Things a trump supporter might say

>things a trump supporter might say


"t-t-trump isn't actually reretarted! He's playing 26D underwater Korean Starcraft"

Trumpkins are so delusional Kek.

I love my goddamn country.

"I don't want my wife to sleep with other men."

Hillary takes money from countries like Saudi Arabia where they oppress women and kill gays.

He's not backtracking! He just changed his mind.

She let 4 Americans die in Benghazi.

>"We are going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it."

The American then descends into a crescendo of clapping and various utterances.

>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.



Trump faggots will screech make america great again but they definitely wont give a plan for doing so.

Hillary is funded by Soros, she has no real stances, only orders.

Even my ID agrees

Wtf... I hate trump

Now I'm a #cruzmissile

I hate all Mexicans

She broke the law and should be in prison, just as the people who broke the law in similar circumstances have gone to prison.

Thou shalt raise no mans child but thine own, unless the father died an honourable death in battle like a true nazi spartan.

I can't wait for the wall to go back up so he can send all them mexicans back. People like this are retarded because most of us that work with him are citizens.

He is the best choice for president come November. He will get us out of foreign wars that wastes billions of our money and thousands of our lives. He will renegotiate our trade deals so that instead of shipping jobs and tariffs overseas, we will bring them back. He will secure our border and curb the flow of illegals running into this country. He will uphold and defend the US Constitution. He WILL Make America Great Again!

"tell your wifes son not to speak to my son ever again"