These are the only Norwegians I know

These are the only Norwegians I know
Are all Norwegian people like them?

Don't forget Quisling and A-ha

Breivik had the balls to do something while varg were crying about everyone around him

The vocal from Mayhem who kurtcobained himself

>comparing a literal serial killer and terrorist to a rational person that does vlogs

Varg is overrated

wtf I love Norway now

Also overrated, he literally wrote 4 songs and they only exist as unlistenable bootlegs

Breivik is a national hero while Varg is just a meme

Varg has been arrested for plotting terrorism and his only good song is Jesus todd

Dead was Swedish

But the one on the right is Louis Cachet, a Frenchman.

Brown people who suck up to white supremacists deserve a special place in jahenammah

Did you enjoy the boat?

>Breivik is a national hero
Wasn't expecting such post from norwegian.

He was a based kike killer that hates Islam

>are all norwegians autistic?
well i only know three norwegians: breivik, varg, and archive man.
so according to my sample, yes

>EU flag

but he didnt kill kikes, or muslims. just a bunch of children

i also know him

and him
Norges are peculiar