What's the verdict?

What's the verdict?

Didin do nuffin/10


Felt like a Lifetime movie already, then he takes out a fucking iPhone. Cheap cash grab, not even ironically so bad its good.

walked out when Pac started playing a nintendo switch

the scene when pac was checking his facebook page while twirling a fidget spinner and posting about president trump on instagram with his iphone was lit

Not only is this not the case but it is not even close to it being such like how could you have missed the mark off by this much seriously how like how did you manage that what the fuck were you thinking when you typed that comment

I mean holy shit have you never taken a minute to think about what you type before you sent it so that literally everyone on Earth with Internet access can just come along and read it I mean that's literally billions of people we're talking about and all those people may very well just have been harmed by your decision and how can the post you just made be possibly considered healthy

like how did you find this website do you even know what a keyboard and mouse are like I've known how to do this stuff since I was a baby and yet it's not until now when you're an adult that you have to have it told to you instead of just knowing it already I mean really that's just pathetic and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt by automatically assuming that you're even an adult like you might just as well be a little kid who's using this site anyway and in doing so is breaking the site's rules now imagine if there was a way of me finding out for sure and then I told the site mods and you'd get banned and then no one would ever have to listen to you ever again except your mum when she pops down into the basement because you scream at her to make you snacks

I bet you still live at home hahaha and you're probably in your thirties too and it's either that or you're just a little kid so which is it punk and if this message is too long for you to understand then just know that I fucking hate you

Shameless product placement

Definite BLACK KINO!!

I didn't like how he was on Instagram Live live streaming while in the car. Nor the fact that he had a RIP Pac shirt on when they filmed his death.

Could of been better but it wasn't horrible. Some of the acting could of been better like his mom. I love Pac to the death of me so I'm glad they at least tried.

Both of you are underage fags.

>Pac using 21st century electronics
What did they mean by this?

What the gestalt on the Bogandoff bros bros?


the last straw for me is when he said "9/11 was an inside job"

I feel like this is bullshit but wouldn't shock me in the least.

>that part where he BRRRRRAAPPPPP posts on Sup Forums

I didn't know tupac lived long enough to do that

There is, in fact, an iPhone 7 in the film. 50 Cent was ranting about it on Instagram even


That's quite a pasta machine you got there, Italian Grandma.

Having the last scene of Tupac on the street " dying" ending with him winking at the camera and whispering Cuba into the camera was pure kino