Europe is for the Europeans only, and it belongs to them

Europe is for the Europeans only, and it belongs to them.
And Japan is for the Japanese only, and it belongs to ours.

Do you accept the truth this SJW hates?

Other urls found in this thread:

Most of those posting under the US flag on Sup Forums, are self-hating whites and millennial progressives of the following type:

They desire the transformation of the United States, which they consider the most racist country to ever exist, into a non-white country, and are actively leading the charge to turn it more diverse and multicultural, while marginalizing the white males and reducing their social and economic power. Many of them are members of Antifa, and all of them fully support the protests taking place on college campuses, where they receive their liberal arts degrees. They consider it important to include PoC in all forms of media because it helps people especially in Western countries to make the psychological adjustments that are necessary for the transformation of their countries into multicultural societies.

They despise white America more than the most anti-Americans on Sup Forums are capable of, and are the most eager proponents of its destruction. The leading figures of the anti-American and anti-white intellectual movement in the US, are almost entirely composed of white males. They are united in their belief in and support for the extermination of the white working class demographic in the US. They consider it, just like the extermination of the bourgeoise in Marxist ideology, to be an inevitable step in the creation of a post-racial, multicultural United States, where the power is no longer dominated by white men, but distributed among women, ethnic and sexual minorities.

They are known by many names - bugmen, soyboy, numale, yoga shrimp, incel - in their desire to be recognized as allies to People of Color, women, transsexuals, and homosexuals.What most of Sup Forums regards as an insult - 56%, they consider a badge of honor. They welcome the destruction of Japanese culture and society, which they consider racist and xenophobic, and its replacement by multiculturalism.

no i want fok japanese gurls :]

No. I want to have more cute japanese and koreans in Russia.

You are wrong.
Japan is for the people across the globe.

you are absolutely correct

who the fuck cares?

but you have kalmychki, yakutki and buryatki, Ivan

But are they as hardworking and polite as koreans and japanese?
I don't think so.

white is an American meme

As long what I consider our basic values hold up, I'll be OK with people that don't look like me. Before you say anything about them not being able to, I find most people in general don't hold to their principles very strongly anyway, even my people, but I strive to give everyone the benefit of doubt and a chance to cynicism wrong. I wouldn't be holding up what I consider our values if I didn't.

I also want Zimbabwe to become more like South Africa, so whites can go back to farming there and people that love each other aren't kept apart because they have different colors.

Japan is for Korean and Chinese. Beta vegan jap boi will be extinct.

Japan is not only for the japanese, what are you saying? Its for the chinese overlords! We should say sorry to Nanking!

actually russia has the world cutest women don't fell for k-pop and anime

No such thing as whites. Europeans hate each other's countries. Look at Brexit, look at the failure that is Poland, look at WWI and WWII and Balkan war and Yugoslavia and Ukraine and Crimea.

The whole world is full of European colonialists and their half breed offspring so they also belong in Europe. France and Netherlands and UK still have parts of their countries in the Caribbean and South America and Polynesia with Black skin people who are citizens of their countries.

What about the New World can I say Australia should remain white?

Fuck off back to Sup Forums with this copypasta

No. You have to go back.

Japan is for the superior Nanban man

Europeans realise that nationalism causes wars( we started both the world wars). Thus, most Europeans realise the severe danger that is pride in once country. This is the 21th century, and while some countries haven't learning the dangerous of nationalism, we have.

>Africa for the Africans
>believing this while bitching about Idi Amin and Mugabe

>Europe for whites

> The Americas for whites

>Australo-polynesia for whites

>I get triggerd when people look diffrently than I do.

Fucking Stormfaggots

>Australia is more nationalist than the US of fucking A
This means war. Kill all cunts.

Africa for the Chinese
Asia for the Chinese
White countries are Chinese.


>Europe is better because of liberal values
>to protect Europe's superiority we should get rid of liberal values
What do they mean by this?

Israel is for the Jews, and only for the Jews.

Israel is never going to expand, the U.S. will leave you behind as Arab oil loses its relevance, and then you'll be up the creek.

Europe for Europeans
Half of the New World for Portugal
Other half of the New World for Spain

that would only be true if it applied to countries colonized by whites, but it also applies to Europe which is the white homeland


I thought abbos were abbos not africans, and I thought black referred exclusively to africans.