Movies that take more than 1 watch to fully understand

>movies that take more than 1 watch to fully understand

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is the second one from the directors cut or what?


A cigarette?


"Red pill" me on this web m, o p.

She's jewish?

makes no sense

So he got slightly wider shoulders? So fucking what


You start

What did Kubrick mean by this?

Is it a subtle hint that he directed the moon landing?

i don't get it

Anyone that says otherwise is lying.

no they are both from the same movie.
1st one is when the camera is slowly zooming in
2nd is from the next shot

where are you even getting the second photo OP? I've only seen the first one

The Shining DID have some really weird stuff going on with it. Like the cut hospital scenes. Weird missing frames.


what did he mean by this?

actually its reversed.
photo 1 is the 2nd shot, after its zoomed in
photo 2 is when its zooming in

Being Kubrick must've been awesome

After a while everyone starts thinking your continuity errors and editing flubs are intentional masterworks of symbolism

Who was the bear Sup Forums? Just tell me the truth.

so whats important about the little piece of paper alot of people have in their hands? Jack has on in his "Baphomet" pose hand too


It represents how fags are just sexual fetishists and our evil incarnate like most of the hotel's manifestations.

>white mans burden Loyd.... white mans burden... the niggers, kikes and wetbacks are fucking everything up for us.

I love the directors cut as much as the next, but this was a bit too much. Now I know where Rami gets his inspiration.

Jack Nicholson is pure sex


How scary is this movie? I've heard it's a great film but I'm a bit of a pussy and I'm scared

Only a pleb would think that. The fucker spent years preparing his movies.

It's not scary. It gets a bit tense near the end but that's it.

there's only 1 actual scary scene IMO

didn't know it was a webm when I opened it and it started to move. Tripped me the fuck out

>when you keep fucking up continuity but than you pass it off as symbolism

>thinking this was done on accident

There aren't really any jumpscares. It's great at gradually giving you a sense of dreat

>Kubrick accidentally made 2 separate images and used both of them

I don't get it.

the bear represents russia

not really scary

This is one of the only "theories" that make sense because the impossible structure actually has an aesthetic effect on the viewer. It treats the movie as a piece of art and not as a dumb conspiracy theory.

But for what purpose? What is the purpose of the impossible window for instance? Some symbolism can have a value because of their meaning or at least their aesthetic appeal, but an impossible window? Disappearing plushy dolls and wall stickers?

very cool

He's forever trapped. The woman's hands disappearing over his coat that has become larger is symbolic of this

I still dont get this joke


It's not like he had anything better to do.

chucks suck and fuck

You, the viewer, were the bear.

It fucks with your head if you have any kind of spatial awareness, in the back of your mind you know the architecture makes no sense


The Shining is literally Frozen

why the handprint?

Most of the weird continuity "errors" are just meant to be subtle enough that you don't consciously notice, and feel a sense of anxiety you can't place

>not a headprint

What? No, that doesn't make any sense.

It's actually quite simple. Say "Chuck and Sneed" five times fast. Then you get it.

Are you serious?

>the bear leaves its cave forever




this. they are there to create a subconscious feeling of disorientation... that something's "not right." all the paedo moon landing shit is fucking retarded.

desu I hate this meme

>Kubrick doesn't make mistak-

>implying he didn't just want to brag about a heli ride

ohhh thats why he had the playgirl thing, because he is gay

literally no one has mentioned pedo shit

he's saying there is more to the movie than meets the eye

encouraging the audience to look beyond the obvious, to search within shadows, for the true message

It's more of an unnerving tone that builds and builds endlessly

Oh okay

Mistake not made by Kubrick, by the way. The aspect ratio of that release is too tall.

I don't get it, where's the mistake?

Helicopter shadow in the bottom right.

bottom right corner

the heli shadow

you being born

a marijuana cigarette

is that a baggy of coke in his right hand?

>It's impossible to think that a helicopter could be flying around that area in the movie.


This is something I actually haven't seen before, cool
It's a work of art

The helicopter shadow is a dark sperm swimming towards the yellow 'egg' VW

does my bullshit sound legit?

>incest: why parents sleep with their children

maybe it was just a bad shot that they could get away with

1.) The 1920s flapper lady is passing a marijuana joint to her friend.

2.) Jack may be doing that Satan worshipper 4-finger palm raise thing with his right hand.


wtf I hate kubrick now


article title themes:
Selling soul - GREED
Incest - LUST
Diet – guilt for GLUTTONY
Taking sex quiz - PRIDE
Tax dollars wasted- ANGER
Watching TV commercials - SLOTH
Choosing a person for an affair – ENVY of someone else



john candy


This is retarded.

>Some writers view "Making of The Shining" documentary as a semi-scripted "part" of the film's complex labyrinth
Who is it even referring to? "writers" of what?

you're really reaching, considering that was an actual playgirl mag and there's no way the editor considered all the deadly skins when making the cover

how subtle kubrick

>tfw I'm a pussy who is really afraid of horror movies but I love Kubrick so I'm limited to Dr. Strangelove and Barry Lyndon

he's made one fucking horror movie