Americans can't pump gas

Are Americans literally retarded or is it just Oregon?
Dumping Facebook comments




Only Oregon and New Jersey do this.

But why? I mean if you're too stupid to operate a gas pump, you shouldn't be allowed to drive in the first place.

>getting out of your car for 3 minutes in -5° weather


wtf, is this even a thing?


Don't blame them, for some reason their states made it actually illegal to do it yourself

>pumping gaz is mush mroe work than drifing car!!!

To protect the jobs of the guys who do it? Isn't that communism?

He's saying it's less work and far more simple, dumb mutt.

Even I can take this.

>american styled libertarian
>lazy moron or perfect satirist
Glass houses



what's wrong with having someone do benign boring work for you? why do you care about pumping your own gas?

T. Oregonian

Gas is cheaper in Oregon than in any surrounding state where they pump it themselves. Why would you want to pay more to pump your own gas?

>billy raper

>Oregonians are so muttifoed they are de-evolving into horrors without opposable thumbs, making it impossible for them to pump their own gas

Holy shit , rip Oregon