>she had a lot more than that in her system

and heroin and coke and ecstasy and methadone lol

Carrie Fisher had large levels of cocaine, opiates, and other drugs in her system when she died.

Dumb slut deserves what happened to her

The only memorable thing she did in her life was slip on a golden bikini.


>no LSD
She's weaksauce really

Not enough intelligence to not kill yourself by ODing on drugs.

many faps were had indeed

carrie fisher was a drug addicted whore who had no place being a public figure. it is good that she is dead

I can't stand this shit

Ya, but why does that matter?

You are totally correct. She had a cocktail of drugs in her when she died that likely contributed to her mortality.

But why does that matter? Does it justify her death? Did she deserve to die for some reason because she did drugs? As if none of you have ever had a sip of alcohol, or gotten drunk, or smoked some weed once in your life?

The autopsy report is just such a stupid thing to bring up. Like what are you trying to prove to anyone with this information.

>"AHAAAA!!!! See here! She had drugs in her system when she died! I knew it!"

Way to go.


What exactly can't you stand? That there are actually humans in this world that want to support other people who have hit rock bottom before?

What exactly is your problem? And why are you so angry?

This is why you're virgins. Please keep that in mind next time you post a "feels" thread and wonder why you have a nonexistent social life.


Pyschs are the real "hard drugs".

>The autopsy report is just such a stupid thing to bring up. Like what are you trying to prove to anyone with this information.

People want to know how she died

Because it makes fucktards like you mad

Do you think Carrie Fisher was low on drug money for years. Then got episode VII and got a big check and used that on drugs?
Did Star Wars kill Carrie Fisher?

Not "hard", just a lot more fun, a lot of different experiences at once.

She died of cardiac arrest

>This is why you're virgins.

hellloooo roastie

>the mouse killed carrie

they cant keep getting away with it

It's the end result of millennial syndrome mixed in with some modern feminism

Who cares if I die alone from and overdose, coked out of my mind, riddled with STDs, with whatever children and partners I've had hating my very existence with an completely empty life with the only thing I'm looking forward to his my next high?

Just pointing out completely pointless and unhealthy this type of "empowered" lifestyle has become "anti-feminist" so you're going to have millions of people act like going brain dead on an airplane is a "awesome" and "normal" way to die.

Kek i thought the same thing

Dude you are never going to get laid. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.

Why is denying the results of her autopsy a good thing? Highlighting her addiction could actually help people who are at rock bottom realize that this is how they too will end up if they don't change. Since when does it help people who have hit rock bottom to go "eh, you're awesome just the way you are, who cares if you're addicted to hard drugs that will inevitably kill you, let no one tell you otherwise!"

Contributed by all the drugs

Keep defending your beloved junkie princess

Keep crying bitch nigger

Is this the thread where we go out of our way to find SJW shit from twitter that we'd never come across otherwise and spam it here for free (You)'s while pretending like it's this big epidemic instead of just being almost entirely spread by people wanting secondhand attention?

Dakly reminder that the empire is justified, the republic was full of Merkel-level fuckheads, and the rebels are all naive, backwards fucks who cannot keep the peace.

caused massive consumption of hardcore illicit drugs

Woman and their insults. Sheer fucking creativity.

No one is going to act like "going brain dead on an airplane is an awesome and normal way to die".

None of the "millennials" you mention will be saying that.

They (as should the rest of us) don't care about the fact that there were drugs in Carrie's system at the time of death. That fact is inconsequential and trivial. It isn't trivial to her death, but it is trivial to her life, her self worth, and her deserving of that life.

If the first thing you thought of when you read that she had heroin in her system was "she deserved it", you have a problem.


Nigger Colleen Doran is a nice lady who did the art for some of my favourite DC comics. KYS.

I don't think she deserved it but praising someone for OD'ing or just straight up ignoring the facts is idiotic

No one is denying the results of her autopsy.

Secondly, you're trying to tell me that people on drugs don't know that the drugs are bad for them... lol.

Have you ever actually hung out with addicts, or talked to one briefly before? You think they actually think that what they're doing is "awesome" and "totally not unhealthy?"

And when you hit rock bottom, you want support. "Tough love" is a meme. It actually is. It rarely, rarely, works.

When someone hits rock bottom, you give support, you let them know that they are valued as a human and that they can kick this habit with some help and discipline.

You're going to extremes, here.

Who said he was denying? He was just making a positive statement. Now you just seem autistic if you can't tell the difference from a kind remark and denying facts.

She didn't deserve it but you can't feel bad for some old junkie cunt eating it.

Remember when you watched some shitty drug addict movie in school? They didn't do that to shame the people it was based on, but to teach you about the dangers of hard drugs. If we are no longer allowed to ever shine light on any of these tragic examples because it might hurt someone's feelings, it will only lead to more victims of drug abuse.


>praising someone for OD'ing

are you literally autistic?

the idea that liberals and feminist tried to turn her into some kind of role model and female power figure is still weird to me. Nothing about her career is especially node worthy and her private life was a mess

>hardcore drugs
What the fuck are you on? Have you ever even heard of monkeyspunk? Maybe if instead of injecting heroin in her veins she injected lighter fluid and called it heroin then she'd be doing hardcore drugs. Heroin is actually one of the safest things you can inject intravenously, even oxygen injected straight to your veins can cause air bubbles in your bloodstream that can fucking kill you.

Which one of you numales was this?

>When someone hits rock bottom, you give support, you let them know that they are valued as a human and that they can kick this habit with some help and discipline.

Yeah, but that's obviously too late for Carrie now isn't it? So all that's left to do is show where she fucked up as hopefully an example to people in a similar situation to change their life around and not end up like she did.

Joey always has a way with words.

No one is praising Carrie for ODing. I have no idea where you see that.

Even in the tweets posted, no one is praising the fact that she died. And no one is ignoring facts either. No one is denying the fact that she had numerous drugs in her system at time of death.

It's just the way in which these facts are presented that people don't like.

Headlines read: "Carrie Fischer had, X, y, and z in her system at death"

The only good that comes from that is to try and undermine her life or to try and justify her dying. "Oh, she's a druggie, she deserved it."

No one is saying that drugs are okay, that being an addict is healthy, or ignoring the autopsy. It's just how it's framed and covered and conveyed to the public that's wrong. So instead of focusing on the fact that she had heroin in her system at the time of death, people are focusing on her life.

A celebration of life, if you will.

autists don't understand nuance, they take everything at face value.
that's how you get retards who think her drug addiction is being celebrated

my dick

>The only good that comes from that is to try and undermine her life or to try and justify her dying. "Oh, she's a druggie, she deserved it."

Or, you know, EXPLAIN her dying.

She's a druggie, she led an incredibly unhealthy lifestyle which led to her untimely death. Why are millennials so affraid of being confronted by consequences of ones actions?

hey junkie I'm not gonna stop you from shooting up so cool your jets sheesh

Demonstrably incorrect. Specifically the part about "hurting someone's feelings".

My example would be to look at Portugal, and how they've decriminalized all forms of drug addiction and their reforms to drug policy.

The results have been astounding. OD rates plummeted, among other wonderful stats.

No one is trying to beat around the bush when it comes to drugs. But at the time of someones death, we don't need to point fingers and go "See kids, that's why you don't do drugs. You'll end up like Carrie."

You're undermining her life by saying all she was was an addict. And that's the problem. That's not supportive.

When you deal with addiction, people need support. And treating them as just an addict is the problem. They're humans. They have flaws and they also have successes.

fapping to slave leia doesn't make you not a virgin you retard

And midichlorians, lmao

She's totally a roastie

Imagine if anyone in Trumps cabinet, family, or Trump himself had been found dead with even one of those substances in their system.

Im sure the liberals would be very understanding just as much a they are with Miss Fisher.

We get it, you're reeeeeeeaaaaallly hardcore. You know all the real drugs. The goooooood shit. You've seen some shit, and some things too, man.

Must be real edgy.

Because they have to find some way to blame something other than themselves for the problems they have. Capitalism, sexism, racism, etc - nobody wants to take responsibility.

>Did she deserve to die for some reason because she did drugs?

If you shoot up heroin and abuse pills for decades you certainly deserve the consequences.

When did carrie fisher's death turn into a liberals vs conservatives kayfabe rivalry?

>But at the time of someones death, we don't need to point fingers and go "See kids, that's why you don't do drugs. You'll end up like Carrie."

She's been dead for a while now. She already had her funeral, she already had her numerous eulogies and her hundreds of thousands of "fans" telling people on twitter how much they loved her. How much time do you feeble minded people need before you can just accept factual autopsy results without being triggered by them and pretending they somehow are an attack on her life's legacy?

Once again, no. At least not on Twitter.

What you're suggesting just feeds into the "dehumanizing" of a person into nothing more than "addict".

Addicts don't want to be addicts.

I don't know what's worse: Sup Forums trying to take over the board or /r9k/. Although, something tells me there's an overlap of around 100% between both.

>taking monkeyspunk seriously

If we aren't allowed to point out celebrity deaths due to a excessive drug use, then who the fuck are we allowed to point out? Whose feelings are we trying to spare? Her family is dead too. We are more than allowed to point out facts from her life. She was born a celebrity and chose that life.

I just hate that people pretend to give a fuck about Carrie Fisher and Star Wars in general because liking Star Wars is trendy all of a sudden. In reality the only people who actually give a fuck are those who grew up as young adults and teens watching Star Wars as they came out.

Nice one. Millennials, amirite guise?

So lazy, so entitled, so not willing to face consequences.

Are you for fucking real? How out of touch are you?

Why people even care? She was a known druggie, it is not like it was an autopsy of Hillary or something.

This might actually be the most cringeworthy thing I've ever read.

She could never act, had severe drug issues for years, was a total lunatic thanks to those drugs, and her career outside of Star Wars was essentially nonexistent. Why did people give a shit about her?

The fact that opiates were in her system means they were used extremely recently

What did she mean by this

>They aren't making excuses for a WOMAN who died from a DRUG overdose
>that means they must hate women and hate drugs!
>that means they must be from Sup Forums and or /r9k/

Just what is it like to live in this autistic, uber simplified fantasy world of yours?

Carrie Fisher hasn't been relevant for decades. This shit reminds me of all of the "lifelong dr who fans" who crawled out of the woodwork 4 years ago. They just want to be part of something relevant.

If Duterte was found dead with a pile of heroin in his system, yes we would have a field day.

Just in the same way that ministers and conservatives that bash homosexuality, only to be outed when they have a secret gay encounter are.

These are people that are actively doing "wrong". So when they fuck up, it's funny.

Carrie, although an addict, didn't do anything inherently "wrong", especially not to a large group of people. Her addiction was hers alone.

Why do people argue online?

>that means they must hate women and hate drugs!
Why would they need to make excuses at all? Seems to be two things completely missing from your life.

Lack of genuine hardship or difficulty.

>Carrie, although an addict, didn't do anything inherently "wrong"

Expect being a disgusting junkie that ended claiming her life.

Let's just glorify someone who died from years of drug abuse because they made less than a few overrated movies.

>not a hard drug

ok mr jenkim user


The problem isn't even the knowledge of what was in her system, because that information is important in certain contexts.

The problem was the way in which it was presented. And I literally don't have to leave Sup Forums to get examples of this.

The instant the headlines were seen, threads popped up just to make fun of her. Exactly what I've said in my prior comments happened.

That is, people are undermining her life, and reducing her to nothing more than an addict. That's what those headlines do. The proof is here, it's on Sup Forums, and it's on twitter by ignorant people.

Of course we have Carrie's unfortunate battle with addiction as an example of "what not to do". That's not the problem.

So you do admit that only conservatives are deserving of mockery when caught red-handed.
This kind of reasoning is why libshits are losing the cultural war.

>Carrie, although an addict, didn't do anything inherently "wrong", especially not to a large group of people. Her addiction was hers alone.

She promoted drug abuse as a public figure and then died of being a drug addled whore.

I loved her in The Burbs and... the rest of her stellar post-Star Wars career.

Why is this the problem you choose to focus on?

Christ, what is wrong with you people?

>Being a 60+ year old millionaire with nothing but free time
>Not doing drugs whenever just because you can
If I had a guaranteed legacy and unlimited bankroll at the end of my life you can bet I'd spend it having a great time

No, it comes down to having an external locus of control

Nothing is wrong with me. It is everyone else that is wrong.

She wore iconic costumes and did drugs. That's the extent of her contribution to culture. Her career was garbage, and the outpouring of love for her life is beyond confusing.

>it's safe because it doesn't make you overdose on one injection.

I'm going to let the claim on heroin slide since you're probably referring to pure heroin which isn't what people shoot anymore. The shit it's cut with kills them. Regardless, getting addicted to drugs ultimately kills people. Not the use. It's the same way sugar is addictive. It doesn't kill me when I eat a snickers bar or drink a coke. But after 50 years of it my quality of life is gone to shit and my body gives up from the abuse

In the end I don't think sacrificing precious, quality years of your future life for fleeting highs early on is worth it at all

No one is making an excuse for Carrie's death.

Do you people even read the tweets? Or understand what they're trying to convey? Where is there an excuse for her death?

>people are undermining her life, and reducing her to nothing more than an addict.

holy fucking shit get off the internet and check yourself

I don't think doing drugs is inherently a bad thing. Hitler was a junkie and he's the greatest man who ever lived.

but star wars is in right now

Too bad you wouldn't even live to retirement age cause of all the drug abuse. Couldn't even manage drugs properly.

Name something else that wasn't a completely shit cameo riding on the coattails of the one hit she was ever part of.

>coke fiend whore dies
>what a tragedy

Stop doing this. Celebrity worshipping culture is trash.