Crooked Hillary's new logo!


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Hey, don't associate that evil war criminal with Adolf Hitler.

But user, if she's controlled by the jews, how can she be hitler?

I thought Bernie was the jew

One more reason to vote for Hillary.

This. Clinton confirmed the true successor to Hitler. Trump is just some celebrity dumbass the world (besides Sup Forums) will always consider a joke.

Clintons will brings 90s American once again.

Well, she gassed him.

I've seen some shit...but, FUCK every time I see her it makes me sick

I'm thinking of voting Hillary because of this. The anti white cucks will leave the board.
She will not help niggers and spics like trump

I hope Hillary wins just to shut up you Trumpfags who have ruined this board

really makes you think doesn't it


She's like a fucking skinwalker or something, I wonder if she has ever felt a real emotion before.

What a disgusting insult to the holy swastika.
Delete it now.

Wtf i hate nazis now

>Sup Forums
>ever good


thats horrible, you ruined a perfectly good swazi

Or make her standard logo and have the Arrow part crooked downwards. "Crooked HIllary." It's more subtle that way.

wtf i love hillary now


Hitler was controlled by american zionists too, no contradictions.


>Th. Goldschidth AG (15%)
>IG Farben (42.5%)
>The IG Farben supervisory board in 1926 .... four of whom were Jewish.

guess who owned and financed their own ""holocaust""

Just to Correct the Record, in this webm, Hillary (and Bill) are looking up at sparklers that just went off over their head prior to the balloon drop. This is a completely normal reaction and not a seizure like some on Sup Forums have stated.

Quick reminder that Drumpf is an actual autist

make it mac tonight



Dicks out for harambe gg wp anons