
How about a good old fashioned wincest thread?

They're like what, second cousins?

wait what when were mera and arthur related

No, Hercules is her First cousin once removed

Fuck. I always forget her dad is Triton. Doesn't that mean Hercules should be much older though?

I was still a kid. But inside my heart I knew that these guys were suppose to be together. Incest shipping was in my destiny.


I have cousins who are babies user. If I decided to have kids, then my cousins and my kids would be roughly the same age, so that's not really a factor.

Although, Hercules is older. His movie took place in ancient Greece, and Ariel's movie took place in the Victorian Era.

No. hercules is something like, an Uncles. Cousins are from the same generation.

Hercules is Zeus's Son.
Ariel is Triton's daughter, who is Poseidon's son who is Zeus's brother.

So that make Herucles the Once removed Uncle from Ariel. Zeus is Ariel Grand-Uncle.

>Cousins are from the same generation.

that is what cousins once removed means

No, Once removed mean that they are only related to you through your great-grandfahter/mother.

Cousin is the child of your Uncle/aunt. Once removed couisn is the child of your once removed uncle/aunt.

Cousin are familly member of the same generation than you that aren't direct sibling.

That's the literal meaning of the word.

How removed they are depend of how high you have to go back in the family tree before you find a connection.

>once removed uncle/aunt.

Your great uncle/aunt

But, yes you're right. My cousin once removed is my father's/mother's cousin. My second cousin is my first cousin's child.

Here, I'll just post the chart so we can have more efficient wincest threads.

So, if and are accurate right, that make Ariel the Once removed cousin of Hercules.


Toku is not Sup Forums



Get a load of this guy. Explain our occasional Kamen Rider/Power Rangers threads then?
Mind you, they usually run their course instead of being deleted on sight.

These threads are so goddamn retarded

>oh hey cool i might find some good art
kill me

can't have a wincest thread without these 2

Any legitimate examples and not just shipping?

>Any legitimate examples
Listen to this idiot.