Hitler wanted to kill THIS

>Hitler wanted to kill THIS

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He would have wanted you to rape that and then kill it actually.

Italy too

What do you think their marriage is like?

no he didnt

for a fucking reason her vagoo stinks like a brie

Hitler wanted to Madagascar IT

She's already aging like shit and my dude looks like a teenager. Smart money says he drops her in a few years

There will always be plenty of excellent alternatives that won't attempt to subvert your culture.

they probably have secret orgies with their fans since both of their fanbase have a unhealthy obsession with them

Hitler had jews in charge of his aviation ministry. His particular problems were with polish ones.


Italy's cousin knows.

she looks great imo

They actually gave the jews the option to resettle in Palestine without the loss of any of their wealth.


You realize every Jewish woman who you may think is attractive, inevitably degenerates into ugly goblin creatures once they age a bit.

>>Hitler wanted to kill THIS
The Holocaust literally did not happen.

Why am I supposed to care?

>it's Poland's fault not Russia's
nice meme

Russian jews were the whole reason the anti-comintern pact was made. Do you not understand the purpose of the Japan-Germany alliance was to destroy you?

Then why do you praise Hitler?

> be me
> antisemitic
> but have a fetish to fertilize the womb of an Ashkenazi Jew

>Then why do you praise Hitler?
Because Hitler was right.


Who dat?

I wanna kill that too. Whats your point OP?

P.S. I hope you've been working out. Building walls is tough work.

Too bad he didnt finish the job

Not sure. She is a Jew though. Jewish women and their high IQ's are attractive to many antisemitic men.



More pics.

I just want to nail it

Don't have more there are more. Save the image and do an image search with it.

and its a damn shame he didnt get to kill that.