ITT: Questions to the History Teacher that can get you kicked out of class

So my brother is going to do AP World History and I was thinking: What kind of questions could get you kicked out of the class?

The teacher being a jewish liberal.

I'll start:
"Is it true that Saturn is a dwarf star and a gateway to hell?"

anything about the holocaust possibly being exaggerated even slightly

"Wasn't the holocaust fake??"

"but doesnt that make Hitler the good guy?"

"Wait... Doesn't that mean she raped him?"

Aren't wars of aggression illegal?

Wasn't the recent war in Iraq a war of Aggression?

Based on a lie?

Why isn't anyone being held responsible for the mass murder?

Why did the opium production in Afghanistan INCREASE drastically after we took over?

How many generations of welfare recipients have there been since it's modern inception?

Why do we spend so much on healthcare and receive so little?

etc etc

Why do people who believe abortion is a right but capital punishment isn't?

What is too big to fail?

Was the atomic bombing of a civilian population illegal?

Why is home ownership in America at a 50+ year low?

What's going to happen when young adults can't afford to purchase a home?

If the ACA a tax?

If so, doesn't the bill need to originate in the house?

Why is alcohol legal and marijuana isn't?

Can you explain the holocaust without using emotionally manipulative propaganda?

This is a history class, not schindlers list.

>How could the bad guys win ww2?
>If the Arabs used Islam to justify expanding their empire, then how is it a religion of peace?
>imply that enviormental possiblism is a more valid argument than enviormental determinism with regard to the state of sub saharan africa
>Were the Irish the dindus of the British Empire?
>If there were no LGBTQJIDFBTFO members in thousands of years of human history then how is it correct to say that it is not a mental illness?
>Is there any caveman porn?
>How can egyptians be real if our eyes aren't real?

Did the president have legal authority to drone bomb an american citizen on a secret kill list without a trial in the court of law?

How many billions where lost in Iraq/Afgahn again?

Is it OK we support terrorist in Syria?

What happened in Benghazi?

What is the federal reserve?

Now class, we're open for questions now. Oh, yes, Mr. user. Please go ahead.
>My question is about World War II in Germany.
>There were fuel shortages, correct?
Absolutely. In fact the Germans had so little fuel that they had to start their tank engines with wood.
>Woah. How did they do that?
Not sure, but I'm sure others do. Do you have a follow up?
>Yes. I looked at and found out that the average amount of BTUs to cremate a child is far more than it would take to start an engine.
>So if six million Jews were cremated, couldn't that fuel have been better used to start engines?

>Can jet fuel melt steel beams?

>Why do people who believe abortion is a right but capital punishment isn't?

I love it when American liberals spout off about muh body muh rights but complain when a white homeowner blows some nigger away because he's trying to break into his house.

Related story from once based South Africa:

>Swole Afrikans guy I used to work with wakes up one night and sees the flash of white teeth and a machete in the dark of his bedroom
>deduces that because of the layout of his house the niggers must have already been in his daughters bedroom and that they were both dead.
>last thing he remembers is getting out of bed
>blacks out
>comes to and there is three dead niggers in his hallway, blood on the walls and the ceiling.
>calls the cops and basically gets a jokey slap on the wrist.
>Daughters were fine the whole time kek.
>Didn't have anything stolen
>the only property damage was a broken window and nigger blood stained walls.

Why isn't Affirmative Action considered racist?

Why does the federal government enforce quotas by race through the equal opportunity act?

What happened to all the manufactoring jobs in America?

Why does someone need to be college educated in a 'service based' economy?

If I own my home, why do I have to pay the state property taxes?

Where does the federal authority end with interstate commerce?

What did the supreme court mean when they said corporations are people?

Why is it that the FBI found 0 cases of wrongful death out of the 1000's of fbi related shootings?

What happened at Waco?

What happened at Ruby Ridge?

What happened during Hurricane Katrina?

What happened at Waco (2) with the bikers?

Why were the Jews kicked out of every major state for their usury?

>tfw too afraid to actually examine the topic thanks to a government arresting people for offending
>just have to accept something I dont believe in because I cant examine the facts

Why is there a continual smear attack against the John Birch Society if there California legislature investigated, interrogated and infiltrated them for years and admitted in their final report they do absolutely nothing wrong.

Why are they smeared for what the founder said of Eisenhower even though Eisenhower got over it and endorsed them?

How can you say McCarthy did anything wrong when he uncovered a spy ring the government printing office with the testimony of Mary Stalcup Markers?

You claim climate change is real and all scientists agree. What about Richard Linden? What about the founder of the weather channel?

Urbanization is bullshit. Suburbs are awesome

Why is America so great?


Because usury was banned by christians and often only jews were doing it in most european countries.

And when you can't repay debnts, it's cheaper to burn jews

We actually discussed Ruby Ridge in my US History class

Did the Allies comiteed war crimes in WW2? Was Hiroshim a war crime?

Are you still fucking in high school? AP world is a sophomore course.

Anything that is negative towards the amerindian shitskins. Ex: calling them savages
Anything that is negative towards the chinese
And anything agains the holocaust

>t. AP world student in 09

Ask him about Jewish Bolshevism

Because theJohn Birch Society is diametrically opposed to the NWO, and is for the U.S. Constitution.

The California state government is full of Satanists, and is run by Satanists behind the scenes. They want the NWO, which is why they are diving California into the ground, doing all they can to destroy that state.

That should make things a lot easier to understand.

Protip: Save it for AP United States Government and Politics

AP World History is a 9th/10th grade class. Not only will his classmates hate him, he will known as >that guy. Good AP teachers aren't historical revisionists. Although the most PC thing that I can remember is us calling American expansionism something different


a 10th grade history class isn't somewhere to ask those questions. It's a history class. Also, nothing is in-depth.

Don't waste your fucking time and act like an autist asking off-topic cringey questions.

Where did nazi gemany get the: 18million litres of oil, or 192million m^3 of natural gas, or 600million kg of wood to burn 6 million jews to ash when they were scarce on fuel?

Why would anyone get kicked out of class? No wonder you guys are so stupid.

The daughters shot the niggers?

Why is lumber and chocolate on the banned material list in the west bank?

How much aid is israel receiving from the US?

Does Israel have nuclear weapons?

What is the Samson Doctrine?

If Israel can have nukes, why can't N. Korea/Iran?

Who is George Soros?

Is it true when they say Jews run Hollywood?

How complicit is the main street media in domestic propaganda?

What happened in Flint Mich, with the water?

How could that happen in modern day?

Why does Chicago have the highest degree of gun violence but also the strictest gun control?

What is the data on interracial violence stats, and who is most likely the victim and who is the perputrator?

Is gender isnt a choice, doesn't that open up a eugenics argument?

What is the purpose of immigration when automation is eliminating jobs?

How many veterans kill themselves daily?

Why do they kill themselves?

Why is our education system so poorly managed?

Since separation of church and state is a key tenet of our society, isn't Islam fundamentally incompatible with our values?

Why are the Gulf Muslim states taking in any refugees?

Wouldn't it be cheaper to setup refugee camps near Syria instead of in the west?

How many rapes are happening on a daily basis in Europe?

Holy fuck when is the last time any of you have been in high school? I graduated last year and AP WORLD HISTORY is where the teacher skims over, you guessed it

>World history

There is no current political discourse, no sociology of Jews, no discussion about America at all. Everything is about the world. The most any class gets to is America after WW2. Holy fuck you're going to make OP's bro look like a fedora tipping le contrarian faggot

Why are you allowed to disguise your political opinions as classroom material.

That's fucking retarded
It's world history you dingdong it's not "flex your redpill powerlevel "debating" the teacher class"

Good teachers don't
SJW teachers do
Another shitty thread OP I hope your brother looks fucking stupid asking off-topic questions to an old lady who has dealt with autistic children before

You fuckhead. I don't know what kind of teacher younhad, but mine encouraged discussions based on the actions of the cultures we learned about, and, if you didn't notice, there is a very heavy bias to eastern cultures in World History.

they were involved in everything illegal to do with money, they counterfeited, they coin clipped, they charged interest, they attempted to manipulate governments with money.

Nothing about the holocaust will work as all you will do is bait the teacher into trying to prove you wrong. You will get into an argument and he'll go on for half an hour about how Zyklon B was actually only used towards the end of the Holocaust and killed far less Jews than basic smoke inhalation which is why no Zyklon B residue is found in most gas chambers on the walls.

If you want to get kicked out of class tell him you just don't care about the Civil Rights movement or equality.

He can't remember what happened exactly but he reckons he beat them to death. Alot of the niggers in S/A are pretty malnourished so it can't have been hard. His daughters were between 6 and 9 at the time.

OP all of world history is spent discussing classical history such as the rise of agriculture, primitive societies, Mesopotamia, the Roman empire, Mongol conquest etc.

The holohoax doesn't occur until late in the course

Blacked out from bloodlust and went ape on the niggers

Also, maintain that the Mongols were barbaric savages who raped the people of Europe.

Did they go into detail what happened?

How they set him up on bullshit charges?

How they shot an unarmed woman carrying a toddler?

How they ambushed a child?

I'm curious how it was portrayed to you.

My take is that it was an outright fucking premeditated murder, followed by a misinformation campaign to cover up their dirty tracks.

>Anything that is negative towards the amerindian shitskins. Ex: calling them savages
>Anything that is negative towards the chinese
>And anything agains the holocaust

Well no shit I would rather learn about Chinese trade along the Silk Road and the dynasties of China/Japan/Korea than indians scratching their asses in Peru. It's also about the velocity of change. Things changed rapidly in the East as compared to the western world

My world history class was apolitical which was nice. It's hard not to notice certain trends though; like the relative lack of civilization in sub-Saharan Africa.

The Mongols did not "spread culture", "tolerate other religions", "enhance technology", they crushed people to death and raped women

>What kind of questions could get you kicked out of the class?

For your Country ask about the jewish/arab slave trade in Africa and how nigs sold their people to them


>ok class we're going to talk about Africa
>Africa has always been known as "the dark continent"
>people mainly talk about Africa as a whole and not as individual kingdoms

Mainly, a lot of it was WE WUZ KANGS and the Mali gold trade trading salt for gold

Spotted the Merchant.

Don't like mention of Israel do ya?

Do like people questioning the fact that they have nukes, do ya?

>If the Jewish people have been repeatedly persecuted by so many cultures over so many years, with the same justifications given every time, and the sole common factor every time was the Jews themselves, doesn't Occam's razor dictate that there was no scapegoating and they really did deserve it?

>It's also about the velocity of change. Things changed rapidly in the East as compared to the Western World

Perhaps, but if the course talked more about the west than the east, there would be a shitstorm calling the course "raycis" or whatever. That's what I was alluding to whenever I said there was a bias.

IIRC, there was literally only one chapter on Africa. Not much was said.

just ask about the dawn of civilization. and Stonehenge. this triggers all mainstream history people

I really hope you're not that socially unaware/austistic in real life.

I doubt you even fucking took AP World History and were just some normie scum who was taught "history" by a coach.

AP World History isn't about Israel/calling about le Jewish propaganda/denouncing the Jewish diaspora. It's about glossing over the old kingdoms/dynasties that made today's countries.

I was kicked out of my history class for making the claim that there's a bias towards the way Nelson Mandela is portrayed. The teacher didn't even try refute my arguement.

You're the most autistic person here btw. Probably some fat retard who sat in the back of a regular history class jerking off to the girl 3 feet away concealed by his oversized hoodie

Well you have on signal to look at.
Double entering.
Should tell you enough about where he comes from.

California investigated them in the sixties and their final report stated the JBS did nothing wrong, all the rumors about them were bogus and stands for true patriotism.

>What kind of questions could get you kicked out of the class?
Absolutely no such questions here. You could even sieg heil and go full nazi and chance that teacher do shit about it is low as hell as long you have actual arguments.

We had 3.

>Ancient Egypt. Not even ethnic Africans so it doesn't count

>Mali, Songhai and I think Ghana

>one little lesson about Ethiopia

Meanwhile there were 384838 lessons about East Asia, ~5 about Europe and 2 about the monkey people in the Americas

only if the teacher is a dude
fewer and fewer of those

Dont ask these questions. Its very different to burn one body, clear everything let the oven cool off and then load it all up full of materials again and warm it up then it is to keep it running piling more and more bodies non stop.

People realized that women should study history while men make it

women in any teacher position is a disastrous thing

Thank you for Correcting the Record™

You have to be 18 or older to post on Sup Forums

Underrated post

Ask him why they had a wooden door on those "gas chambers"

I actually found the focus on Asia pretty informative. However, I did not appreciate the demonization of agriculture/industrialization and the glorification of primitive civilizations due to "muh equalitee".

>Was the atomic bombing of a civilian population illegal?
If you asked most history teachers that they'd probably say yes these days.

My sister got kicked out of her high school history class by asking about Africa's voluntary involvement in the slave trade.

Her textbook (((coincidentally))) managed to completely remove the "Triangle Trade" from the entire chapter on dem fucking white males dat stole dem proud Toby Kangs.

you mean the good goy?

why was the leaders of the Bavarian socialist republic all Jewish?

Lol even we learned about the triangle trade, and we were told the holocaust happend, 9 milion jews died and they gased jews in truck with a red cross on it tricking them they would get medical help.

>Muh 9 gorillian
>Secret gas trucks

No wonder you're such cucks.