Hey Sup Forums, what do you think of this meme?

I saw this meme lately and thought it was pretty funny, thoughts?

The doge past away recently

love doggos

i type the wow so deep so funny all the time without the image macro, it does its job

Pretty good fresh meme

haha wow I like that one! xD it's funny how he always says wow and it's like not grammatical!!

bumping for more memes!

dog meme haha

I'll let you in on a little secret just promise not to tell anybody
just go to www.google.com on your ipod touch and type in 'meme'
and you have access to unlimited memes

damn it really works :o
i'm not so good with the interwebz haha

dumb r*tard, sorry if I offended you btw

Thanks for joining us lori

why you so mean??
but i'm not offended :D sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me as they say!

>Using doggo

you don't like doggers?

yes i like cute doggos



Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger

last true good meme

We should bring this même back ťbh

je pense la MÊME chose xppp

I love doge forever

I want a doge (shiba inu) for myself but they cost like $1k usd here :(

Fuck all of you, this dog looks like it's made of foam, it actually is great, to hell with the captions