and everyone sees it.

Oh well that sucks. Hope you guys find a girl and have sex soon.

t. Chad Thundercock

I gave up trying so it's fine. Here's a horse cock.

It's it not hard to make a girl want to have sex with you, just say the magic words.

And what are those words, Rabbi?

Just HOW are we supposed to compete with THAT??

Since couple of years ago I already knew that my destiny is to become a wizard.

>"Ahhh...How much? "

rounded up in the town square and then hanged, drawn and quartered

>here, you get disowned by your family if you bring home a gypsy gf/bf
literally and actually third world

or they're just shy/awkward (which is cute in and of itself)

"I have your nude photos"
"I'm best friends with Brad Pitt"
"I own the skyscraper you're looking at"
"I'm a pilot"
"I beat Dark Souls without dying"
"I'm Jewish
"You have a terrible curse on you and only my sperm can disspell it"

>getting laid is easy though

It's not about being a virgin, it's about looking/acting weird.

One of these days an old guy friend of my mom was drunk and said "you're like those guys who likes computers right? haha" "later I'm gonna bring you to a place and you'll see hahaha"

I'm fucking 22, it's just fucked being born lanky and with a dork face
getting easy actually is, but not with the women you actually want to, he should have added

>"I'm best friends with Brad Pitt"
>"I beat Dark Souls without dying"
>"You have a terrible curse on you and only my sperm can disspell it"