
Was it a good film?
I give it a 8/10.

It's definitely one of those movies that you think was great your first time around but then realize it wasn't so good after watching it a second time

It was easily one of the best films of 2016 but Sup Forums has a hateboner for it so good luck having a successful thread.

that probably has more to do with the mystery of the film no longer having any mystery because you already saw it

>watching a film more than once
The sign of a pleb.


why the fuck didn't amy adams even get nominated for an oscar, she anchors this movie by clearly showcasing emotions that don't even exist and that no one has ever felt without needing to say a single word

amy adams is fucking incredible in this movie

I thought the mystery was interesting, but the whole sequence with the Chinese president felt kind of phoned in to me, like the writers couldn't find a solution and just decided to make shit up

I thoroughly enjoyed it would give it 9/10. It's great finally seeing an alien arrival movie that involves them wanting to exterminate us for some contrived reason then us somehow defeating an civilization capable of inter galactic travel.


If the emotions don't exist then how the fuck does she showcase them?

It was dissapointing

>mfw people calling it "The Close Encounters of the Third Kind of 2016"

i'm asking the same question

nah it's like, how would you react towards seeing, for the first time, undeniable proof that we aren't alone in the universe? there's no way of knowing. no one's ever felt that before. but she NAILS it

One thing I don't understand is why the fuck there are so many memes for Abbott is death process.

Oh, I kind of get that then. It's true, somehow she manages it.

Three of the most expressionless and uncharismatic actors ever get together to make a wasted plot element into the most overrated movie of the year.

how the fuck can you say that about amy adams, she's the best

I thot the beginning was sort of dumb and some concepts were kind of dumb like a language lets you live time on a non linear plane. Though overall it was p good and a pretty unconvential take to a convential trope.

The lame le atheist spaghetti monster aliens don't rape Amy Adams or destroy the world because of words and shit. cool story bro.


needed a better ending.

also need a remake with trump as president. not trying to be political, but that shit would've been funny as hell having him in charge.

they were never going to destroy the world in the first place. they came here because they knew they'd need our help in the future, and they wanted to give us the ability to help them by teaching us their language. that's their whole mission statement.

i mean, their whole species doesn't even have a word for weapon, they're not violent at all. we only think they might be violent because being divisive and controlling is in our human nature, which we learn to overcome

i cry myself to sleep to the theme of this movie every night

it needed to be an hour longer to show how they cracked the language


fun fact: the chord progression of the theme goes through the circle of fifths, in order to match with the theme of circles and loops that goes through most of the movie. it's a very circular chord progression

Anyone got good pics of Amy Adams? For language research...

I like how they really tried to make the aliens and their language seem alien, in an age where all aliens have to be anthropomorphic for some reason. But the entire seeing into the future bit was bullshit, especially with how they get the general to not blow up the ship.

it was the dumbest shit ever, a sci-fi movie for people who don't like sci-fi.

t. ScarJo

muh young daughteru...

>a sci-fi movie for people who don't like sci-fi.
How so? What about this movie screams "I don't like sci-fi" to you?

are you complaining because a character in a movie cared about something

>being divisive and controlling is in our human nature, which we learn to overcome
No, that's just *nature*. All life is controlling and divisive and generally wants to destroy everything else around itself if it benefits it to do so. Nothing that doesn't have this attitude - or at least recognize it in others - can exist for very long.

Which is why Stupid Aliens like these are so retarded. They could not possibly exist in reality. Never mind the other retardedness like how they 'exist outside time', or that by learning their language you magically stop perceiving time linearly, concepts so absurd it boggles the mind - something the film makers incidentally recognized when they deliberately changed the way the protagonist's daughter dies from something preventable to something unpreventable. They realized that if it was so obviously and easily preventable then the main character could simply... stop it from happening. Thus invalidating the entire premise of the entire story. Of course, she could *still* do exactly the same thing in the movie as well by simply very slightly altering the conditions of the conception and pregnancy, but I guess people are too stupid to immediately realize this the same way they would when seeing her die from an accident. It's also something she invariably would've ended up doing anyway simply by being made aware of the future. Which is the problem with predicting the future; by predicting it, you automatically change it, immediately invalidating the prediction. Then there's other stupid shit like saying something to someone that you only knew you needed to say because you predicted that you would say it... I could go on forever about this crap. Time travel pisses me off almost as much as the Stupid Aliens trope does.

Okay, what the fuck? Are you seriously egocentric enough to think that just because life on Earth is that way, life everywhere must be that way?

7 out of ten

it was pretty good, but presented in a way that irritated me and I'm not sure what it was

The lazy way they went around to "decipher" and trying to communicate with the aliens, which was a big part of the plot by the way. Instead of focusing on it they just showed us some glimpses of it(really bad methodology, no geometry, no math) and then completely skip it, most likely it was too much work for them and they wanted to get to the aliens good guise they trying to help super deep pseudo intellectual plot as soon as possible.

>babbys first causality loop time travel movie

I bet you thought Interstellar was confusing too, huh?

People tend to be irritated when faced with a being of higher intelligence than themselves.

It's sci-fi for normies. E.g. it pisses all over reality as we understand it and science as a method of doing so. It's no less fantasy than a guy with a sword slaying dragons is.

It pisses me off. there are so many cool, interesting ideas to explore even when constrained by what we know about reality. Heck, it gets way MORE interesting because it's so constrained - you actually have to come up with solutions to your problems, not just handwave the problems away to tell exactly the same fucking story people have already told for 4000 years just this time set in space instead of on the high seas or whatever. Necessity is the mother of invention. But of course doing that is actually hard, so people can't be assed. Then when you have no necessities, no constraints, your stories all end up being boring, formulaic crap, like 99.9% of the most popular sci-fi is.

>Okay, what the fuck? Are you seriously egocentric enough to think that just because life on Earth is that way, life everywhere must be that way?
Egocentic? Are you retarded? It's a product of the laws of nature, adhered to be everything that exists. For me to be wrong the reality would have to not be uniform, which is completely outside the scope of everything as we understand it.

You can't really blame him. Those movies have a moment where it takes a leap that some people cant follow. Time shit in this one and the Dimension shit in Interstellar is where like 60% of the audience got confused and "didn't like it" anymore. Fuck em

Isn't the sci-fi that you seem to want generally referred to as "hard sci-fi" to differentiate it from what most people think of when they hear the term sci-fi?

flick made for people of high intelligent like m oi

Yes, it is. He just wants to be a whiny little cuck and collect (You)s for it.

Guys complaing about telling the same stories over and over when there are literally only 7 core plots in human storytelling period.

>there are literally only 7 core plots in human storytelling period.

And those are?

we don't know what life is like outside earth, and we may never know. that's what the movie is about too btw

>being this narrowminded


it was aight

The irony is that Arrival is embraced by liberals who at the same time have been rebuking the Russians for the past year.

If indeed an Arrival-like situation were to arise, it would be in our best interests to set aside our differences and work with Russia, North Korea, and so on. Because regardless of what their leaders are doing to their people, we would have bigger issues to deal with.

>captcha: concession road


He's right though. The Fibonacci Sequence my nigga.

Arrival is part of a recent series of movies I'd describe as Dunning-Kruger Sci-Fi. Along with Interstellar and to a somewhat lesser extent The Martian, they perfectly play to the crowd that fancies themselves as (and, to be fair, may truly be) smarter than average audiences but are not as smart as genuinely "smart people." They are movies designed to make the audience feel smart by introducing complicated and heady concepts, and then holding the viewer's hand the entire way through until there is next to nothing to be left up to interpretation.

If you didn't already know the twist in Arrival by the time she was in the milky section of the ship with the aliens AT LEAST, you perfectly fit the audience I am talking about.

There is no reward for being smart while viewing these movies because everything is eventually spelled out in big fridge magnet letters. Any clever idea is made so transparent that even the most simple in the audience will get it. It also removes any reward for rewatching or trying to figure out what you just saw.

Granted, there is a difference between Arrival and Interstellar. I think where Interstellar was pretending to have a brain it actually didn't have, Arrival has a brain that it is refusing to let the audience use.

Completely disappointing movie.

>so that just happened

Avogadro's number, dipshit.

It's sad that Sup Forums has gotten to the point where people only type out long posts so that they can repost them in every thread and genuinely have no interest in engaging anyone else in thoughtful discussion.

The ending was just a dumb time paradox. Who told the Chinese guy what to tell her to tell him over the phone? Not her, because he told her.

The whole point is that she experiences time circularly.

That still doesn't explain it

What are you looking for, exactly?

how did she know what to tell the Chinese guy over the phone? She had a vision of the future where he told her what she'd told him, but that future (and her vision of it) should never have happened because she didn't know what she should have told him from the beginning.

it's like he learned it from her and she learned it from him, but neither of them actually came up with it

>it's like he learned it from her and she learned it from him, but neither of them actually came up with it
That's correct.

you don't see a problem there? Someone had to have come up with it originally or it's just an impossible situation. It's a time paradox.

I love you

Only from the perspective of someone who doesn't experience time circularly.

you could not be more of a simple minded faggot right now

what a cop-out answer
That explains nothing. Even if she could see the future, that future shouldn't have existed. She experiences time circularly, fine, but only one timeline exists.

nobody asked you you brainless retard

It was pretty bad.

It really should have drawn you into the discovery process. Instead, there is just a montage of "scientists thinking and stuff" and then the guy explains everything in a monologue.

This future exists for the very reason that time is circular. And because she can experience it that way she is the only human capable of receiving a message in that way.

Are you memeing me? Again, that explains nothing. We're going in circles here

>We're going in circles here
And now that you've experienced time the way Amy Adams' character does, perhaps you can understand how this all works.

>watching a film
biggest sign of plebitude right here

Oh! it's all so clear to me now

I watched it with my GF in a chinese theater and we both thought it was mediocre but not enough to regret paying for it.

That's rad

Cool concept, but I think they hammed up the execution of the time-vision bit with the Chinese general. It felt like he was in on it somehow, and she was acting surprised to be in that situation, which doesn't make sense because she lived up to that point rather than suddenly jumping into the future.

I guess it was for the sake of clarity, but it still bugged me.

Read the fucking story.

It's good

shut up

I assumed he was in on it and he learned how to experience time circularly by reading her book, which she published in the future. Still doesn't explain how she knew what to tell him over the phone in the first place though. Unless he was just lying / making it up that she told him that over the phone because he knew her saying that to his past self would make him call off his attack, but doing that would make his future timeline (where he made it up) never have happened.

you shut up

does your gf have big tiddies?

Yes, admittedly I wasn't paying much attention to the movie because I was busy sucking on them.

taking pride in following the product of a the imagination of some 2 beat writer about time travel

>2 beat
Lol, idiot.