So we know that metal benders can't bend platinum by virtue of it being too pure and not having enough impurities for...

So we know that metal benders can't bend platinum by virtue of it being too pure and not having enough impurities for earthbenders to make use of. Based on that, is it possible to extrapolate a list of metals that metal benders wouldn't be able to manipulate?

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By that logic metal benders wouldn't be able to manipulate any metal because that's just now how that works.

Metals are elements, they don't have impurities by definition. The only way this is even plausible is if the metals were forged artificially in such a shitty way that dirt from the factory actually got into the new material.But even then, you have to analyze the dirt that got into the metal as its probably on a microscopic level just a ray of more minerals that are either metal also or non-metallic. You're thinking of it backwards, you're trying to draw the line around "what is metal-bending" when you need to take a step back and figure out what exactly earth bending is.

it's fictional nonsense take their explanation and deal

>just an array

>Based on that, is it possible to extrapolate a list of metals that metal benders wouldn't be able to manipulate?

Plutonium. Doesn't exist in nature, so, there's that.

Although, giving a metal bender access to any fissile metal would be scary. They could not make a nuke worth a damn (the compression required is MASSIVE), but they could certainly generate a prompt-critical excursion at-will and at-range, which is plenty horrifying enough.

Really, if you know anything about chemistry, you realize that metal benders are by FAR the most brokenly powerful things ever.

Imagine what you could get up to with some sodium, or some nickel.

That stuff is HORRIBLE. It's killed scientists who knew what they were doing, after it escaped a fume hood.

Holy crap!

Yes, but if you actually give enough of a damn to do so, you should kill yourself immediately.

I still miffed that the reason Toph disappeared in LoK wasn't because she was looking for a way to bend platinum. I'm further miffed that she didn't figure out a way to bend it.


>So we know that metal benders can't bend platinum by virtue of it being too pure and not having enough impurities for earthbenders to make use of. Based on that, is it possible to extrapolate a list of metals that metal benders wouldn't be able to manipulate?
Yes, very good user


maybe, JUST MAYBE, this is a fictional universe so you can't actually apply real world logic and or physics to it
Sure you can make guesses as to how something might function, but because the show states canonically that various elements have varying degrees of purity, you cannot assume otherwise when talking about how something would function within the universe of the show

I'm still miffed my waifu turned into a slut who didn't care about her children
yeah, the explanation was that she didn't want to be overbearing like her parents, but my god at least try to make SOME of the characters likable

Toph being a bad parent was one they got right though. It was Aang they fucked up.

This. If you want to in-universe definition, metalbenders can only bend really, really, really shitty metal. Ergo, they wont be able to bend a fucking shard once their world starts actually improving the refining process, and they'd instead have to deliberately start making shit metal in order for metalbending to stay relevant. They sure as shit wouldn't be able to bend any modern metals from our world.

This user put it best. If Brake was smart, they'd have just said that earthbenders can bend metal by virtue of it being refines earth, but alas, we have an explanation that makes no sense.

>Really, if you know anything about chemistry, you realize that metal benders are by FAR the most brokenly powerful things ever.
By the logic of the Korra canon, they should be able to blood bend like waterbenders, using the iron oxide in your blood.

So Aaron messed up?

Aaron's not God's gift to fiction, he's just a filter for all Bryke's horrible ideas

So he missed one? Or Volpe or O'Bryan.


sorry but that whole retcon falls under non-canon for being too fucking retarded
metalbenders don't bend the earth inside metal. if they did, they could bend anything with tiny bits of earth in it. like water or air or people. they bend metal because metal IS earth, just like lava is earth, you just have to get a different feel for its texture to bend it properly.
they can't bend platinum because it's too fucking DENSE. not because it's somehow purer than other things (anythin can be pure or not pure if you extracted the shit in it)

that's stupid, user. if a show clearly makes reference to real things a person understands, and real concepts related to those things, you aren't supposed to throw up your hands and go "oh well it's fictional so it's a fictional version of everything"
this isnt adventure time where candy is a magical element that's millions of years old and predates candymaking, it's something ostensibly a serious action show.

In AtLA they talk about refinement. The guru mentions it.

But it's ok when Fallout does it.

>I'm still miffed my waifu turned into a slut who didn't care about her children

>girl with parent issues who ran away from home and doesn't like being tied down
>surprised she became a bad parent
Toph was a total shit, you just didn't know it because she was your waifu.

>It was Aang they fucked up.
Aang wasn't even that bad of a parent. He spent disproportionately more time with Tenzin, but he had to in order to pass on his airbending. Even his kids mentioned they were just being unreasonably salty.

Maybe it's because platinum isn't ferrimagnetic.

I want to know how the fuck what's-her-name managed to forge seventy six fucktillion tons of platinum into a 50-story mech in such a short amount of time without metalbending.

I'm doubly interested in how they managed to do it with platinum being such an incredibly god fucking awful construction material. It's far too malleable to act as any sort of armor, and far too conductive to provide any protection against, say, FUCKING LIGHTNING BENDERS.

Seriously, why didn't anyone just zap the fucking thing? You would literally have killed everyone inside. It was just platinum on top of a metal frame. A giant conductive death trap.

Actually it would've acted like a faraday cage. All the voltage would go straight to the ground. Everyone inside would be completely immune to lightning. That's why if your car gets touched by a live power line you stay the fuck inside it.

They wouldn't treat it like a Faraday Cage since Korra was in a similar situation in Book 1 when Tarrlok had that prison in his summer home. They had her suspend herself in the metal box and not just let the electric kali sticks be ineffective.

Of course why Amon would send his inept subordinates in rather than just have them wait outside and bloodbend her is another stupid thing but that's for another day.

It wouldn't. The mech's feet are too small compared to the surface area of the rest of the body to adequately ground something so massive, especially considering that those feet are also platinum.

If it were, say, laying on its back or wearing giant rubber booties then it would be adequately insulated. Shit, they probably could have just sprayed vulcanized rubber all over the steel catwalks all up in there and been fine.

Metalbending is never really explained. It is true that purity affects it, but we're not sure how. To begin with, if it was based on "you can only bend the earth inside the metal", it wouldn't even work. It would just break it instead of bending it, so things like wearing it like an armor would be just impossible. If however the earthbender can actually bend metal and only needs earth to give some sort or 'power' to it, that makes more sense.

Looking back, Taang would've made more sense and probably been better than Kataang. Not that I like Zutara though, but Taang I think would've been better.

Korra couldn't metalbend back then so it could have just been a normal metal cage.

>"oh well it's fictional so it's a fictional version of everything"
yes you are
you're supposed to do the opposite of what you're saying
This is a universe where people can fly on clouds and shoot flames from their hands, there's nothing about this that you understand because your logic is based in reality and not in this universe's laws
Platinum has a purity, you can't say "well according to real life this is how things work so let's start from there", because it's automatically wrong

>girl with parent issues ran away from home and didn't liked to be forced into a role
>bad parent

>guy with parent issues ran away from home and didn't liked to be forced into a role
>good parent

Aang and Toph share extremely similar circumstances, maybe they aren't exactly the same, but there are more similarities than differences
They both ran away from home because they were pressured into being something they didn't want to be
They both have issues with whomever raised them but still wish to connect with them, Toph cannot because her parents are old fashioned, Aang cannot because Gyatso died 100 years ago
Both are kids who just want to have fun but realize that have a huge and heavy burden placed on them
Both are master benders of their respective element at their ages

Toph actually reconnects with her father in one of the canon comics, so Toph totally could have been written to be a great mother, but they didn't really plan ahead

Azula is best waifu

Not really, she went nuts in the series, and then got character assassinated in the comics. She's shit now.

crazy azula = smug azula > power gap > comic incesty azula
100% I got a boner after seeing Azula break down and cry with her make up all messed up and tears streaming down her face
I'm not even into that kind of porn, I checked

>character assassinated
How so? Not saying you're wrong, just curious

>Aang wasn't even that bad of a parent. He spent disproportionately more time with Tenzin, but he had to in order to pass on his airbending. Even his kids mentioned they were just being unreasonably salty.

Even going by this excuse, Katara ends up even worse.

>Aang and Toph share extremely similar circumstances, maybe they aren't exactly the same, but there are more similarities than differences
They only seem that way because you're focusing on all the similarities.

>They both have issues with whomever raised them but still wish to connect with them
Aang didn't have parent issues at all. He had a good relationship with Gyaatso, and while he didn't know his parents very well, that was normal in his monk society.

>Both are kids who just want to have fun but realize that have a huge and heavy burden placed on them
Toph didn't have a heavy burden on her at all. Sure, she had to act like a proper rich girl instead of a tomboy, but that's nothing to Aang being the Avatar in the middle of a goddamn war.

>Both are master benders of their respective element at their ages
Aang gets the built-in excuse of being the Avatar to explain him being a master. Toph being a master earthbender is pretty bullshit.

Azula can lightning redirect in the latest comic. No training montage or anything.

>He had a good relationship with Gyaatso
Yeah he did, but now Gyaatso and his entire culture is gone, he literally doesn't have any amount of family anymore, nobody who gets him
That's rough on a 12 year old

>Toph didn't have a heavy burden on her at all
She wasn't the avatar, but she was part of the Gaang, and she was destined to be the person who teaches earthbending to the Avatar
That's still a burden, even if you don't consider her parents not letting her do anything to be crippling

>Aang gets the built-in excuse of being the Avatar to explain him being a master.
They explain this in the show. Being the Avatar had nothing to do with him mastering airbending, he even tries to explain to his friends that being the avatar didn't make him any different than he was the day before he found out
>Toph being a master earthbender is pretty bullshit.
She had been training for at least 10 years, which makes more sense than Katara being a master
But there's another point of similarity there, they were both special and powerful, but they still wanted to be treated like normal kids

>That's rough on a 12 year old
But it has nothing to do with parent issues.

> Being the Avatar had nothing to do with him mastering airbending, he even tries to explain to his friends that being the avatar didn't make him any different than he was the day before he found out

>She had been training for at least 10 years
She's only 12, so the majority of that time was spent when she's barely old enough to walk and not poo her pants. Additionally, her "training" was just her fucking around with beasts of burden.

When you consider that she can beat professional earthbending fighters in her first appearance, has a unique fighting style, power, and bending subset, and can fight Bumi whose got decades more wartime experience to a draw, she's pretty broken.

>Being the Avatar had nothing to do with him mastering airbending, he even tries to explain to his friends that being the avatar didn't make him any different than he was the day before he found out
Aang was just saying that so his friends don't abandon him.

>But there's another point of similarity there, they were both special and powerful, but they still wanted to be treated like normal kids
Toph was treated like a normal kid in her segment of society.

Again, Texas sharpshooter fallacy. You're focusing so much on the similarities you're ignoring the tons of differences.

>different genders
>Aang is accommodating, Toph is stubborn as shit
>Toph comes from rich upper society, Aang comes from monks who eschew worldly possessions
>Aang tries to talk things out at first, Toph attacks things first
>Aang can see
>Aang can bend more than one element
>Toph can metalbend
>Aang had one wife, Toph slept around
>Aang actually payed attention to his teachers


To say that there are more similarities than differences is just wrong.


Azula is not crazy she just had a breakdown which is a perfectly normal thing for a person to go thought when under a lot of stress.

What the fuck has that got to do with anything?
Stop trying to force your shitty ship at any goddamn opportunity.

Shut up, Scrapper. Your waifu is a fucking crazy ass, evil bitch.

They did bend water with earth in it though. Toph and Katara had that mudfight episode

>Aang wasn't even that bad of a parent
The problem is the shitty way in which LoK presents it.
If you introduce two, middle aged characters and all we ever hear them talk about is how their Dad ignored them and how it's still effecting their lives 50 years later, your audience is going to interpret that as being a big deal, even if it's not supposed to be.

The entire show was Aang's character arc of growing into responsibility. Toph never had that. It makes sense for Toph to have never really matured, while it doesn't make sense for Aang

>You got your earth in my water
>You got your water in my earth

It was just product placement for upcoming game.

Fuck you, she isn't evil or crazy. Everything she did was for her father that her piece of shit mother left her in the hands of.

The platinum stuff was, like most of Korra, poorly thought crap.

And just like Korra is better if you ignore it ever happened.

Scrapper you were banned and your Smoke and Shadow prediction was utterly wrong.

You said you would leave forever if you were wrong, so GTFO.

Bullshit, I'm not Scrapper but if I were to make such a prediction I would argue that Azula is on her path for redemption. She even admits she is trying to make Zuko a better Fire Lord so that makes her a-okay in my book.

>but my god at least try to make SOME of the characters likable

she was likable in her own way while still being a bitch

just like in TLA

>crazy azula = smug azula > power gap > comic incesty azula
Zucest is like Korrasami.
Good for porn, terrible when it becomes actually conceivable.

There is only one Azula, and that's the hurt girl you see trying to find her lot in life

This is a good picture.
Most of the pictures like this, where they have the Gaang representing the elements, leave Sokka out and it always annoys me

>So we know that metal benders can't bend platinum by virtue of it being too pure

Platinum is their waifu

Platinum a shit
Tungsten best metal

Not really. Bryke stomped the rules so much in LoK that it isn't worth the effort thinking about the series.

She joined a secret cult of smoke benders and is now a smoke ninja obsessed with turning zuko into a tyrant like his dad.

I understood it as the level of metallurgy during TLA was really shit, so every metal was contaminated, and by Korra it advanced enough that anyone can make pure metal, but the government doesn't allow it, as it would make the metalbending police force useless, which is why every villain, but only villains, is able to make stuff from Platinum.

>"I'm not crapper but let me act just like him."

It just doesn't seem like something they really thought out. And that's coming from AtLA.

Bending the impurities like Phatik said can only go so far like you said. So this secret thing that Toph discovered ends up becoming useless once humanity continues to advance as it is want to do.
In cases like mud the two elements act as one with either an earth or waterbender able to bend it. But earth would end up seeming to rip out the impure earth particles still in the metal.

The machines that the Equalists were building would be even less threatening if they could be taken down because of their metal composition. Which I'm okay with because it was already a stretch that those tanks were a threat.

>There are people who legitimately think she was a prostitute that Iroh hired to housebreak Zuko

With a lewdface like that, how could she be anything but?

>>Really, if you know anything about chemistry, you realize that metal benders are by FAR the most brokenly powerful things ever.
>By the logic of the Korra canon, they should be able to blood bend like waterbenders, using the iron oxide in your blood.


Or, think about this: Calcium is a metal.

IE, metalbenders can bend bones. Like making spikes grow from the inside of your skull and shred your brain.

True metal benders have an instant "I kill you" power. The only people who can even hope to stop that is another metal bender.

Metalbenders don't actually bend metal, guys. They bend the minute amounts of earth embedded in metal. So in theory, any highly refined metal would be difficult or impossible to bend.

The evidence is pretty well [spoiler ]stacked[/spoiler]

This is quite the plothole with Korra. If they can only bend impurities rather than the actual metal, then how were they able to bend the liquid metal poison that was inside Korra?

Oh, well, that's very easily explained by the fact that .....................................................................................................................…................…......................................................

i kek'd

They were able to bend the liquid metal poison out the same way that Katara couldn't heal Korra in season 1 nor 4.

24 carat gold.