Is mexico the master race of mixed blood of the world?

is mexico the master race of mixed blood of the world?

My future daughter will be THAT brown?!?

I don't understand why mixed children always look more like the nonwhite. Does anybody know why?
Please no "shit in the milk" arguments

The mum looks Indian AF


Because she obviously is, user.

>I don't understand why mixed children always look more like the nonwhite.
well it didn’t happen to me. My dad is swarthy Italian, my mom is White Anglo and I came out White with brown hair and blue eyes.

because melanin is dominant you fucktard

ops wrong image
this better

linda familia

DESU I've noticed that a lot of Black Americans (like Obama) have White facial features.

You have blue eyes but ime most families involving a brunette and a blond/e tend to have brunette kids as well. Blondness is a recessive trait inherently.

Obama is a mulatto and most black Americans are 20-25% European

we have strong genes, the anglos will extingued soon

Meant to tag Source?
>born just in time for the mexicano century
hilo latino

Mexicans are apaniah fully not mixed amerindians are spanish.

>Not at least being 45% amerindian
how can filthy wh*tes possibly not be jealous at not being descended from the mexica tlatoani and the taihuantinsuyu?

of course not. wtf lol.

Master of shit, Native Mexican ethno state when



Do not take offence, please, but Mexicans are too short.
I had 2 guys from Mexico in my uni and they both have been 1,70 or smth.

no, mexico is literally the worst mixed race country, costa rica is probably the best one

I have met four half Indian half White person and all of them looked more white than indian. Maybe the girl in the OP's picture is from that woman's earlier Indian husband.

But Obama's father was a Kenyan immigrant. That makes him only 50% white.

>strong genes

If Americans are 56% then what are Mexicans?

80% mexicans, 19% self-described as native americans. There must be a 1% of Mennonites somewhere...

Mulatto is in the most technical sense someone who is 50/50 Black and White.

they are all shitskins to me

also why is a Castizo con Espanola a Espanol again?

He gene pool is tainted

You don't have to be 100% European to qualify as white in the Caste system, not even memeing.

>According to the Casta system, a criollo could have up to 1/8 (one great-grandparent or equivalent) Amerindian ancestry without losing social place.
