This is what the Trump supporters sound like unfiltered:

This is what the Trump supporters sound like unfiltered:

Other urls found in this thread:

>that image

anti-size 0 SJWs btfo

Jesus christ, my hope has not turned into depression.

How can the entire media be so fucking biased and everyone is just find with it?

Can't listen to it on mobile Firefox what fake shit did the CTR insert into this?

I know right
Would be cool if the did the same at the DNC or anti-trump protests

nothing like seeing poor trailer trash feel important




>How can the entire media be so fucking biased and everyone is just find with it?

The nation decided centuries ago what kind of society it wants to be. Trump's misguided policies and nutty rhetoric are not part of that scheme.

If this is what just three minutes sounds like, then I can't begin to image what a full trump rally must be like.

This is terrifying...

Draindead hicks calling Hillary a bitch, Obama a "nigger", and protestors "fags".

Isle of Man isn't that rare m8


>I swear, on Tuesday I will go to the polls and vote for Donald Trump.
>an example of violent rhetoric/ radicalization
They literally think disagreeing with them is something that needs to be shut down
They literally want thought police arresting people for believing something they disagree with

Lol you have no idea wtf you're talking about.


oh, all degenerates why isn't that surprising


Notice how all the whites supporting trump are uninformed misguided hating racists. all they can spout is racial slurs and near meme tier rhetoric but can't support their ideas except for "build the wall" or "fuck em" I wouldn't mind hearing what the trump supports ideas are if they were backed by any sort of source or any explanation as to how this would better america. I just see a lot of older white folks who miss the days of the 50's but have to realize their time is over. They had their fun but now its time for America to move on. They can't live in the past forever or it just breeds hate and resentment.

Nobody likes change but it is always for the better in the end. Nobody can see it now because we are all blinded by hate but if you learn to just let that go then we as a human race as one race can move on to progress civilization.


nobody said anything about shutting it down you fucking goon. Way to make giant logical leaps

They went to almost all the rallies, and could only find 3 minutes of stuff like this. SAD!

>NYT has been covering Trump rallys for more than a year.
>We have found 3 minuted of bad behaviour.

Hahaha niggers.

That video makes me feel so good. There is still a real America.

>They literally want thought police arresting people for believing something they disagree with

No. The far left and the far right are both full of ridiculous fucking idiots. SJW's and Trump supporters are the absolutist shitbrains ruining this country.

We don't care what either of you have to say. Noone acting like a fucking ape wearing a shirt "fuck islam" is ever going to be part of a movement that takes over this country.

Being as non PC as possible, Trump supporters are uneducated, white, and poor-- fucking afraid of everyone but their little shitty communities. Fundamentalist dickwads are bad on both sides.

>Being a Trump supporter in the Republican party is like being a fat stupid SJW with orange hair and unhinged screeching

This is what the left support and shills who are paid to support validate.

YEs with people like you around I don't know how anyone can hate.

It is a real fucking mystery.;

Yeah I used to read the NYT and WaPo religiously but they are making no effort to not seem biased. They are there to serve the public interest, not to shill for one political candidate and if you go to "most read articles" half are opinion or blown out minor shit like "CAN YOU BELIEVE TRUMP SAID THIS?" or "How Donald Trump will ruin the country!". Like we get it boomers who already have power don't want the system shook up but you won't honestly address the pros and cons of each candidate and that does the public a genuine disservice.

oh my god this is not the movement I been supporting for a year what happened?

I guess I'll have to move to Gary Johnson now

kek bless Donald Trump

The opposite side got equally, probably more, wackos

May the lord bless you for those dubs

When I imagine a Clinton/far left supporters voice, it sounds similar to screeching and nails going down a chalkboard.

When I imagine a Trump/far right supporters voice, it sounds kind of like gurgling and sounds a sick, rabid animal would make in it's last moments of life.

LOL that photo..

Actual Americans vs a sea of barbarian invaders.

>it sounds kind of like gurgling and sounds a sick, rabid animal would make in it's last moments of life.

Because that is what Trump represents, the last chance for a dying nation.

Did they put a montage of Hillary supporters like Black Lives Matter. these are just words not actual action like murdur of cops. That's tolerable. Fuck NYT, CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC. Perhaps one day someone will start assasinating those editors, then they might have a point

>Perhaps one day someone will start assasinating those editors,

There are just too many people that need to be assassinated at this point.


Meanwhile, anti-Trump protesters burn American flags, wave Mexican flags, attack law enforcement, smash cop cars, and block roads.

exactly what I mean

.06 trumpcoin has been deposited into your paypal account.

Thank you for your post.

Yes, there's nothing stopping anyone from filming Hilary supporters at her rallies.

Can i get a source on this image? Like proof? This would damage the fuck out of her if there is a viable source

No thanks I don't want America to turn into another Brazil. no matter want you PC faggots say multiculturalism wont ever work


At Sanders rallies they were talking about a fucking Communist revolution, but nobody gives a shit because the people who parrot WaPo/NYT/CNN/Mainstream media are all Marxist sympathizers or Marxists themselves.

But yet being part of a movement that says fuck white people is ok with you cunts

Mabey Trump shouldn't have said those stupid things.

Not interested in your shill piece, but good pic.

your anti trump cunts attack people, burn cars, and riot and your ok with that

buy a few people at one rally saying fuck islam and that isn't ok

Wonder if we will see a "Hillary supporters unfiltered"


No, not really.

which just goes to prove that the NYTimes is now just as credible as ...or is just as credible as the NY Times.

>How can the entire media be so fucking biased and everyone is just find with it?

Decades of jew propaganda. They run Hollywood. Every television show and movie pushes their ideology. They run politics. Candidates have to get on their knees for AIPAC if they want to win.

We fought on the wrong side. It will destroy all of Western civilization.

>greatest ally

don't tell me you support She-Devil too?

>Look at me everyone, I dislike both sides, aren't I so fucking smart?


>Actual Americans
If actual americans support Trump, this must mean that the majority of americans arn't "actual" americans.

Look up the 1982 audio recording.

NO one need to shill for the truth, it is evident.

This is so fucking desperate. Who the fuck cares if some guy says "fuck islam" or "fuck beaners"?

Wtf are you CTR faggots even talking about????? Jesus christ, you fucking faggots are way too obvious. Go be faggots somewhere else

>Who the fuck cares

Liberals care and the people they socially pressure care.

>dat pretzel logic doe.

Found the illegal


Fuck! Every goddamn thread you Clintonfags and Trumptards show up and fucking kill the mood.

Shut the fuck up

>new York times

Well if some was telling me that I'm not actually an american, I probably wouldn't feel that bad about burnning an american flag.

>Mfw they're only emboldening people as people realise that far right sentiments are more common than they thought so they become more comfortable expressing them


Implying they didn't have their own people in the crowd saying the juicy bits after they had spent dozens of hours without getting any material to publish in their little hitpiece. These people have already proven beyond any doubt that they have absolutely no compunction about lying to drive their own agenda.

Except for the fact that nobody goes to her rallies.

>all Trump supporters are far right
>far right is bad

Fuck off you Islam apologist nigger loving cuck, i bet you can't even explain what far right is.

anytime you see BLM riots and violence on tv, you are seeing Hilary supporters.

>blacks support Hillary in huge numbers

nice pic. not clicking the link though

Yeah not a bunch of minority leeches. People whos ancestors built the country and sacrificed their lives in wars to defend the our lives and liberty. Not the bolshevek pawns the libs corral as useful idiots to push a totalitarian socialist mega-state. P.S. the majority of voters are pro trump. Clinton has proved to be a manipulator of polls and election data and in soundly in the pockets of the (((media))) that disseminates said polls.

Trump kicked out soneone for wearing fuck Islam shirt.

Trump hates Islam?


Then fucking assimilate or go back fucking home

I was at two Trump Rallies, one in OC, MD, and another in Harrington, DE.

It was too much fun.

lol these guys seem to have nigger tier IQ...
Are these really what trump supporters are like? going to a political rally like its a football game..

Sounds more like he hates free speech.

But what do I know, I am just a shill... right?


Blacks overwhelmingly dont support any candidate unless the candidate is also black

True you might be a shill.

He didn't want that message to represent his private rallies.

Hillary's husband is black, she's black by association.

Who cares? A few days after the inauguration, journalists will dangle from every lamp post. Why? Because it's 2017.


I am not sure if you understand the concept of free speech.

Also, your excuse for Trump is the same that the far left use to push their own agendas.

Free your mind friend, good luck to you.

>calling Hillary a bitch, Obama a "nigger", and protestors "fags".

Yeah, you caught me, that's how I refer to said individuals.

I don't see the issue.

Hilliary is a bitch.

Obama is a fucking nigger.

...and the protesters are fags.

I heard nothing surprising. If this is the best they can edit together after attending so many rallies, I am encouraged by their impotence.

>unfiltered voices
Here you go goy, here's a pre-selected and specially (((chosen))) clip of """unfiltered""" Trump supporters!

>Follow all the rallies
>Get only 3 minutes worth of clips and a lot of it isn't even that bad
>Leave out the part that angry leftists started a lot of shit to make people fed up with them

All the top comments with thousands of likes on the NYT are virtue signalling as fuck though.

Do any actual intellectuals support trump?


>If you don't speak English and don't contribute, get out
What the fuck? This is a perfectly normal position to take, you cucks.

Niggers, spics, and faggots against White Americans.

Yep, about right.


>I'm too stupid to have actually read and understood your comment: The post

Critical thinking is hard huh

Not openly.

As you highlight there is social pressure to be against him.

kinda hate it when Sup Forums is right

Not that I know of, most I meet on both sides of the aisle are slaves to their own emotions and rarely use thought before speaking or acting. It's sad.