Go outside. Talk to real people. Get out of your echo chamber. Trump is hated and despised. Called a racist. A traitor...

Go outside. Talk to real people. Get out of your echo chamber. Trump is hated and despised. Called a racist. A traitor. Most people are rational and goodhearted, and they know a man like that has no business in the highest office. To say nothing of the marginalized and persecuted minorities who will flock to support to the woman who promises them a brighter future. Go to your neighbor and tell them you're a Trump supporter. Then watch as they slam the door in your face.

I'm serious. Go out in public and see what happens when you make your political views public to your social circles. Your family, your friends, your co-workers.

You will be an outcast in days while democratic views are accepted. Your days are numbered

Things girls have told me when I shill for Trump

>you're interesting
>Trump is bad but yeah Hillary is worse
>Trump is okay I support his tax plan at least


And Hillary Clinton is a beacon of morality and integrity at its finest?

Things girls have said to you in real life


>Most people are rational and goodhearted

Obviously most people are not rational. Even people who are rational most of the time are prone to irrationality, and almost nobody is rational most of the time. As for goodhearted, it's entirely meaningless. People who intend to do what they think is good and end up doing harm as a result are not good.

>the future envisioned by OP


obviously. the entire point is to shift the conversation on clinton which is nonexistent


>Using "social proof" trolling
>on fucking Sup Forums

Oy vey what the crystal fuck do you think you're doing?


Joke's on you, my family know my power level and not only accept me but completely agree with me.

Must suck to be the spawn of people who define their opinions based on those of others, and not their own Kek-given reason. Guess it would explain your faggotry anyway

I walk around Miami with a "Jail Clinton" t-shirt, and, based on my sample size of 2, Latin Americans unanimously hate Clinton and Trump will deliver all CTR shills a personal schlonging

Its getting tough there are too many of them lately

I don't know a single Hillary supporter OP.

Go back to breddit until November, then be sad for the next four years

>Your days are numbered
jeez really makes you think huh?
if I didn't know any better, I'd think the democrats were the actual nazis.

love this pasta

>You will be an outcast in days while democratic views are accepted. Your days are numbered

Who gives a fuck? We will hack elections!


Whenever I hear someone talk shit about Trump irl I question them. What makes him a racist? They never even fucking respond or if they do they parrot some clickbait title they saw in the newspaper or social media. So easy to shut that shit down and they stay silent like the cucks they are.

just because you word it differently, doesn't mean its a new topic shill.

The worse part is you're doing it for free just for an internship.

but, ty 4 CTR! ! ;D ;D I guess

>I have had indian, islander, muslim, black, and asian friends. I have nothing against these people generally. However;

>I hate asian tourists because they're fucking rude and ruin all the nice parts of this country with their presence.
>I hate the fucking muslim bitches that ram you with their trolly in the shopping center (usually the hoodie wearing cunts that refuse to speak english).
>I hate muslims who get offended when you eat bacon.
>I hate coons that yell at you about stealing their country.
>I hate black people that adopt gang banger ghetto fuckwit culture and try and intimidate you when you walk past them in the street.
>I hate indian cab drivers that try and take you the long way to scab extra cash.

As far as I'm concerned, these types don't belong in western society and should go back to the 3rd world.

Except literally every bar, restaurant, or place of public gathering I go to, nobody can go more than 15 minutes without talking about how fascinated they are by Trump. All this and I live one of the most consistently blue states in the union.

Those who express dislike for Trump's brashness are nonetheless drawn to the fact that he represents rage against the establishment. Deep down, I suspect that all but the most bleeding heart liberals genuinely sympathize with Trump; people know that if they were asked to run for president, their execution probably wouldn't be much better, and so they give him a pass as long as Trump gives them even the slightest reason to believe he's trying to sound smart.