Post redpills to kill the cuck shills

Post redpills to kill the cuck shills.

Other urls found in this thread:é_Descartes#Emancipation_from_Church_doctrine

nig who tried to rape a chinese woman


Basic statistics knowledge required.






This one is especially interesting



This chart shows that smarter whites can't make as much as dumber blacks.


I wanna hear how they try to explain this away

no it doesn't

What kind of twisted logic is necessary to believe what you just said? It shows that even niggers from a well-off background are dumber than the poorest whites.


>tfw no 'muh dick'

Whats it like if we try to compare it to Asians. Even higher?








unsourced, wild racist claim (The College Board? Really? No links to ANY data set, good job!)
racism, no source (source is broken link)
unsourced, meaningless data
quote from well known white racist, unsourced at that
racist, anti-semitic propaganda, unsourced

literally a hitler quote. Really breaking out the big guns, huh?

what is this? alt-right fan art? This is how you view america? Just kill yourselves already holy fuck. I'm going to show this to my gf and we'll have a good laugh.

>white people never did anything bad

Except you know, most war crimes, the holocaust, slavery, genocide.... Just to name a few....

That definitely made me think


>unsourced, meaningless data
Except there's a link right there you reckless faggot.

The higher scoring whites are in the same income bracket as the dumber blacks. You just have to read the chart exactly backwards and you can come up with that wrong conclusion. Simple.

Stay triggered retard

>Thank you for correcting the record

>$0.02 has been deposited into your account.

These are shills ignore them.


How about this?



>nigger for a roommate
NOPE. Kinda her fault desu, like jumping in lava and complaining when you get burned.

If I was the photographing officer I wouldn't let those sly coons tilt their head like that and eyeball me. I'd break their fuckin jaw until they held their head straight and looked into my lens, even if it meant hot-gluing a neckbrace to them.


>Wow, we've come up with a method of intelligence testing that's totally unbiased toward culture, race, or even language!
>Let's check out the results
>Hmm, this test shows not every individual is exactly equal.
>That's fine, everyone knows individuals are different
>Let's see how intelligence scores compare among various demographics
>What's this? Blacks score significantly lower than whites on average?
>The low intelligence among blacks is correlated with violent crime, welfare abuse, and other traits associated with the idea of low intelligence?
>And furthermore, this is consistent with anthropological data such as Africans never inventing the wheel?
>Well obviously the test must be racist, everyone knows all groups are exactly the same on average
>t. (((Steven J. Gould)))


Thank you for Correcting the Record™. $0.00 has been deposited into your ShillBanc account

White people also punished war crimes, ended the holocaust, ended slavery, condemns genocide

>I'm going to show this to my gf and we'll have a good laugh

Yeah OK

thanks for correcting the record

Tony Soprano BADASS

This actually made me think.

The next batch of picture will be about the genocide of whites in South Africa at the hands of violent nigger criminals



There is nothing sinister about that quote on the upper right.

Europeans by and large CHOSE to not have children. They CHOSE to raise taxes very high in order to guarantee they have a good life. The problem is, if you don't have a sizable workforce PAYING high taxes, guess what, your welfare system falls apart.

If Europeans CHOOSE not to have kids, that's fine, but in order to keep the retirement checks coming, you need workers. Since the average age in general is literally almost 50 years old, drastic action must be taken. The embracing of immigrants from all walks of life and all countries is a must. Multiculturalism is the only solution to the problem Europeans find themselves in.

Piss and bitch and cry all you want, but without immigrants, Europe is doomed. Don't blame some Africans and Syrians for white people deciding to live the easy life without kids.

please stop using the N-word. It accomplishes nothing and makes you look uneducated.

Holocasut isn't real.

Blacks are low IQ, violent niggers. Stop defending them.


Maybe they won't hurt you if you keep defending their actions ... but they don't care. They will murder you for being white, simply because you retarded liberals have told them they can do no wrong and white people are evil.


Except that it is a lie.

This is the future you chose.


God you are such a fucking cuck, but please continue, you'll serve as test for my normie facebook group.

fuck off nigger hillary shill

Average SATs are that low? They're all pretty shit, even for 1600 scores


Holy shit, Germanbro. Thank you for saving the thread. I gave up on it then saw it on page 1 again. Truly best ally again eventually.

Did I tell you already that blacks are retarded, violent nigger monkeys?

Another nigger monkey who is incapable of seeing good in people. Selfish, entitled, violent nigger monkey.

Shall we get to the root problem? It's not white people or white privilege, it's nigger parenting

>how can minorities even compete

the sats are a jewish scam tho. they are shit at predicting future college performance. just look at who runs the "college board" --- all jews




History is written by the victor.



This is distraction. Shills want to revert hatred towards black people.
They want a racewar.

Nigger porn = socks


Obviously these threads don't work.


the west began its civilizational decay the moment it accepted nominalism against the theory of universals of classical aristotelianism:

this degradation was further accelerated with the rediscovery of lucretius' on the nature of things, which would introduce the idea of materialism and evolution to the west:
>To prove this position he called upon the atomism of Democritus, so as to demonstrate that the material universe was formed not by a Supreme Being, but by the mixing of elemental particles that had existed from all eternity governed by certain simple laws. Lucretius' task was to clearly state and fully develop these views in an attractive form; his work was an attempt to show that everything in nature can be explained by natural laws, without the need for the intervention of divine beings.[3]

>Lucretius identifies the supernatural with the notion that the deities created our world or interfere with its operations in some way. He argues against fear of such deities by demonstrating, through observations and arguments, that the operations of the world can be accounted for in terms of natural phenomena. These phenomena are the regular, but purposeless motions and interactions of tiny atoms in empty space. Meanwhile, he argues against the fear of death by stating that death is the dissipation of a being's material mind. Lucretius uses the analogy of a vessel, stating that the physical body is the vessel that holds both the mind (mens) and spirit (anima) of a human being. Neither the mind nor spirit can survive independent of the body. Thus Lucretius states that once the vessel (the body) shatters (dies) its contents (mind and spirit) can no longer exist. So, as a simple ceasing-to-be, death can be neither good nor bad for this being. Being completely devoid of sensation and thought, a dead person cannot miss being alive. According to Lucretius, fear of death is a projection of terrors experienced in life, of pain that only a living (intact) mind can feel. Lucretius also puts forward the 'symmetry argument' against the fear of death. In it, he says that people who fear the prospect of eternal non-existence after death should think back to the eternity of non-existence before their birth, which probably did not cause them much suffering.

Not this post though mistargeted. Also wtf I got a warning for a post I didn't make. Mods are either shilling me or working too hard.

Forgot the autism pills this morning my fellow burger?

These are all from a channel full of similar top quality redpills:

The best video to redpill even the most bluepilled on genetics of IQ with indisputable, easily understandable study (5 minutes):

A study that cleverly proved some cultures are more violent than others (7 minutes):

A clip that shows the insanity of the current migration policy and offers a proposal on how to fix it. Excellent to redpill even the most bluepilled on the current migration madness (3 minutes).

Want more?


They told me I had to wait three minutes to post a dupilcate post.

I wasn't even saying the same thing.

Yeah I think they are trying to contain the ctr outbreak.

the rot would be formalized with descartes philosophy:
>Descartes has often been dubbed the father of modern Western philosophy, the philosopher that with his skeptic approach has profoundly changed the course of Western philosophy and set the basis for modernity.[10][55] The first two of his Meditations on First Philosophy, those that formulate the famous methodic doubt, represent the portion of Descartes' writings that most influenced modern thinking.[56] It has been argued that Descartes himself didn't realize the extent of his revolutionary gesture.[57] In shifting the debate from "what is true" to "of what can I be certain?," Descartes shifted the authoritative guarantor of truth from God to humanity. (While the traditional concept of "truth" implies an external authority, "certainty" instead relies on the judgment of the individual.) In an anthropocentric revolution, the human being is now raised to the level of a subject, an agent, an emancipated being equipped with autonomous reason. This was a revolutionary step that posed the basis of modernity, the repercussions of which are still ongoing: the emancipation of humanity from Christian revelational truth and Church doctrine, a person who makes his own law and takes his own stand.[58][59][60] In modernity, the guarantor of truth is not God anymore but human beings, each of whom is a "self-conscious shaper and guarantor" of their own reality.[61][62] In that way, each person is turned into a reasoning adult, a subject, and agent,[61] as opposed to a child obedient to God. This change in perspective was characteristic of the shift from the Christian medieval period to the modern period; that shift had been anticipated in other fields, and now Descartes was giving it a formulation in the field of philosophy.[61][63]é_Descartes#Emancipation_from_Church_doctrine

Though it isn't wrong.

I'd love to hope that's true.

Good, they better be doing something. These faggots are only forcing me to waste more of my own free time posting.


What do you think leaf?


We've seen the world as it is with disproportionate levels of jewish influence. Lets try it for a few generations without.

I hope he jerked himself off to that at least so someone got use of that post. Asians will score higher, yes, because the ones who come here are generally the best of the best so it's a high-end sample. Whites also get a dip because plenty of hispanics call themselves white and are statistically classified as white when they do this and we all know most hispanics are as stupid as niggers.

True Islam is pic related fucking shills

>Post redpills to kill the cuck shills.
Each IP can make up 5 threads a piece
there are 65 unique IPs in this thread.

That would be 325 threads.

I believe the catalog only holds 175-ish threads.

175/5 = 35

We would only need half the people in this thread to make 5 threads.

Reply back to this post with links to your 5 threads. We'll bump each others threads.

We only need 35 redpilled and coordinated anons.