Where did guys like Clooney and Affleck go wrong in their portrayals of the Batman...

Where did guys like Clooney and Affleck go wrong in their portrayals of the Batman? What was it about West and Keaton that allowed them to succeed?
It can't all be about bad direction. What did they fundamentally misunderstand about the character?


>Clooney's batman
one day this meme will rightfully die

What about Val Kilmer Batman?

Clooney was relatively weak. It was beneath the performances of Bale, Kilmer, Keaton and West at the very least.

Clooney Batman had a weird dark outfit and occasional moments of sadness but then he'd be all campy and stuff his performance (like the entire script) was all over the place with tones

Affleck Batman was pretty much nu-punisher so he came off as boring and lacking nobility/self-control which Batman is better at then any other hero

For the story they were telling, Ben Affleck was a perfect Batman. At the peak of it's abilities, but having gone through too much shit to be all there mentally.

His Bruce was a veteran at the end of his rope, but Clark gave him a second breath.

There's plenty of wrong in BvS, but Ben's acting and portrayal is not one of them. Having him kill like it was nothing was dumb as fuck, but it's not his fault.

I really don't care how hard Batfleck triggered you divas. He's top notch.

>It can't all be about bad direction.

Acting is the actor's body and voice + their ability to remember and execute instructions. That's it. With the right instructions, Affleck and Clooney would have succeeded.

>so he came off as boring

he was the best part of the film. try harder. literally everyone is raving for his solo film.

West was endearing, I'd say.
Keaton was insane, like Batman should be.

Just my opinion, though.

Clooney wasn't terrible, it's just that the movie was more concerned about the villains and the spectacle than with telling a meaningful Batman story.

Affleck did what he could, but his celebrity overtakes any role he is in. He always plays himself as himself playing a character. In this case, an overweight looking Batman. He was always wrong for the part because of this. But studio execs wanted a "name" to play the part, they just happened to pick one who is only that.

In another timeline, Snyder got to make a proper DKR adaptation with an aged Clooney as Bruce Wayne.

>he was the best part of the film
that isn't saying much

Also, he's fat. He's fat and he's wearing armor. He looked Falstaffian.

>manchildren and children
sure thing, kiddo

Batfleck was perfect. Get off the shit youre smoking.

batfleck with his brief showing in dawn of kino is both the best bruce wayne and best batman

When The Dark Knight came out, discussing Batman movies with friends, I was in the minority for rating Burton's Batman. Having him casually kill, even if the victims weren't characterized, was unforgiveable.

Flashforward to now, and Snyder's having Batman be a fucking serial killer is apparently a mere detail.

Moral: People will buy any rancid shit if you sell it hard enough.

nah, just manchildren. you think a child could sit down and watch even an ounce of BvS without getting board out of their mind?

But it really is bad directing.

Actually bad producing too. I mean, from the script, the designs, everything. The concept of movie Clooney was involved with was totally shit and unlike Batman.

I love Clooney, but he also doesn't have that dark tone that Batman should have and that Keaton could bring. Clooney is much better at comedies though and he prefers to do them too. See any Coen movie with him.

His Batman was kind of a comedy, but it was just bad.

Clooney did fine playing a ridiculously campy Batman. I'd have to see him actually try to portray a dark, serious Batman before judging his abilities as Batman.

This. I feel sorry for the kids that have BvS as their intro to movie Batman.

Clooney and Kilmer also didn't care much about the role. You have to remember that Batman and Robin came out when Clooney was still known as a TV star trying to make the jump into movie stardom.

sorry we insulted your boyfriend

Kilmer was worse Batman. Clooney did all he could. He was pretty much the perfect casting though. He was handsome, had the right kind of swagger, had the chin.
I'll even say that his movie was better than Forver. Forever tried to adhere too close to the Burton feel while also trying to be even goofier. B&R just went full camp and was more focused for it.

Yeah, you're right about that too.

Who's "we"?

>even goofier
The Burton films aren't goofy. They're *comic-book-like*. Which is the point, even if Burton didn't give a shit about that medium.

>literally everyone
Do you not understand how to have opinions? It isn't just repeating what viral advertising said, or what RT scores indicated. You have to actually formulate your own.

No, it's definitely the writers and directors that determine a success or not. The actors are lucky to be in good movies, and should cultivate an ability to identify good scripts. Affleck was among the best of the Bruce/Batman portrayal, but the movie he appeared in didn't help.

Yea I remember TDK Batman being considered the crowning achievement for all things capeshit and nothing will ever come close to being as perfect.

Now people can finally take a look back and realize they were not perfect.

But I do recall a lot of hatred for Keaton for being a murderous insane piece of shit during all of that.

Yea Schumacker could not quite decide if he wanted to make an episode of the 60's show or a toy commercial and he managed to land it somewhere in between and fuck it all up.

I remember seeing an interview with Clooney where he said he felt batsman would be over the death of his parents. That's where he went wrong

If that's true it definitively explains much of the performance.

What did he think he was acting in, real drama? He should have realized that Batman's grief can never be assuaged, because it's simply romantic fancy dress for the self-pity of his untermenschen fans.

ITT: Sup Forums thinks George Clooney could have given a serious performance in a movie made solely to sell toys.

They all are good actors to fill in the shoe of Bruce Wayne. You mentioned "the direction" is the one good factor. A part of DC universe, Bruce Wayne saga is very deep & large. So just zapping a slice of it & try to put into physical space of cinema just doesn't work. Too bad for those who had to work with ppl who don't understand dynamic of adapting comic universe to cinema space. Both DC or Marvel carefully cerrypick a right person who really physicality of making a film out of the comics, would definitely lead to produce quality film.