How do you think this show will end when the time comes?

How do you think this show will end when the time comes?

Murder suicide.

I can see it


Why not both.

Mr. PB goes berzerk and kills him.

Probably like About Schmidt's ending.

Harry Karry

Implied suicide left ambiguous.

It's either going to have a generally uplifting ending (things aren't great but it's obvious they're going to get better) or a very depressing ending.

I doubt they'll go for a murder/suicide ending. Bojack killing himself is the obvious option, it'd be going the way of his hero, it'd probably do a lot of people a lot of favors, and it'd be too attractive to a guy like Bojack.

Instead I think we're going to see Bojack put in a position where he finally gets his life on track, but it's a lot of fucking work and it takes a lot more out of him, and he's going to have to struggle with that for the rest of his life.

If it doesn't end in him at least considering suicide I'll be let down.

Reminds me that House ended perfectly.

Dies in some kind of heroic fashion, like rescues a former friend/enemy from a burning building but gets trapped inside, something like that. He's remembered forever as a hero instead of as the empty inside misanthrope he became, but he's also dead.

Bojack stares off the ledge of a bridge, ready to walk to his death like his childhood hero Secretariat. He gets a call from Charlotte. He looks at his phone then offscreen as the camera zooms out. A dude honks his horn and tells him to move his car.

Either he finally finds some form of satisfaction or kills himself.

I believe he's gonna end up penniless, but happy.
The show will get lower than it ever has before, but it'll pull up just at the end.

The entire show is about Bojack orchestrating his own misery; how a quest for fame and relevance is the catalyst for everything bad that happens in his life.

It'll end with him poor and forgotten, but content with himself.

Not as a famous actor, not living in his mountain cabin, just a simple, average life that he finally realizes has been good enough for him all along.

They're gonna make us work for that moderately happy ending though. Shit's gonna get DARK, though I don't know how they'll top Escape From LA.

I think that sounds about right. a nice bittersweetness to it.


>The Stove That Rapes People

>Horse goes into a bar
>The bartender says, "Hey, didn't you use to be the horse on Horsin' Around?"
>Horse smirks, maybe gives a small chuckle.
>I used to be."

Either happy ending or he kills himself.

Maybe he's about to kill himself and realizes he shouldn't.

Who? Todd? Someone he envies like PB? I don't see him doing that at all.
Way too predictable after the waking up in the morning monologue at the orphanage, but i could see it happening if they leave it ambiguous.

Murdered by Charlotte

There's gotta be some retribution for Escape to LA.
There's no way the writers will pull shit that dark and drop it.

Gets a girl pregnant and she moves in with him to raise the baby.

How was it dark? It was a shit thing to do and showed that Bojack is irredeemable. But dark how?

>Not "As Good as it Gets"

The real answer is a contrived downer.

The same way it began.

With bad Family Guy style flashback jokes?

With a bang.

Ends up in hospital surrounded by "loved ones" and ultimately being forgiven for everything

Happily, but there's enough evidence to cause people to debate for all time if what we saw is actually happening or if he just killed himself and is having a near death dream.

He heals

Suicide. Bojack sits on his unbalanced, broken bed and ends it all with the series finale of "Horsin' Around" playing in the background.


>all this talk about BoJack killing himself
>implying he has the courage to do so
It's as if you guys don't even watch the show.

Suicide is the most likely but also the most predictable ending.

Honestly I wouldn't mind if the show ended with Bojack back at square one, with him maybe finally alienating his friends. A lot of people may find it anti-climactic but in the real world sometimes things aren't some one big life changing event. Some people just don't change and Bojack forever becoming the self-destructive person he is, is a tragic ending.

True answer is him dying heroically, turning him into a hero finally celebrated for his achievements as an actor like he always wanted but only post-humously so he never gets to bask in it and inflate his ego

I'd like to see him losing his fortune and moving to a place where people don't recognize him.

He'll try to commit suicide, fail, go into a depression because he thinks he can't get anything right, and just lives out the rest of his life off of pension. Maybe instead of suicide, it could be an accident while filming. Some stupid shit, like a bag falling abd hitting him on the head. It would need to be implied that bojack knew what was coming, was able to stop it, but still let it happen, because he is suicidal. Then the whole recovery, depression, and acceptance thing.

Under rated. Reminds me of how RvB ended, despite the differing message. Probably the tone.

Drug overdose is more likely.

Not murder or suicide, everyone is already expecting that.
It will be bittersweet.

Erotic asphyxiation

I don't know, but I sure as hell hope people draw more qt3.14's from the show.