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>The trump campaign is kill already

Wow, #imwithher now

Hurricane Katrina has made land fall and is now just a tropical storm.

>mfw I stop browsing Sup Forums long enough to catch the tears here when Trump loses in a landslide

how can anyone with at least an 8th grade education look at these images and see anything but propaganda

enjoy your burger version of merkel

Mike Pence Splits With Donald Trump on Paul Ryan Endorsement

OK I fucking love Trump but that was pretty cringey.

But what the fuck are they upset about with this Khan thing? What did Trump say? All I saw was him saying the muzwife prolly wasn't allowed to speak. Hardly an "attack".

Thank you for Correcting the Record™

thank you for correcting the record

Stop trying to be smooth with your "sexy moves", Rush. You can't save this dumpster fire.

a normal, non-sociopathic human with feelings would never mince words with a gold star family like that. No matter what he said, it's childish that he even engaged.






donald trump supported the war too, dunkass. Everyone did.

Wow, she's fucking stupid

Why? They had a kid that got killed. Tons of people have dead kids, big fucking deal. Having your kid die doesn't give you a right to say retarded shit and not get called on it.

The way people are talking you'd think Trump had called their kid low energy.


It's not that the Trump campaign is falling apart, it's that the Left waited until he got the nomination before they started attacking him in earnest.

The Left has been in control of the USA since the early 60s at least, but now they are taking complete control with the demographic changes. Expect Democrats to dominate in the next three decades, with the Republican Party moving toward the left and a new Right Party springing up that get about 5-10% of Congress consistently.

I welcomed Trump because it ensured that the worst case scenario, a mainstream Republican, would not get the presidency. Hillary hastens the collapse and Trump could save White America, but mainstream Republican victories ensure the status quo of gradual and inevitable white extinction in America.

Lol you need to attend another meme 101 seminar. Everyone on the DNC stage deserves a schlonging, but especially some duplicitous fuck that wants more people to die in the desert for no reason

I truly believe the only solution is to just split the country. Democracy by its nature means one side gets everything and the other sides gets nothing. Democracy doesn't work when we have such radically different sides with completely irreconcilable differences. Why remain if we are hated by the left and we get nothing for all we do? They are beholden to us but the cuckservatives re too weak to do anything about it.

>the cuckservatives re too weak to do anything about it.

Everything changes once the Democrats seize full control. When Republicans see that they can no longer control Congress or the Presidency, they will throw political correctness to the curb and be their true selves and do real shit for the first time in half a century.

Same for the white race.


Wow your dumb... like sidewalk licking dumb.

Trump never supported that war

>a normal, non-sociopathic human with feelings would never mince words with a gold star family like that

>they will never be able to correct this record

The family is garbage, actually, with the father writing fundamentalist texts and helping wealthy Arabs come to the US for personal profit

But it's not like that'll ever air on TV

They won't be able to do shit because the demographics are already impossible to overcome. Any minor party in congress will be vilified by all of the others, including current "conservatives," and get nothing done. Not unlike what happened to David Duke in the Louisiana House, even when his legislation contained nothing inflammatory at all.

As the federal government is unwilling to give up any of the power it has taken over the last century, the only exit is likely to be war.

mfw "correct the record" transcend all medium of information even the polls are "corrected"

They don't need to, just ignore it and it'll go away

Oh wow, that was an embarrassingly piss poor performance on her part.

>Trump has nothing to do with Khan's death
>Yes, we know that. That's not what we're saying.
>Okay, but Trump has nothing to do with Khan's death



I love me some Katrina, fuck you shill faggots.


I'm voting for hillary now.

By doing real shit I meant things like secession, violence, public redpilling etc.

They won't be able to do much through the political system, but they will get a lot more done in the way of voicing their true beliefs and advancing their true objectives than they have in the last half century.

>implying Trump didn't call in to O'Reilly while she was given a speech at the RNC
classy guy really

Everyone makes mistakes. What she is actually saying is correct, that Trump had nothing to do with it.