Why does Alex hurt people's fee fees so much

Why does Alex hurt people's fee fees so much

>that's not a rebuttal
the irony jesus christ.

>Hey Sup Forums can you hate this guy with me?

I would vote Trump if I was from the EUA, but I don't give a fuck about Hirch polítical views, just his work, and he as done a lot of good stuff.

Stop acting li5e tumblr, basically repeating "your face is problematic". I get it he has polítical views of a flaming homo faggot, now grown the fuck up and learn that its normal to have people with different, and often annoying, polítical views.

>and he as done a lot of good stuff.


I'd be a Trump fan if I got sweet magic powers like that too.


Not comics or cartoons, faggot.

No, just because he's a creator doesn't mean you can make a thread that clearly is about political discussion and thus, belongs on Sup Forums.

Oh look, it's another "Using a tweet from a comic/cartoon creator as a thinly veiled Sup Forums thread that is instead a poorly disguised Sup Forums thread".

Season 2a was trully great. Can you prove me wrong?

You don't have to talk about Trump to discuss how retarded Alex Hirsch is. Just make fun of him instead.

Why is being conservative the cool thing to be with edgy teenagers and 20-somethings now? Wasn't euphoric atheism edgy enough?

Half of those I wouldn't trust to formulate a sound political opinion and the other half hardly has one.
Being right on one point that shouldn't even be worth discussing doesn't mean I can't hate your guts, too.

Because being a leftist is mainstream and Sup Forums is contrarian by nature.


This is the guy who built a golf course and then billed the old people who lived across the street from it

Season two of Gravity falls wasn't good at all. It's was as though he just gave up and went basic with his storytelling. Also, his 'nods' to the fans were too plentiful and heavy-handed.

you know this kinda bullshit where people just scream at each other about political views and whatnot instead of quality of argument or what have you is the worst thing about this

Because America cannot into complex political ideas and ideological systems.
It's always one or the other, in package deals.
Either you want an egalitarian utopia at the cost of civil rights, or you want to go back to the 60s. Except more guns and less drugs.

I unironically believe this, but I still think TJ is an asshole.

>they said after obama Sup Forums would go right wing as a reaction
>oh they don't know what they're talking about

so wrong

Asshole? Well, and unabashed hedonist who is nearly impossible to shame and a dismissive shirker, but asshole?
That's a label I would peg on Milo.

Season 2a pre hiatus, faggot.


Milo's more sassy than he is assholish.

It's sad to see all the potential he had gone.

I never bothered watching the finale of the series.

He is a good VA though, he should quit writing and become a VA full time, he'd kill it.

Pretty sure being a liberal cuck is still the "in" thing right now.

The reason he's still rich despite having so many projects- and failed ones as well- is because he is always using other people's money. It's something that is very notorious about him.

Not the kind of person you want in charge of the treasury.

Trump is Bill Cypher

>and 20-somethings now?

I'm pretty sure it's the other way around on that point. Most of them are the other extreme.

>I unironically believe this

the problem with this election is that Trump and Clinton are both shitty choices.

except nobody scrutinizes Clinton at all, in many ways she is more dangerous than Trump, Trump at least never sold arms to foreign countries....well to my knowledge at least.

we're stuck with Globalism....ugh.

why can't their be sane nationalism, i'd go libertarian if Johnson would close the borders.

Milo expresses his opinions in the most absurd and hyperbolic ways possible in order to attract attention, and then people wonder why the rest of the world doesn't take him seriously. I doubt he even means a lot of the shit he says, but people latch onto it anyway because they need an opinion to latch onto.

Celebrity has seriously disrupted political discourse.

>annoying attention whore who needs to have the spotlight on him at all times
>built up to be yuge and powerful
>consistently fails to measure up to his own hype
>won't go away

>tfw Trump voter because the other options manage to be even worse
>can't summon forth swarms of flies and foghorn noises
What the fuck man where do I get my warlock powers at??

>except nobody scrutinizes Clinton at all, in many ways she is more dangerous than Trump, Trump at least never sold arms to foreign countries....well to my knowledge at least.
That's because the Clintons convinced Trump to run to suck up airtime, and she has her hoard of rabid hacks to swarm anyone with charges of sexism and racist if they dare point out what a right-wing sack of shit she is.

But really, they both simply offer the continuation of the same shitty policies we've had for the last 8, 16, 20, 24... well, you get the point.

>except nobody scrutinizes Clinton at all
She's been scrutinized for 30 years. The problem isn't that there's no dirt on her, it's that it's already been dug up, paraded around, and failed to make a dent. That's why Benghazi and the emails continue to be a thing, neither is actually very big but her opponents keep trying to bring them up out of sheer desperation to find something that'll actually stick. There are far worse scandals in he history where she's legitimately guilty of some downright shitty things but they're basically ancient history as far as politics goes.

The same actually goes for Trump- shit he did 30 years ago fails to catch on, his opponents tried desperately to do that in the primaries but it all rolled off because, like with Hillary, it may as well be ancient history. His problem is that he keeps making an idiot of himself in the present day, while Hillary's savvy enough to avoid doing that.

>buying into the "globalism is bad" meme

it's a shame she's gonna win, truly unopposed.

makes me fear the future more and more.

as overrated as Bernie was, he was trying to do something different even if it was the commie way.

shame he too is now part of the establishment.

you have to go to your local congressman and have him teach you the spells, for a price

This is why Trump opponents have trouble getting onboard. They're so handicapped by all the furious circle-jerking on the facetwittergrams that when someone disagrees with them they just start hallucinating until it stops.

When punk rock went mainstream, we got MCR
When nerd chic went mainstream, we got Big Bang Theory
When liberalism went mainstream, we got Tumblr.

This website isn't anti-conformist. It's the same people getting upset for new reasons.
So no, we aren't just haters that you can dismiss. Turns out you still have to think about this issue critically even though it makes you uncomfortable.

but it is though.