Politically Incorrect Aryan Princess

I've always been on the fence when it comes to women involved in politics. Most of the more popular politically incorrect women do seem to follow the standards of the alt-right to some degree, and perhaps they just need the right man to shapen and solidify their beliefs even further. Then again, I also think women should have no say in politics. Being driven by emotion, they are so easily manipulated into believing whatever they feel to be right in their hearts. So the question is: should a (white) man pursue ANY suitable (white) woman to convert her (and by suitable, I mean genetically), or is it quicker, easier or even better to try and wait for that "perfectly" politically incorrect Aryan Princess?

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I don't know who that bitch is, but she sure looks fucking Jewish.


I can't decide when it comes to Lauren either. Seems a little too good to be true. Probably controlled opposition like Milo, but I'll choose to live in denial instead.

>Aryan Princess
Not for long, I will enrich her womb with my demon seed. Our mixed babies will be beautiful.

She's a populist - just like Milo, just like Molyneux, just like Paul Joseph Watson, and all these other alt-right cunts on Twitter and YouTube. They operate in just as much of an echo chamber as SJWs on Tumblr. They should be ignored desu.

I don't know what she is but she is definitely not beautiful.

10% of Jewish women are REALLY ugly. The other 90% look like goddesses.

Pay a visit to Israel or NYC

No way Ragnar, she can definitely get it.

Not specifically talking about her, just women like her. Outspoken about their beliefs, famous or not.

How do you know so much about jews, Ivan?

What is it with anglo women and fucking man-jaws?

Except she actually does field work and confronts people on their different ideas...

She even got piss thrown at her by a raging SJW Lesbian. Her latest works were on visiting actual "Syrian" refugee camps and finding out that there were only 3 kids there and the rest were adult males. Also, they were all from Pakistan - not Syria. And there was infighting between the refugees because the Muslim ones would pick on and harass the ones that converted to Christianity.

Milo is a glorified shitposter.
Molyneux thinks he's the new Socrates.
Paul Joseph Watson used to be more "relaxed", but he's been getting pretty aggressive against SJW rethoric.

You also got Ben Shapiro and many others...

My point is, I don't care which side a person is taking, so long as their arguments are based on facts and rational thought and not an agenda that their trying to push.

TL;DR: Ben Shapiro for President.

Cock Magic

Other way around, jewboy.

"""aryan""" (((princess)))

Men are always the one who will ultimately lead society.

I stand with Wallace

She is jewish.

Worst things:

1: Jews
2: Wiggers
3: Niggers
4: Nigger Lovers


1: jews
2: gypsies
3: cucked Whites
4: asians
5: arab
6: spics
7: niggers


she is juden

Learn some math shlomo...
And maybe 5%

Literal 5/10. Why does /pol fawn over her?

she is a jew and a fake blonde. why people like her or milo get so much positive attention just because they "troll the liberals"? ideologically they are leftist as those liberals, that bitch still thinks she is a stronk womyn that need no man, she is just not painfully obnoxious about it. she thinks faggotry is a-ok, she thinks doing drugs and all that shit the left holds high is ok, but oh no, she made fun of trigglypuff so that makes her OK right faggots?


Only an idiot falls for her. Shes a sjw of the right.

Kek, Lauren Southern doesn't seem very bright. She's purely participating in the alt-right movement to be 'edgy.'