He has a point

He has a point.

I agree
The state should prosecute and nationalize any businesses that hire illegal immigrants, and imprison those executives with knowledge of those crimes

this, fpbp

Imagine if James Woods had a pusy

I love you James

I like your post and everything, but some people might actually believe the state and the businessmen are working against each other and not pushing all this deregulation through lobbying.

THEY TOOK OUR JRBS doesn't even begin to cover the entire thing.

I like this thread. This is a good thread.

How about we don't let them in in the first place, fuckhead?

James is /our guy/

Damn... never looked at things that way

Someone to care for

Both would be ideal

holy shit, Big Guys BTFO

dude has an IQ of 180



god I fucking hate Bernie Sanders

He got his dead beat wife a political appointment as president of a College up in burlington to a 200,000 dollar salary and she ran the college into bankrupcy within a couple years and got fired

i wonder what the cuck robert deniro thinks of his old costars opinions


He's too preoccupied with making shitty movies to fund his hideous nigger wife's lavish lifestyle, he doesn't have time to read james wood's tweets


Didn't he sue some guy for calling him a coke addict on twitter? What a thin skinned pussy

states shouldn't meddle too much with growing business, especially startups, please don't post shit without seeing the big picture

Yes, even after the guy literally died lol. Love this guy.

The USA itself is an illegal nation built upon the bodies of the original natives and black slaves.

The only law is might makes right.

harder problem to solve
and businesses have more power and thus more agency of change (and moral responsibility)
if you cut off the job supply, illegal immigration will stop. as long as jobs are available, any illegals you deport will be promptly replaced by others.
but all of this is missing the point. nobody, including trump, wants to stop illegal immigration, it's too profitable. what they want is to 1) give the american poor a boogeyman to hate 2) keep their cheap work force from getting enough political power to demand human rights


Yeah hes right, considering that heroin should be legalised.

illegal business should not be tolerated by an honest government. a small businessman that knowingly hires illegal immigrants is no different than a heroin dealer, and should be treated as such
