I dont't care about someones ethnicity or race as long as they are a good person

>i dont't care about someones ethnicity or race as long as they are a good person

>i care about race

>someone's race that they were randomly born with is more relevant than their actual actions and attitudes

>as long as we both are suffering in sansara

>i don't judge anyone before knowing them

>I judge people before knowing them

>I don't assume that people of a particular race will behave a certain way, however I use statistical data regarding race to fill in the gaps when my knowledge is lacking and reevaluate as I get to know the person

This thread makes absolutely no sense to me because I simply don't see race

>birth is random

>someone was born in a wartorn country because he deserved it

>I treat wh*Teys like human beings

>he can't see an idiotic concept with no basis in reality

>i have black friends

>I judge persons basing on their skin color

>is a neet
>judges people

>i am a fucking virgin loser NEET weeb useless piece of shit who shitposts on a burmese goat herding usenet group all day everyday, but i was born with certain genes therefore i am better than those successful people who don't have these genes

I unironically used to think like this before coming to this board. Now I hate everyone based on their race, ethnicity and nationality.

>im a neet but I call other people neets because they believe differently than I do and it makes me feel better


>be me, neet
>judges neets

so youre a retard who based on a forum full of autistic kids living in a fantasy world judges people.

>i am so superficial that i judge people on their physical appereance regardless