No one has captivated and engaged us more in wildlife and conservation than this man right here, Steve Irwin

No one has captivated and engaged us more in wildlife and conservation than this man right here, Steve Irwin.
Not even Attenborough's god tier content can top Steve's.

What was/is Sup Forums's opinion of Steve Irwin?

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that fucker made my childhood, I was legit devastated when he died
some day I will exterminate all stingrays on allah

I honestly miss him
He was a good lad

He was pretty awesome.

Those zaboomafoo guys weren't as good.

I did school projects about him

He was as annoying as an American. I really liked this guy.

>D*tch subhuman
Fuck off

Yea, it still stings.

I want suck on bindis milkers.


funny enough, we actually eat stingrays
i know it's not what Steve would've wanted but still

Come on, just a bit of banter. Here, have something to calm you down:



I liked the show.

I like the guy, maybe tomorrow I will have grilled stingray for lunch.

Make stingray suffer as much as possible.

>Not even Attenborough
literally who
not all of the planet has BBC Life but Discovery Channel instead
even Bear Grylls is more known than the Jurassic Park dude

ayyy lmao

>literally who

>literally who
do you just not care about biology/ecology or what

Our Steve Irwin doesn't get killed by some shitty fish

Wie is dat?

Does grilling it with chilli based condiment and eating it with tamarind sauce count as sufficient suffering?

>do you just not care about biology/ecology or what
i care a little,
that's why i watch Jeff Corwin and Jeremy Wade

I thought you would buy a living one

We had this guy, bud he didn't fuck with crocodiles or stingrays though

Forgot pic

Australian-American relations were at an all time high. For some reason the Aussies thought this would last.


Was it a sting operation then

In all seriousity though, a proud and noble man. RIP

Not really consumed in my state so hard to get a living one here since pomfret and catfish is much more popular.