Be (((feminist))), (((liberal))) president

>Be (((feminist))), (((liberal))) president
>strengthens anti-pedo law
>regulates cryptocurrency
>messes education up
>supports (((megalian)))
>sympathizes with C*mmies

When went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:

He looks unironically finnish.

>strengthens anti-pedo law
>what went wrong
t. Abdullah Kim Park-Jeong


Good goy

It went wrong with you.

Why didn’t you stop it? They control everything now from the unions to education to be National Assembly to the military to the media (except Chosun Ilbo and a few others that everyone ignores).

Because of how totalitarian you are even just by nature you can’t even express moderately conservative views without drowning in a flood of ad hominem attacks


You can even point out real verified and alarming facts like the presidential secretary 임종석 being an actual communist and that’s not a conspiracy theory but simply undeniably true and people will call you an idiot alarmist and yet meanwhile they will believe that former President Park personally is responsible for Saewolho or that the US Navy sank the Cheonan with no evidence

Lemmings all of you

>Chungang ilbo
>Everyone ignores

Communism is de wæ, to be honest

Anyone else watch commie movies for fun? I almost enjoy the rage of realizing how easily people are manipulated by this prolefeed

My mother keeps complimenting his appearance. Should I be worried?

Tell me about Megalians, Korea. A lot of female K-pop fans are huge feminazis around here, I suspect there might be some influence.

우리 이니가 넘 잘생겼엉~~~^^

When Good Koreas go Bad.

Megalian is a mysandrist website that aims total destruction of Korean and western male society

the fucker does look mad good, especially for his age no homo


>A lot of female K-pop fans are huge feminazis around here,


I totally get it now, they want to emasculate men everywhere so they have more qt twinks to fetishize

Kim Jong Un will soon solve all your problems with a nuke dont worry.

I already know that, tell me more specific things.

Are... you a south korean anticommunist making fun of others for being easily led?

Current government is on their side
Also megalian unironically advocates former president just for being woman lmao

If I had to pick one I'd pick top left at this point honestly.

The sad part is he doesn’t actually have to use it or anything close to it.

South Korea is about to be a bizarre example of what happens when a modern nation with a strong military on paper and massive economy nevertheless goes down because its people are ridiculous pussies.

Good image

재밌게 봄 ㅋ

I was wondering why they were surprisingly anti-Moon, I get it now, they’re so into their gender wars that it literally comes before everything else

Most feminists IRL as opposed to meme feminists online are supportive of the new government tho for obvious reasons





filthy fucking nonce I hope he locks you up

나... 난 서울 택시인데 ㅠㅜ

네 다음 서울 뺄갱이 택시 새끼

He's loved by everyone(except evil abe)

Is this PyeongChang olympic medal?


he reminds me of Hatoyama in japan.
japan saw a nightmare when Hatoyama was a prime minister of japan.

이거 말인가? ㅋㅋㅋ

why do koreans here pretend to be ethnocentric here when they don't care about eachother over there?
what exactly is happening here? A hotel staff is drugging and molesting boys staying there? she wouldnt go to jail for posting this?

Just because you hate your own people doesn’t mean you don’t have any time left to hate other people even more.



If North Korea transitioned into a Chinese system where people have more economic freedom, would you prefer living in NK or SK?

Look at his hands.
One look could have saved y'all.

Moon is saving your shitty country, next he'll single handedly dismantle the chaebol with help from based Kim Sang-Jo and make SK GREAT AGAIN!


I don't speak moonrunes kim


So what's the deal with his friendly friendly with Kim all out of nowhere. They want to suspend sanctions against them. SK is free to do what it wants as a sovereign nation but it's choosing NK over USA and believe it or not, as SK has the right to be checked with regarding NK decisions, so does the US.

>Kim Sang-Jo
How the hell do you know him

t. Theresa may

>promises to get housing prices in control
>it goes up uncontrollably

>promises to get the comfort women issue settled again with Japan
>does not do anything

>promises to restore relationship with China
>China still boycotting Korean products

>promises to solve the unemployment problem
>unemployment rate all time high

>promises to be the main driver of Nork's nuke problem
>realizes there's not much he can do

>promises to end corruption
>hires corrupt people for his cabinet

>promises to punish corrupt politicians
>does not investigate the times when his party was in power a decade ago

>promises to make disaster control more efficient
>it still takes more than an hour to get to the scene when another boat got turned upside down

>promises to make media fairer
>his supporters spread pro government propaganda all the time

>promises to stop the greedy chaebols
>can he?

>promises to provide more welfare
>not promoted enough nobody knows it exist



I keep up to date with asian politics(or global politics I guess)

She's shit though, based corbyn will lead us soon

Seriously though control the chaebol and end gapjil

You're a leftist aka 좌좀

What's a chaebol?

anime tier korean elite

Korean conglomerates, extra large size. For example, Samsung is a chaebol

What are your thoughts on this To try some diplomacy with Kim is one thing, but to possibly lift sanctions is directly going against the US and I think could cause a fracture between our cunts.

I'm more of a centrist, May is just a straight-up bad leader

Corporations man, and therefore hated by the wagecucks and NEETS that make up most South Koreans

I thought it also described the really rich people.

That's what Moon and friends actually want.

>know the president
>Korea gets shitloads of money
>president gives it all to his friends
>they create huge coorporations
>do illegal anti-competitive shit
>get away with it
>like 7 companies make up 50+% of korea's GDP

ahhh yes this is perfectly okay

I think Korea should stick with the US at all times. This could be our last chance to make Kim's regime collapse without a war. The sanction is working. That's why Kim wanted the talks in the first place.

I've been told by Koreanons before he is pro-NK. I thought "He sure acts tough to NK so I don't see it". Recently though they seem like they weren't crazy. I just can't imagine a large percentage of your country wanting this. Your countries are opposite extremes.

>This could be our last chance to make Kim's regime collapse without a war

That's literally the opposite of what Korean Democratic Party leaders want you naive idiot. They don't want North Korea to collapse whatsoever, because not only would whoever replaces the Northern leadership hate the shit out of Moon, Im Jong-seok and all these people, but also it would actually strengthen the US position since the new government would rely heavily on the US given how impoverished the new state would be.

They don't want that obviously, they want a new United Korea under heavy Korean Workers' Party and Chinese influence.

>I just can't imagine a large percentage of your country wanting this.

Obviously not even leftist leaders will come out and say "hay guise want Juche and totalitarian communism? Race you down the mines."

What they do is smear the history of South Korea as a parade of pro-Japanese horrors, massacres, and tyranny. They smear the Americans as nothing other than greedy mass murderers and friends of the Japanese.

They emphasize the Korean Workers' Party's history of anti-Japanese struggle in contrast to the collaporation of many of South Korea's early leaders without outright supporting them.

What you have in South Korea is a very pink society. 10% actual reds and 20-odd percent pinkos. On the other end of the scale, ideological conservatives of all kinds barely break 20% all put together with the rest of the population in the middle somewhere.

With the government, media, unions etc. all in the hands of the left it's obvious where all of this is going. They almost got what they wanted with KDJ in power, now that North Korea has nukes and they have a useful orange bogeyman in Washington this is primetime basically.

I'm aware of that and I hate the democratic party with passion

Does the extreme left want to be absorbed by NK or have its own regime and be partners?

Is there a real Japanese in Sup Forums?

>The sanction is working. That's why Kim wanted the talks in the first place.

This is delusional. Don't get me wrong I have nothing in particular against Trump but Kim's absolutely not negotiating from a position of weakness quite the opposite.

If comrade kim was in charge sk would be better.

I've always thought sanctions were weak myself, however you know that Russia and China is supporting him, Iran too, another country we strongly sanctioned. They are the only ones keeping him in power.

>This is delusional
What do you think he wants to get out of these ""talks""? I'm thinking monetary support from the South, obviously, because he can't afford expensive gifts for the ruling classes anymore thanks to the sanction.

Basically, the Korean Democratic Party are hoping to gradually create a new social democratic Korea. To be fair, it doesn't sound that bad on paper.

The problem is that they are increasingly negotiating from a position of weakness. North Korea's leadership knows how desperately ordinary South Koreans want to avoid war, so they are planning on using their nuke to get as much gimmedats as possible, which they will use to further improve their position militarily speaking and force more and more concessions.

Also, you've seen how many threads there are even just on here from miserable South Korean conscripts. As soon as the Korean Workers' Party achieves its prime objective of getting the US out, the situation will start sliding in a very drastic direction.

For one thing, everyone who doesn't have an escape route will be pre-emptively trying to show their loyalty to the new order.

That means that those among the mass of the population who have even a little sympathy for the now disgraced conservatives will feel pressure to join the mob or stay silent for fear of future retribution. Picture officers of the National Intelligence Service and the police, how free will they feel to do their jobs properly with the US gone and the potential of future punishment for "ethnic treason"/anti-Republic (반공화국) activities?


That's what I expect would happen too. Some people like to downplay Kim but I don't know how clear cut you can be about him. Funnily enough, if he absorbs the South, this is the best chance of toppling him. Since Trumps has started be aggressive on NK I've been telling S Koreans that I understand you want to avoid war but the longer you wait the worse it gets. And it has become a legitimate problem for the world as well.

>Puerto Rico

Aren't you guys not supposed to have electricity anymore? What happened?

This situation is really interesting to me. I have to go but please feel free to continue making threads about this in the future. Korea is hard to read for me. I'm not fully sure where it stands so I like discussing current events with Koreanons.

ITT ugly Ilbe addicts insult my 이니


Filthy c*pitalist porkies that deserve nothing but brutal death by the righteous, powerful fists of the working people and Moon "Savior of the Korean race" Jae-in.


Unemployment is not at an all time high you shill.

In it's early days it was actually a good thing. Korea was Africa tier poor after the Korean war and was able to form large globally competitive corporations by creating effective monopolize to dominate prioritized sectors. Now however, South Korea is no longer poor and they do sketchy monopolistic shit.

catholic communist hummmm interesting

He's not even a social democrat, just a social liberal.

Not wanting to go to war with the North doesn't make him a communist, just someone not isane considering Seoul is within the range of Nork artillery.

>regulates crypto
Why haven't you impeached him yet?

I know that brother, I was playing with the OP retard

He is more than that. He wouldn’t have people like 임종석, 문정인, 추미애 etc around him if he wasn’t, come on.

좌파 운동권 25개 단체 전국적으로 평화협정 찬성 서명을 받고 있다. ‘평화협정’의 내용도 알지 못하는 일반 국민들에게 “전쟁을 원하냐, 평화를 원하냐”는 말로써 무조건 이름이 평화로운(?) 평화협정에 찬성하게 하고 있다고 한다.
이들이 주장하는 것은 미북 평화협정이다. 북한과 미국 간의 평화협정 체결로 기존의 1948년이래의 정전협정 상황에서 미국과 북한 간 평화협정으로 바꿀 경우, 친북좌파들 주장대로 주한미군 철수와 북한정권의 핵 보유국 인정이 이루어지게 된다. 이것이 과연 전쟁을 절대적으로 반대하고 이루어낸 ‘평화’의 상태인가?
미국과 북한 간 평화협정은 바로 연방제 적화통일의 직전 단계와 같은 것이다. 그래서, 친북 좌파세력들이 그토록 북미 평화협정 체결에 사력을 다해서 서명운동을 하고 총 궐기하는 것이다.
평화협정 체결을 하려는 친북 좌파세력은 이름이 평화협정이라는 것을 내세워 트럼프 미 대통령을 전쟁광으로 몰고, 전쟁이 무섭고 피하고 싶다면 무조건 평화협정 체결해야 한다는 논리 아닌 단순 논리로 국민들을 속이고 있다. 이런 국민의 무지한 상태와 전쟁에 대한 막연한 공포를 이용하여 무차별적으로 평화협정 서명운동이 전국적으로 이루어지고 있다.
친북좌파 시민단체의 분위기 조성이 무르익으면, 문재인 정부가 나서서 평화협정을 언급할 것이 분명하다. 김정은의 신년사를 시작으로 오늘 남북 고위급회담이 벌써 열리고, 평창동계올림픽의 개최를 빌미로 평화분위기 조성하자는 여론몰이가 뻔히 그려진다.

autismus maximus

안보는 쇼가 아니다. 평화는 평화롭게 얻어낼 수 없다. 전쟁을 각오한 결기와 철저한 대비태세만이 평화를 담보할 수 있다. 북핵 위기는 대화국면과 별도로 엄존하는 우리의 서늘한 현실이다. 대한애국당은 평화협정 속에 담긴 끔찍한 안보 해체의 압력을 직시하고, 미북 평화협정은 곧 적화통일임을 주장한다.
2018. 1. 9.
대한애국당 대변인

인 지 연

t. Communist

>everyone who disagrees with me is a communist
Keep crying about that corrupt, incompetent, right-wing bitch of yours that got impeached