Why can't they just unite into one big country? Surely their common language...

Why can't they just unite into one big country? Surely their common language, history and religion should make it possible? Are they really that different?

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Yes we are very different
You can in theory reunify Gran Colombia, Mexico with Central America Peru and Bolivia, and Argentina with Uruguay, but I doubt that would work very well

I doubt America would let them if they tried

Can you explain some of the differences?

Why can't they just unite into one big country? Surely their common language, history and religion should make it possible? Are they really that different?


because of the USA

Just in language, our regional dialects of spanish or castellano are very divisive
Also nationalism is very well established

if anything latin america got a huge similiraty between all countries
because USA told him so

because you will get a big pile of shit

Literally no where near the same comparison. Could see an argument for countries like Ireland, or other anglo countries like Australia, New Zealand ect but not India


True, each country also has their own culture. Plus some countries don’t really get along with each other (ex. Ecuador and Peru)

>very divisive
lmao if anything any native speaker can understand everything from all spanish speaking countries except maybe for chilean

>own culture
literally every single one of them is a different flavor of catholicism

Some of us have culture beyond lame 20th century attempts at aping Europeans

But it does matter, language is very important in forming a national identity.
And not even mentioning the ideological divide, Alianza del Pacifico and Mercosur

As if religion is the only thing culture consists of

>implying the frontiers of mexico or any south american country have anything to do with culture
Explain why central america is the balkans, they're supposed to be all """mayans"""

Oh so, the fact you say wey pinche and chile says wea weon makes you two completly different cultures
You dont understand how societies actually were formed do you? Also you clearly dont know Latin America to make that statement. Religion is literally the basis of all morality of a society, at least historically

Me? Giving my white and pure country to some niggers? I don't think so

Mexicans are indios

All memes aside this.

Top kek

Ok then tell me what I need to know about South America to understand better

most have some pretty distinct modern political histories that wouldnt mix well

also widespread poverty and shitty education mixed with crime and corruption would be a huge scale recipe for disaster

Is South America really that poor?

why are the usa, canada, australia and mexico not the same country

Argie speeks the truth.

yes but central america is even more so.

from what i have studied in political science, they are the same "civilization" anyway in terms of language, broad history, religion, culture

they look so cool
>tfw no current Maya civilization

Because our nation is based on the Aztec Empire, not the post collpase Maya, the southernmost point of Mexico today, Soconusco, was also the southernmost Aztec outpost, meanwhile the Puuc Maya in the Yucatán peninsula had strong cultural influence from central Mexico. To the north the Americans settled on somehat natural borders with the desert as a buffer zone, they deliberately did not take lands with large Mexican populations south of such region and which were populated by peoples related to then Aztecs like the Huastec to the East and Uto-Aztecans in the Northwest.

We actually are a natural nation as Mexico today is based around the natural extension for what was the kingdom of Mexico in colonial times, that is the former Aztec Empire.

It's the reason the name for our country is Aztec, the same as the symbol in our flag. As for Central America the core of the Mayan heartlands is Guatemala today, outposts in El Salvador, Nicaragua and Honduras were too isolated and in colonial times populations centered around oceanic routes because of this. Costa Rica and Panama had Chibcha influence, they weren't even Mesoamericans.

How come Costa Rica seems to be much richer than the rest of Central America?

lots of foreign trade, decent public services, strong tourism and pretty peaceful

People are religious as fuck to the point that up till this day you can see people wearing crosses, people going to church everyday and other stuff. Also the catholic church made it so far to the point of mixing our culture with catholic beliefs. To the point people value much more a humble person that is happy than a rich guy that changes the status quo. Hence why it is bizarre to say that is simply due to our incopetence or cultural differences that all efforts of unification has been thwarted. If anything we continue to be this way because there is an international interest in our separation and infighting. I mean this is so promenient that in our pro-US dictatorships they started to import evangelists and protestant churches to destroy this communist anti-US culture that is everywhere here and promoted by "communists"
Yeah clearly poverty especially in Central America is a thing that wasnt promoted and needed for most of the XIX-XX century especially by the US

because they are US cucks and have surrendered to their foreign policy like Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Panama

Yeah, culture is completely different, in history and some other shit, maybe not, but as an Argentinian, trust me shit is different, specially because of the hate between some people.

Hispanic American countries are similar enough to be a single country or, at very least, form bigger countries. It's not like Brazil doesn't have big regional differences too.

Who do you guys hate?

Let’s say this were to happen, how would they go about it?

ideally they would form larger confederacies/states then work together on policy like economy, education, poverty, healthcare

but in reality it would break down to civil war in like a week

Do they really hate each other that much?

Technically 4 countries and for some reason The Philippines are New Spanish (mexshitan) clay.

It's like asking a European nation to be ruled by a former colony, Australia has more of a culture than certain South American nations.

South America has "unified" into 2 distinct markets over time, that's about as close as it's going to get.

Please fix the map, almost half of my country never was part of Spain so doesn't even have a reason to be in a union with the rest of Hispanic America

unifying countries might seem nice in your autist RTS logic brain but in real life combining several economies and laws is quite hard

>for some reason
"The term Mexicano as a word to describe the different peoples of the region of Mexico as a single group emerged in the 16th century. In that time the term did not apply to a nationality nor to the geographical limits of the modern Mexican Republic. The term was used for the first time in the first document printed in Barcelona in 1566 which documented the expedition which launched from the port in Acapulco to find the best route which would favor a return journey from the Spanish East Indies to New Spain. The document stated: "el venturoso descubrimiento que los Mexicanos han hecho" (the venturous discovery that the Mexicans have made). That discovery led to the Manila galleon trade route and those "Mexicans" referred to Criollos, Mestizos and Amerindians alluding to a plurality of persons who participated for a common end: the conquest of the Philippines in 1565. (Gómez M., et al. 56)"


cuz cia wouldn't allow that lel


We have literally the same language, culture, similar history, religion, traditions, customs, appearance and even the same genetic composition

There is no reason for us to be different countries.
All Spanish speaking Latin American countries should unite.

>they're supposed to be all """mayans"""
>French education

memesur is a leftie mafia

Latin America pretty much has 2 different economic ideologies. That can fuck everything up.

Also you can't suggest that here on Sup Forums because every Latino tries to claim that they're not really "latino" but rather a derivative of European.

why are we not rich and beautiful, then?

chile was part of the viceroyalty of peru actually

>being one country with shitholes like Bolivia or Paraguay
Fuck off m8

There are some things not even the US can fix

Every latino on Sup Forums is a fucking autistic delusional faggot who lives inside his little fantasy land in his mind and they don't represent us, the actual IRL latino population from the north of Mexico to the south of Argentina.

Literally no differences between Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina, nigga.


The countries that were unified after independence (Gran Colombia, Central America, etc) didn't last for long. What makes you think it will work now, in a bigger form and when every country has its national identity well established?

Something like the EU, including Brazil maybe, could work for us. But i'm not an economist and i don't know much about the subject, so i can't say how benefitial that would actually be.

Because you don't have to be in order to secure US interests.

>implying I want morr peruvians,bolivians and paraguayans to invade my land.

Fuck off


Forming trade alliances with Brazil is a bad idea

This country is literally all peruvians, bolivians and paraguayans.
What would be different?

This.We have enough of those stinky subhumans

this country would be a new brazil...literally
peru, bolivia,venezuela=north
central america=nordeste
mexico=são paulo, rio

Porque son los argentinos tan creidos?

Yes,there are a lot of them now.Imagine if South America would unite and they would be able to come here freely.Our land will be flooded with orcs within days.


Yo no tengo la culpa que los orcos vivan para la mierda en su pais y tenga que venir a invadir acá

>implaying argentina isn't already full orc

I don't get your reasoning.
What would be different?


It isn't really full orc yet.Therr are still zones without them

En todo caso sera un comentario despectivo, no creido.
No creo que los canadienses estuviesen muy a favor de fusionarse con Mexico (si fuesen vecinos)

Piensan que son europeos, pero con una economía en la basura.

Ah yeah, goblins instead of orcs.
Such difference, wow.

es porque la USA

maybe some of them could merge, but one big latin american country would be an abomination, and bound to collapse

What do we have in common with Mexico and Australia?

This is interesting, any books on this?

This is why literally no one likes you

>What do we have in common with Mexico

Half of your country is already Mexico.



Aww now i feel bad, I take it back. It’s not that we don’t like you, it’s just that you guys are super pesados

>Greater Perú
Nice idea

What if it was a monarchy instead? Would that work better?

No one would accept a monarchy in these times

What percentage of your country is other south American(Peruvians,Bolivians,etc)?

Qyestion if a bolovian would move to mexico would anyone noitice he isn't mexican?

Mexico and Canada yeah, but Australia?

What an awful idea. Hit yourself on the hand with a hammer just for thinking it up. It wouldnt benefit anyone to begin with.

yes, bolivians are taller than mexicans, and the accent would be too obvious

Why can't anglos unify into one single country? They share a common language religion and history.

That dosen't mean shit tho, we here in Latvia have regional diferances as well, Latin america except for urugay argentina and brazzil should be one country.

that's retarded, Central America not being one country kinda bugs me doe

Yeah same, Central America should be Mexico.