You have flashes powers, what's one thing in your life you'd go back and 'flashpoint'? How would it affect the world?

You have flashes powers, what's one thing in your life you'd go back and 'flashpoint'? How would it affect the world?

You can only time travel back once, and you can't travel back further than when you were born

I wouldn't. That shit's risky as hell.

I would kill moot, this site has ruined me.

I would go back and rape the joker before its too late

I'd stop my dad from getting cancer but then how should I know what to do?

Just opening up a portal and going LISTEN TO MEEEEE won't cut it.

How? What was one mistake you made in your life?

Is this a set photo?

I would go back to when I was 6 years old and redo my whole life over again

>step 1: travel to when your dad first got cancer
>step 2: take your dad and travel to some point in the future where humanity has figured out how cure cancer efficiently and painlessly
>step 3: ?????
>step 4: profit

Diagnose it quicker

is that real?

I'd slap myself silly and force myself to choose a non-humanities course


None tbqh. Nothing I can't live on with that is.

I have flash powers! Why the fuck would I obsess over the past.
JK, I'd probably go back to prevent the accident that paralyzed my dad.

You just need to run really fast at that cancer

>The only creature I want back in my life is my dog
>I couldn't ever take him away from another timeline because it'd mean another me has to miss him even more
It hurts, Sup Forums.


I'd go back to 2010 and stop WB's board from giving Snyder free reign to the DC universe.

>tfw your dad IS zoom

it's given to Michael Bay instead

Well, joke's on him.
He's dead now

At least he wasn't an asshole, right?

I've made several bad decisions in life that I regret as having negatively affected myself and others. I also realize, in considering them in hindsight, that changing them would have as much of a chance in making things worse as better.

There are so many potential variables from changing any point in time to have crazy repercussions.

Shopped set pic

I would go back in time and stop whoever made the thread picture, because that is the worst Flash outfit I have ever seen.

No, he wasn't. He was just massively depressed and stopped caring about everything after the accident.
Which is why I would flashpoint it, I can handle the paralysis, it's the depression that made life miserable for my family.


You ever see that one unfunny Ashton Kutcher movie "The Butterfly Effect", or read "A Sound of Thunder"?
Fucking with the past has all kinds of horrible bullshit effects, effects that we are unable to perceive of at the moment we make the change.

Still pretty good desu

Go back to the first time I shot up heroin and do more.

At least movies would earn more money.

At least we'd all agree they are shit instead of half of us falling for film school tier attempts at depth and insisting they're good.

I'd go back and convince my mom to have an abortion instead of me.

It'd be for the best, really, and have no consequences because my life has been pointless.

Honestly? I don't have one big regret.

I mean, I have a shit ton of small ones. My life isn't how I wanted it to turn out. God no. But I don't have any one moment where it all went wrong.

And, really, given the powers of The Flash, I think I'd rather just try to live my life as well as I could going forward. Everyone has regrets. Not everyone gets to live a badass, exciting, adventure-filled life. In fact most people don't get that.

Chin up, user.

No ones life is pointless, except the evanposters life.

I'm sure you're destined for great things, you have to expose and exploit your talents.


I'd flashpoint my weight down to normal
More girls would like me
I'd end up getting laid
Probably wouldn't drop out of college so easily

> prevent the Trayvon Martin shooting
> the media becomes un-fucked and SJWs cease to exist

>preventing one shooting gets rid of your SJW boogeyman
Are you retarded?

who the fuck is trayvon martin? isn't the SJW thing older than this anyway?
You should prevent vietnam and hippies if you wanted this

Save my brother from an accident that gave him mental retardation

Nothing because i've taken in stories about time travel before

>you can't travel back further than when you were born

oh my god he tapped into the speed force

>travel to the day i was born
>kill self
>nothing changes because i dont matter

Go back in time and make myself read every flash comics so when i get said powers I'd know how to use em

M80, if you have them now, why wouldn't you just fun to DC HQ and read the archives? It'd take you an hour tops.

I'm only 21, I haven't had many mistakes.

Shit, Spoiler, you're a baby.

fucking time boom

You kinda do. Just imagine all the atoms you've moved around and how those atoms affect other atoms around them simply because you moves them. Also all the photons you've released through the heat of your body.

Stop my younger self from kissing my cousin under the pretense of "practice".

I'd go back in time to prevent my younger self from trusting the person who ended up shooting my cat in the head and dropping my elderly dog off in the middle of the woods. I'd also get the guy arrested for conspiracy of murder since he kept talking about how he was going to kill someone, which he ended up doing, or I would kill him myself.

It'd prevent three deaths so it would probably change something.

wouldnt the speed force just bring you back to normal weight because of the increased metabolism?

Change which college I went to.

Wasted tons of money on a worthless degree at a supposedly ivy-tier school, and stuck in massive debts because of it.

When I was 20, I was barely a not-virgin and was so damn lonely and inexperienced I fucked a 30-something woman with a kid.

Almost immediately I started receiving threats from her friends, and got so paranoid I went out with her again despite having no interest. I got drunk. She got pregnant.

My son was born on my 21st Birthday, and he's living with another family.

I'd probably go back to when I was 15 and tell myself to learn guitar or something.

For the love of god please stay away from Melissa. She has an amazing ass but please past me stay away from her.

How old are you if 21 is a baby to you.

>I'd probably go back to when I was 15 and tell myself to learn guitar or something.
That's actually a good call. I'd go back to myself when I was 5 and tell myself to learn Spanish and take the piano lessons my grandmothers offered me.

28. I don't mean it in a disparaging manner mind you. I've just seen you on here for so long if you had put a gun to my head I would have sworn you were older than 21.

I can see that.

That's a pretty good Johnny Quick design

I would prevent HTTYD by killing the author and burning the book.

This is a very noble post.

I'd go back in time just to eliminate cartoons and comics.

Just to see what happens.

i'd go back in time and stop myself from going to art school

He did a good job, fuck cats.

>shooting my cat in the head
>dropping my elderly dog off in the middle of the woods

Breaking up with the love of my life.

I was emotional and stupid and I soured our relationship beyond repair.

Is this how the holocaust happened?

Preventing my older sister from being murdered.

She would have made more of a difference in the world than I ever could.

I would stop myself from asking my friend to help me get my stolen games back.
Most of the problems in my current life can be traced back to that decision. Luckily that's a relatively recent decision too (not even 5 years ago).

I'd probably scare my child self into pushing himself harder and not being so lazy. Maybe a simple threat like "Do well in school or I'll kill your mother and tongue your anus." I'd follow my past self all day with my super speed to slap him up every time he falters in school, his hobbies, or even thinks about doing something stupid. I'd scare the complete shit out of hm at all hours of the day with my super speed.

user I'm not sure if that will have the end result you're looking for.

I'm a gambling man. Worst case scenario, I end up labeled a schizo and get locked up in a padded room, best case I become a rocket scientist outta fear of getting my mother killed and my anus tongued.

You give him something to look up to.
Not threatin him


Shit thats mad smart bro

Even though I regret a lot of shit I've done, I'd rather live with that than try to change it and make it worse. I would go back 4 years and warn my dad about a bad business decision that made him go bankrupt though.

Choose that OTHER college. Ended up getting a crap degree and untrustworthy friends at the one I ended up going to. Would've had a scholarship at the other one too.

This, but

I'd tell my parents not to pull me out of one of the best public school systems in the country in favor of some new-age therapeutic shit.

Hit him really hard with a giant green boxing glove.

The books were good though, and nothing like the movies.

Go back five years and catch my grandfather when he falls, so he never goes to the hospital, gets a virus in the ER, and dies.

It probably wouldn't change much, but I'd have him back at least.

Oh, yeah, being a mentor to my past self might work out better. Thanks bro I'll keep that mind if I ever tap into the speedforce.

But wait, what if the you that spent all that time being terrorized by you also winds up getting the Flash's powers and becomes your own archnemesis to get his well justified vengeance against himself?

Then I'd go back to stop myself from going back no wasted effort

Nothing because I know how this shit works.

Convince myself in the third grade to do my homework.

Shit, what a psycho.

Feed him some speedforce mumbo jumbo about destiny and hope he cools down.

i'd go back to when i was about 14 or 15 and tell myself to stop being a little shit and work harder because you're not as smart as you think you are