Is 2度と日本に来るな memeable lads?

"Don't come to Japan twice" seems such a pussy reply to someone who fucked up your country.

Idea: Picture of foreigner doing outrageous thing in Japan with "don't come to japan twice" and 2度と日本に来るな next to it. Maybe even Japanese will get it perhaps?

Do you love Japan

yes. 愛してるよ

二度と日本に来るな is don't come to Japan "again".

twice is weird.

fuck off weeaboo retard

You're not welcome here, fucking soyboy bugman trash.
This. Keep spreading the word #Logang4life

Are you getting paid? Can I get paid too? I guarantee if you add me to your payroll, you'll get the necessary results.

fuck off weeb


Pretty much the same meaning, cool thx.

Why am I weeb tho?


Japanese lad knows english better than you

we aren't all this retarded japan do not worry

weab here, ama

No one here supports your agenda. Literally fuck off to Reddit with the rest of the weeb bugmen. We as a board and website are united for Logan. You can simply just fuck off. You are not welcome here.


Why haven't you hung yourself from a tree yet? Serious question.

This is for nationalism, you fucking dumb mongrel.

>le reddit meme
Good, fuck off back there. We don't want you here either.
What the fuck are you on? His English is illegible like all the rest of those nipsect soyboy bugmen that inhabit that abortion of a country.


Yeah? And Sup Forums as a board supports WHITE nationalism, not peeskin nationalism. That's for Redditors like you who have been ruining Sup Forums for a long time now.

Why is that funny? It's not remotely funny. Then again I'm whiter than you so it clearly explains itself. Reminder that this board and the entire site is united for Logan and all Chad whites unlike yourself you fucking beta pussy.

What's happening with the mutts here

>I'm whiter than you

Oh boy that's even funnier

is right
is wrong


are actual Japanese even aware of this, I've only heard weeaboo insect dicksuckers crying about Logan Paul

It's true Muhammad. You know it.
Stay out of our business or suck Logan's big white cock you fucking soyboy insect.

Who gives a shit about the opinions of irrelevant people? Ask yourself this question. They most likely do not care at all. In fact, if I were Japanese I'd consider him a hero, suicide is the coward's way out and it deserves to be mocked on all levels possible.

Fuck knows. Looks like the amerimutts are chimping out.

We're standing up for this site, shills like you want to subvert the Sup Forums movement for Logan Paul. It is inherently Chad to do what he did, and we as a board are united with him. He is our hero, and you will not replace us. #Logang4life #dabonthemhaters

A blue eyed virgin with high IQ type,I presume. Good for you. BTW,I got meme from hl,not plebbit,but good try.

>we as board are united with him

why americans act like owner of Sup Forums?

Maybe they don't know

>And Sup Forums as a board supports WHITE nationalism

I don't give a fuck about Logan Paul. Making Japanese more aware of dumb foreigners is a good thing for everyone.

>my gaijin ass is on FIREEEEEEEEEE

Major shilling. What are ((they)) up to, hmm?